Clear Heart Mansion

Entering the city, Xing Chen hasn't found expected scene of hustle and bustle of peoples or big houses everywhere, instead what greeted him was a plain land area, while the people and carriages which went before them continue to move forward and dispersed in different directions from that rural area.

"Uncle, did we enter the wrong place?" Xing Chen who's confused by this scene asked in a doubtful tone.

Xing Lei looked at his uncertain and doubtful look, laughed secretly in his heart, but on face without any change in his expression and said, "Naturally not, after entering the wild city, a ten miles of circular area forming a ring in the outermost area of the city is especially left vacated by the lord of this city because of the beast tides that wild city has to face every once in few years, so this empty place is acting as the last hurdle to keep beasts away from approaching the populated areas,"

"Think for a while, if next to the entrance gate inside the city is the populated areas than if some ferocious beasts entered the city through some loopholes than the person who'll first to die are obviously those people who live near the gate, so that's why this place is uninhabited."

"Also there are many military posts after every ten miles from the one station to another where hundreds of soldiers are deployed, naturally these soldiers aren't ordinary people."

"So it's like this!" After listening to the explanation of Xing Lei, Xing Chen finally understood the whole situation.

"Then where are we going next? Are we going to a hotel to live in or directly goes to arena?"Xing Chen asked again.

"Well, we are not going to hotel, not, the arena."

"Then?" Xing Chen was surprised by his answer.

"Un, the thing is, since we have a big villa here so why goes and lives in a hotel, as for arena we'll go tomorrow morning." He replied.

"Uncle! Didn't you told me earlier that we don't own even a house in wild city let alone a big villa in this city!?" Xing Chen was annoyed and asked angrily.

He still remembers, because he was fascinated by the stories he listened to, about all kinds of cities, so when he was young, everytime he left for training with Xing Lei, he pleaded him that he wanted to go there, but his uncle wasn't willing to lead him there, and he'll come up with excuses everytime.

"Ah..haha! Did I say something like that?" Xing Lei rubbed the hairs from the back of his head and laughed awkwardly.

"You said!" Xing Chen stubbornly looked at him and uttered those words while grating his teeth forcefully.

"Ahem!, we are getting late let's go" saying this Xing Lei pulled the reins and hurriedly ran forward.

Xing Chen looked at him bitterly and followed.

An hour later!

Finally, arrived in an inhabitated area, Xing Chen finally knows what's called the sea of people, on a spacious road all kinds of steeds and carriages galloping, rows of shops on both side of the road selling all kinds of stuff and different types of materials from food and snacks to precious items like jewelry, medicinal herbs, meat, spices, etc, even many hawkers set up the stalls on the road screaming and shouting loudly, while people bargaining with them, and hustle and bustle of people reached its peak.

The road where they were, also leads to many other roads and streets, together with all kind of shops, there are also many small and big houses made of wood and brick stones.

"Compared to small village market this place is hundreds of times better." took a deep breath he said.

Said that he's not excited, it's definitely false, although he is excited, but he's not showing it on his face.

Sweeping his gaze left and right, looking at the hustle and bustle Xing Chen clenched his hands into fists excitedly as his eyes shone with brilliance.

"Hehe, this is just the outermost area of city and this road is just an ordinary one with a regular small market, if you saw the real cultivators market in the center of the wild city, you'll find that this small market is nothing."

"Really!" Xing Chen asked surprising tone.

"Un!" Xing Lei slightly nodded and continued to said: "Ok, stop looking, we have to hurry, wild city is huge and our mansion is still two-three hours from this place, if you want to appreciate the beauty of this city you can do it afterward."



Digesting the information, Xing Chen Pulling the reins of his horse and followed him.

Soon both of them left the crowd and more than two hours later they arrived in an open area full of lush mountains and greenery, on the biggest peak a small waterfall flowing downward, there is a huge palace stood erect in the middle of the mountain next to the waterfall.

The entire scenery is breathtaking, the green mountains, gorgeous waterfall, on the top of the peak, mist and clouds are floating and a huge palace covered with fog, faintly visible look mystical and otherworldly as if an immortal palace.

"T... This is our mansion in wild city!?" looking at the amazing scenery Xing Chen muttered in a low voice.

"How? Shocked?" Xing Lei stood next to him smiled indifferently and said.

"Um, it's fantastic!"

Xing Chen nodded vigorously.

"The name of this Mansion is Clear Heart Palace, and the Mountain peak is also called Qing Xin Mountain, the mountain and Palace gifted by City lord of Wild City to our Xing Clan." Watching the beautiful scenery Xing Lei explained to him.