
Chapter 5

When we got to her room, she opened the door for me, and I went in first. I smiled at her chivalry, but it was soon smacked off of my face when I looked at her bed and saw a fully naked woman in it posing… waiting. Not just any random women, oh no, it just had to be that bitch from earlier. I was seething. She was completely caught off guard when she saw me but didn't move to cover up. She looked behind me.

"My light. What is this human doing in our room?" She asked in an annoying sultry upset voice. I turned around, looked at Noor, and then rolled my eyes.

"Oh yeah. That's real classy, Noor. Have fun with that puta." I brushed past her and b-lined straight towards the door. I started muttering to myself.

"I am so stupid. I knew they were fucking. This girl may be a total bitch, but I knew that I could never compare to her."

I was caught by the arm and felt the tingles shoot through and was starting to grow even more pissed off. I turned around and looked her straight in the eyes.

"Get your filthy fucking hands off me. Fuck you; go back to your whore." I ripped my arm out of her grip and started to walk away.

When I looked back, I saw her look back at the bitch on the bed and then back at me. What I saw in her eyes completely put out the fire growing inside of me and shattered my heart into pieces. She was legitimately torn and was even contemplating. I thought soulmate bonds were supposed to be stronger than this. I thought I was supposed to be the only one she needed… The only one she wanted. I just shook my head as I felt the first tear fall down my face, and I walked out and away from her. I didn't go back to my room. Instead, I decided to explore this huge palace and find a way out of here.

I finally found myself out of the house in what looked to be a massive garden of sorts. It was almost like a maze and looked like the backyard went on forever. I decided to follow the maze to the right and keep going till it finally led me to this beautiful pond. The water looked so blue as if it was illuminating. It had a cute bridge that went over it and beautiful flowers surrounding the area. I saw a huge tree off to the side and decided to sit there and just enjoy the peace. Soon the gentle sound of the wind rippling the water lulled me to sleep. I was so exhausted.

I woke up, still leaning against the tree. When my eyes finally adjusted to my surroundings, I realized it was night time. The stars looked absolutely beautiful here. They littered the sky, and there were three moons. One a red color, one violet, and the other kind of like the moon on earth, but had a slight blue tint. Looking out more, it's like you could see small galaxies up close. This was probably one of the most breathtaking masterpieces I have ever seen. I then looked out over the pond to find it was still illuminating a bluish glow with lily pads floating here and there. I noticed the water ripple a bit more than usual, and then all of a sudden, a gorgeous woman popped out of the water. I immediately flew back further against the tree. Her eyes were huge and glowing this aqua color. Her ears were pointy, and her long blonde hair was braided back. She looked at me curiously then started to giggle.

"Don't worry; I won't hurt you." Her voice was so alluring and calming. It's almost as if it beckoned me to come closer.

"You're beautiful, and you're voice. I don't think I've ever heard anything more alluring." I was kind of startled by how much my voice sounded like I was in a trance. I started to scoot closer to her as she leaned her elbows onto the grass and propped her face in her hands, just looking at me.

"So are you. You are not from here, are you? I've never seen you here."

"Yeah, they brought me here from Earth. Apparently, I'm Noor's mate."I scoffed and rolled my eyes. She raised her eyebrow at my annoyed tone.

"You are not happy to be mates with Noor?" I shrugged my shoulders and sighed.

"It's not that I'm not happy. It's just I don't think I can trust her. I don't know, maybe things are different for supernaturals who find their mates, but in my world, when you're with someone dating exclusively or married. You don't date other people. Obviously, there's cheaters and the occasional open relationship, but for the most part, we are monogamous." She looked at me a little confused.

"Monogamous means only one person, you don't date, or touch in any sexual/sensual way another person." She nodded her head in understanding.

"Well, our kind is very loyal to our mates. I am positive it is the same for Fae." I shook my head and scoffed.

"Well, I wish I was your mate then because I walked into my mate's room, and she had a naked woman in her bed. The women even asked why I was in their room. They share it." I started to feel my anger start to rise again. Immediately I felt a cool smooth hand on mine. I looked up to see a concerned look on this stranger's face. I believe she's a siren.

"It'll be okay. It is not uncommon for our kind to have companions before we find our mates. Companions are like fillers. Some supernaturals go hundreds of years without ever finding their mate, so they find someone or more than just one to fill the void. They are missing their other half, and for the supernatural, it takes a huge toll on us, especially when it's been a very long time. Once the mate comes along, though, the Companions won't be of importance anymore." She smiled lightly. This made me feel slightly better, but she was still sleeping with her, and I was already here. It took me like a full day, almost two, to travel to their world, so she's known for a while I was her mate and was still seeing this whore, and she's still here. I lightly smiled back at this lovely creature, but I know it didn't reach my eyes.

"Thank you, while that does make me feel slightly better. It also doesn't. When I looked back at Noor before I left the room, she was looking between the whore in her bed and me like she was torn between us. Contemplating on what she should do. Her eyes didn't show me I was above that woman in her bed at all. It showed me that she didn't know who to choose." I sighed, feeling my heartache.

"Noor and I have known each other for a very long time, and I had met her well after she stopped aging. It's been at least 500 years since we became friends, and she brought me here. So that's over 500 years of her waiting for you. She hasn't ever shown me her companion, but if I had to guess, she's kept the same one for a very long time. I believe you are definitely above this companion of hers, but maybe she feels torn because she doesn't want to hurt her too. Just because we are not human does not mean we don't feel emotions. I would ask her if she's still been sleeping with her since you've gotten here. If she has... Well, honestly, that's not the Noor I know. We have spent countless hours talking about meeting our mates. Her companion is still mateless, and once Noor isn't there to fill that spot, she will be absolutely devastated, and as much as you may not like it, that it will devastate Noor. She has a huge heart." I just nodded.

I didn't have the words to respond to everything she just told me. It honestly opened my eyes a bit more. I shouldn't have been so cruel and just heard them out. I still don't really like that redheaded bitch, but at the same time, I get why she's acting the way she is. I hope she finds her mate. Not just because I want her to back off of mine, but I would hate to be in her shoes.

"Thank you. I feel a lot better now. I hope we can talk everything out tomorrow. May I come to see you more often…"

"Serenity." She said with a smile.

"Serenity. A beautiful name for a beautiful woman. May I come to see you more often? I feel like we are going to be very close?" She smiled back, and what looked like a hint of a blush.

"Of course you can. What is your name?"

"Lareina. Are you a siren?" Her face adorned with a dazzling smile that was directed at me.

"Beautiful name for such a beautiful woman as well, and yes, I am. Go inside and get some rest. I'm sure Noor is freaking out looking for you." I could feel my face heat up as well, but I was confused if she was looking for me or anyone else, it would be easy to find me. She just smiled.

"Secrets to share for the next time." She winked and then dove back under the water.