Wild City Lord 'Chen Hao'

"Ok, it's not good to tell you everything while standing here, let's go and enter the palace."Xing Lei said.

"Um!" Xing Chen also nodded.

Soon both of them arrived at the entrance of the Qing Xin Palace, looking at six-meter high and three meters wide black colored metallic door on which different kinds of beasts and birds even plants and trees are carved by gold, Xing Chen took a deep breath.

Before they also passed from the city entrance door, although that bronze door was big almost thirty meters in length and ten meters in width, but it looks simple and exudes the air/qi of withering, unlike the door in front of him which is exuding the auspicious atmosphere.

Naturally, solely the art made on the gate won't attract his attention, rather what attracted his attention was the material of the gate.

Because the door was exuding a dignified and auspicious aura so Xing Chen wanted to check the data of this gate, what was surprising that after checking it with the appraisals function he found out that the entire gate is made of a yellow rank low-grade metal 'Black Spirit Iron' while the golden metal on the door is called 'Spirit Gold' which is also a yellow rank low-grade metal ore and is evolved from an ordinary gold.

Anyway, without further ado, Xing Lei went forward and pushed the doors and opened the gate.

After opening the door in front of them presented a spacious and well-maintained entrance area full of beautiful scenery, after they entered the palace, Xing Chen continued to appraise everything with the system's function while admiring the scenery.


While Xing Chen was admiring the scenery of Qing Xin Palace, in the entrance of a huge majestic and dignified mansion somewhere in the 'Ancient Wild City' a black horse stopped and a soldier wearing black armor stepped down from that steed, and walked towards the gate.

"Stop! Without permission or entry token you're not allowed to enter."

Just as the black-armored soldier wanted to enter the grand mansion he was stopped by the guard wearing a Silver colored armor while holding a sword standing on the left side of gate looking at him coldly.

Hearing this, the guard in black armor stopped his footsteps hastily, he almost forgot that this place is not an ordinary city guard who could enter, although he's captain of an inspection team of southeast gate but in front of this silver armored guard he's nothing just an ant.

Unlike him, the silver armored guard is one of the 'Silver Sword Guards' of City Lord Mansion and to become a Silver Sword Guard you must enter 'Elementary Yuan Realm' before the age of Forty. While soldier like him who only entered the 'Qi Sea Realm' at the age of fifty, can never have a chance to become one of them.

If Xing Chen was here he'll definitely be able to recognize the black-armored guard because he's the guard whom Xing Lei showed the golden token more than two hours ago.

Taking a deep breath the black-armored guard calmed himself reluctantly.

"Senior, I'm Li Bao the captain of third Inspection team from southeast city gate, I have something very important to notify City Lord, so please let me pass." Saying this he also showed a Bronze colored badge to the Silver armored guard.

Hearing this Silver armored guard looked at the bronze badge and closely examined it, after a few seconds later confirming the authenticity of the badge, the cold expression on his face lessened.

"Your identification badge is real, but still you can't enter because you don't have an entry token, if you have something to say just tell me I'll notify the City Lord." Even after confirming the identity of Li Bao he still didn't let him enter the City lord mansion.

Seeing that the Silver armored guard still didn't let him enter the gate, Li Bao could not help but become anxious.

After thinking for a moment Li Bao made the decision, clenched his teeth, and said: "Senior, this matter only I could tell City lord personally, please notify City lord that it is related to Qinglong Mountain Village."

Saying this Li Bao nervously looked at the Silver Sword Guard.

On the other hand, after learning that this matter is related to Qinglong mountain village the silver Sword Guard startled first then his cold face changed and his expression becomes heavy and dignified.

"Are you sure it's related to Qinglong Mountain Village?" he asked solemnly.

"Senior, please, believe me, I'm serious this matter is very important and if I didn't tell the City lord in time, the consequences is not we both can bear!" Li Bao said in a serious tone.

Looking at Li Bao's firm yet anxious expression Sword guard almost confirmed that he's not lying, after hesitating for a moment he glanced at him and said: "You wait here, I go and inform City lord!"

"Many thanks, senior!" hearing his reply Li Bao finally relaxed a bit.

The silver armored guard didn't say anything again and just nodded, after that he hurriedly ran inside the city lord mansion.

After less than few minutes later, the silver armored guard returned, glanced at him, and said After I told City lord that it's something related to that place he said that to bring you as quick as possible so follow me now."

Saying this the Silver guard hinted him to follow as he walked back towards the mansion.


Li Bao replied and followed him hastily.

Soon both of them arrived near outside of the discussion hall, silver armored guard went forward and knocked on the door gently, and stepped back again.

"Come in!"

After he knocked at the door, less than a few seconds later a vigorous and dignified sound resounded outside the hall.

After he knocked at the door, less than a few seconds later a vigorous and dignified sound resounded outside the hall.

Hearing the voice, silver armored guard gestured at Li bao to enter the hall room and he himself left afterward.

Li bao thanked the guard and pushed the door to open it and entered the hall nervously.

Must know the person he is going to meet is the lord of Ancient Wild City, a person above ten of millions of people, in his life he only saw him just once from afar and never had a chance to contact with him so obviously he's nervous.

After he entered the room he saw a middle-aged man of forty years or less sitting on the big seat in front of him while looking at him indifferently.


Looking at the person in front of him Li bao swallowed his saliva secretly.

The middle-aged man is not extremely handsome nor ordinary just a good-looking one, height almost one meter eight, wearing cyan-colored gown, broad and muscular chest, black hair which are tied over the head like a bun, distinct facial features, with broad forehead, a bit of thick eyebrows and light brown eyes with flash of wisdom passed through them, straight nose and proportional lips, cheeks are slim with an edged chin.

The middle-aged man exuding an easy-going and dignified aura which is contradictory to each other but still blends extremely well, giving people a kind and dignified feeling.

This middle-aged man is the City Lord of Ancient Wild City as well as the patriarch of Chen Family, Chen Hao!

Chen Hao looked at the nervous Li Bao smiled slightly and said: "Your name is Li Bao right? Well, just now I listened to Sword Guard saying that you want to tell me something related to Qinglong Village? Is it true?"

"Y..Yes.s.s M..My Lord..d!" Li Bao replied stammeringly.

To be honest Li bao felt extremely difficult to talk, although Chen Hao is just sitting there and completely converged his aura and even there is a faint smile on his face but still Li bao felt incredibly intense and heavy pressure lingering around him, he never thought that on the first time talking to City lord he becomes so nervous that even spitting words from his mouth become so difficult.

"Don't be so nervous, take it easy and explain to me what happened?" Chen Hao also felt he's under pressure so told him to be at ease.

"Many thanks, Lord!" Li Bao thanked him first then he took a deep breath and said: My Lord, I was inspecting the southeast gate of city more than two hours ago, at that time when I was inspecting the goods of some merchants, at that time two people wearing black gown and silver mask while riding ordinary wild horses come near me, at that time I was shocked and vigilantly looked at them, one of them come near me and showed me a Golden token of City lord mansion on which is 'Xing' is written, after seeing it I was shocked and let them pass without inspection.

"After they left the gate I notified some spy guards to follow them secretly through communicating jade and just an hour ago I got a message from one of the spy guards that both of them entered the Qing Xin Palace which is Xing Clan's residence in Wild City so I left the gate quickly as fast as possible to notify you and just arrived less than ten minutes ago." Li Bao explained step by step the whole incident.

"Are you sure!?" Chen Hao amazed by his confession asked in a dignified tone.

"Y..Yes! Lord, I'm absolutely sure about this at least I personally saw Golden token which is given by you to Xing Clan." Li bao vowed solemnly.

After listening to him Chen Hao was shocked, he hasn't thought that person from Xing Clan finally willing to come to his Wild City, this is big news for him, in truth Xing Clan is mystical and mysterious family in everyone's eyes and although he once meets with the Xing Clan person but he gave him incomprehensible feeling, must know his cultivation base is not low and even in entire Eastern barren land could be rank forefront, but he still unable to see through a can member of Xing Clan let alone their patriarch whom he never meet so that's why he always wanted to contact them and have a friendly alliance with them but because they were not willing, so he reluctantly buried this impossible wish but now after almost ten years later they are willing to come here which is truly worth his attention and time as well.