
Chapter 4

As soon as I made it to my room, everything I felt was pent up, just snapped and released. I started running around the room, destroying anything I could. I was overcome with pain and anger. Pain because I had lost my family, I wasn't welcomed here, and not even my soulmate wanted me. I was angry because fuck her for bringing me here if she fucking knew that she didn't want me. She ruined my fucking life. I heard a knock at the door and threw a vase at it.

"Fuck off. I do not want to speak to anybody!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and continued to pace into the closet and throw all of the clothes everywhere. I felt arms snake around me from behind and felt them hold me close to them. I tried to shake them off, but the grip only got tighter.

"Let me go. Now." I said in a broken voice as my legs gave out from under me, and my whole body racked with sobs. I can't do this. I can't be here anymore. I'm not welcomed, I'm not loved, this isn't home. The person lowered to the floor with me and still held me with my back against them as they leaned against the wall.

I started to feel my body relax, and my tears started to fall at a slower pace. Whoever was holding me sensed it and loosened their grip on me. They kept one arm wrapped around me, and the other went up to stroke their hand through my hair. I felt their cheek rest on the side of my head as they exhaled in content or maybe relief. I started to notice the tingles and warmth running through my body wherever their body was touching mine. I felt safe and content for the first time of me being here. I felt them kiss the side of my head close to my hair, sending a shockwave through me.

"I'm so sorry, my soulmate." She spoke so softly and lovingly into my ear. She held me closer to her. "I would never reject you. I may have come off cold, but I don't think you know how long I have been waiting for you. I'm never letting you go. You. Are. Mine." She softly growled the last words into my ear, making me shiver as electricity went up and down my spine. I know I said earlier that I wasn't property, but the way she just said that makes me feel some type of way. I'm not even going to try and lie.

I wrapped myself around her arms tighter and snuggled my back more into her, and laid my head against her chest. I heard the beautiful thrumming of her heartbeat.

"I'm sorry too. I don't know what came over me. I'm so sorry for the mess." She kissed the side of my head again before she shifted me to where I was now straddling her lap and looking into her eyes. My breath caught in my throat because I noticed she had been crying too. Except her tear tracks glimmered almost as if there was actually glitter in her tears. I quickly moved my thumb under her eyes gently and wiped off the tear tracks. It broke my heart to see her like this.

"It's okay. I picked up the dining room table and threw it through the wall after you left the room. You may not feel the pull as strong as me right now, but I know you can feel it. It's overwhelming, especially when rejection gets brought up." She brought her hand up to my face and tenderly caressed it.

"You're mine forever, Lareina." The way my name rolls off her tongue. Ecstasy.

"Please don't reject me." She whispered out softly. I could hear her heartbreaking, even saying the word. It broke my heart too. I put my hand over the one she had on my face and leaned into it. I closed my eyes, enjoying the warmth and tingles she provided just by touching me.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at her. I had a sudden urge to kiss her. I started becoming overwhelmed with butterflies. I was so nervous, flicking my eyes between hers and her lips. She noticed and then looked down at my lips as well. I decided to just go for it, and I leaned in until my lips were touching hers. My whole body rippled in satisfaction.

My lips were on fire, and the flames engulfed my body. Her lips were so soft and full. She tasted like raspberries and mint. She smelled intoxicating. My brain was scattering as this simple kiss has now turned into a very passionate one.

She picked me up and took me to the bed, but the moment didn't last long. She quickly got out of my grip and was now standing up from the bed. Looking like she had an epic war inside herself trying to find her self-control. I don't blame her; I'm feeling the same way. I feel like my emotions have never been this heightened before in my life.

We were both trying to catch our breath and slow our heart rates back down. She then looked back up to me in my eyes and closed the distance again. This time it was just a soft, simple kiss that she broke way too soon for my liking. I huffed as she pulled away, and she just lightly chuckled at my childish behavior. I could feel myself pouting. When did I become such a child?

"Don't pout, my love. I assure you we have plenty of time to get to where you want to be right now, but I don't think you're ready for that." I huffed but still mostly melted when she said, my love.

"I'm a grown woman, though. I know what I am and am not ready for." I looked at her feeling the frustration dig its claws into me. She just smiled and shook her head.

"There is much that we don't know about each other still, and much you don't realize will happen once we are intimate. So no, I don't think you are ready till you have read all the fine print. Do you even know my name?" She asked smugly with a raised eyebrow. She knew I didn't know her name. I grabbed the collar of her shirt and brought her closer to me. Our lips barely apart.

"What's your name?" I whispered out.

"My name is Noor." So simple yet so beautiful. I pulled away and looked her in the eyes.

"Such a beautiful name. What does it mean?" I've always loved learning the meaning of names. I'm always so curious.

"It basically means the light. My parents fell in love with the name traveling on Earth. It's ironic, really." I raised my eyebrows, and I could tell my eyes were swimming with curiosity.

"I am the queen of all fae now. We used to be separated into light and dark fae until my mother and father found out they were soulmates. They combined their inherited kingdoms to make one. I am half dark fae and light fae, yet they only name me after light. I guess they just saw a glow in my eyes." I smiled at this.

"That sounds like one hell of a love story. I would love to hear it all. I'm sure it wasn't widely accepted at the time." She just nodded her head.

"I'll be sure to have my parents tell you all about it once they are back from their travels. They'll be so happy I've found my beloved." She smiled at me and then broke eye contact to look around the room.

"You did quite the damage. I know this may seem soon, but would you want to stay in my room with me? It could be temporary if you'd like or the long term. I won't touch you… unless you want me to." She said with a smirk growing on her face. I just lightly laughed. This woman is honestly going to be the death of me.

"I would very much like that." I smiled, and she smiled back. Her smile was breathtaking. The way her eyes were sparkling right now made me so happy.

She helped me off the bed and led me down to the hallway on the other side, past the grand staircase hand in hand.