Chapter 3


If I didn't know any better, I would have thought I was having a heart attack. Miss Harrington, our principal, glared at us from under her glasses. It wasn't her stone-cold look that was scaring me, but her hand that was currently rested on the phone as she got ready to dial my Father.

"You realize we do not accept that kind of behavior here, right boys?" she spoke in a calm voice, but I could hear the underlying anger she was trying to repress, "What an earth were you two thinking, fighting in the middle of the hallway for anyone to see? Especially you Trevor!"

Trevor had a disinterested look on his face, staring out the window. I knew from experience he would never get into any trouble. His Mother or Father would storm down here in ten minutes if they found out their perfect son had gotten detention. He shrugged his shoulders carelessly, not even bothering to look at her. She pursed her lips, knowing she couldn't say anything.

Xeros on the other hand had a neutral expression, sitting upright as he respectfully listened to Miss Harrington lecture away.

"And you, Isla!"

I snapped my gaze away from Xeros', my eyes widening in surprise, "Me?" I echoed, pointing at myself.

What had I done?

She shot me a deadly glare, "How is it, you're always the one involved?"

"Wait, but I didn't do anything!" I protested loudly, "I was just watching -"

"And it didn't dawn on you to call a teacher?" she interrupted, raising a?sharp brow, "You decided it was better to just stand there and watch?"

"I...Well no..." I stuttered, lowering my gaze, "That's not what I meant..."

"You kids will be the death of me," she muttered, massaging her temples, "I've already contacted your parents," she nodded at Trevor, "I'll sort something out with them, so don't worry."

Trevor scoffed under his breath, rolling his eyes not-so-discreetly.

Pretending she didn't notice, she turned to Xeros, "Your parents didn't answer, but I left them a message."

With a heavy sigh she turned to me, "I'll give your Father a call now."

Adrenaline floods me, pumping and beating like it's trying to escape. My heart felt like it was about to explode, my eyes wide in panic and fear. While my mind was screaming at me to run and hide, my body betrayed me by staying motionless. Small beads of sweat collected at the top of my forehead, trickling down to my brow.

"Wait!" I suddenly exclaimed, freezing when everyone turned to look at me. Both Trevor and Xeros had curious looks on their faces at my outburst. I let out a forced laugh, leaning back in my chair, "My parents are currently...away for a business trip so they won't answer their phone." I fibbed.

Miss Harrington shrugged her shoulders, dismissing me, "I can just leave them a message. They will eventually see it."

I cursed discreetly under my breath. I knew Miss Harrington despised me, so trying to get anything to go in my favor with her around was practically impossible.

"Actually, their phones are completely broken!" I cried out desperately as she picked up the phone. She heaved a sigh, shooting me an annoyed look.

"Yeah, they actually dropped it in a tub of boiling water and they haven't gotten around to getting new ones yet..." I trailed off, crossing my fingers behind my back.

"I'll give it a go anyways. If not, I'll have to get them to come in when they're back," she snapped, punching in the numbers.

My stomach sank in as she held the phone up to her ear. I knew Father would answer the phone, he always did. Once he found out I was in trouble...I didn't want to begin to think how angry he would be. Dread crept down my spine, like a spider leaving a trail of silk.

"You okay?"

I jumped at Xeros' voice came from right beside me. I turned to see a concerned look on his face. His eyes, I noted, were a mix of both light and dark. They were almost bewitching; holding so much emotion in one simple glance.

Blinking rapidly, I nodded my head, and forced a bright smile on my face, "Yeah, of course."

My gaze swiveled back to Miss Harrington as she held the phone, patiently waiting. I watched with panicked eyes as the phone began to ring out.

One ring...

Two rings...

Three rings.

"Hello? Is this Mister Leighton? Good morning Sir, I'm calling in regards to your daughter being involved in a fight earlier on today..."

My stomach dropped, as soon as she began to speak. I felt a slight tremble in my hands, as my Father's unintelligible voice talked back. Blocking everything else out, I roughly ran a hand over my face. There was no chance I would ever be able to avoid what would happen to me tonight.

"Right, that's all three of you done," Miss Harrington's voice broke through, "You can leave now."

I was the first to stand, my knees shaking as they threatened to give out any second.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Xeros muttered quietly to me, coming to stand beside me, "You look pale."

Anger and frustration boiled inside of me. It churned within, suffocating me. I knew the pressure of this anger would force me to say things I didn't mean. But as I looked at Xeros, I couldn't help but place the blame on him. With the anger, came the guilt for wanting to push the blame on someone else. I was the one who stood still, as I watched them beat each other bloody. How could I blame Xeros completely, or even Trevor for this?

"Yeah," I whispered, hopefully shooting him a convincing smile, "I'm okay."

I wasn't okay; in fact, I was the furthest thing from okay, but hopefully, I would be soon enough.

"This is the second phone call this month."

Father's voice was eerily calm as he sat at our broken table, his cold and calculating eyes fixed on me. I stood in front of him with my arms folded behind my back, staring down at the floor in shame.

"It's not how Miss Harrington described," I tried to explain in a panic, "I was just -"

In less than a second, he swept his hand across the table, knocking the two beer bottles to the floor. I let out a shriek, ducking my head as he grabbed another other bottle, aiming it at me. They shattered on the floor and walls, the millions of glass shards falling around me. They pricked my skin, small red dots of blood appearing on my arms and legs. I didn't move as he suddenly kicked back his chair, letting it fall to the ground with a bang. His eyes were enlarged, a vicious look entering them.

Fear traveled in my veins, but nothing in my face betrayed my fear. I kept a mask of surety and defiance, looking at Father with steady eyes, while all I wanted to do was cry.

"What did I tell you at the beginning of the year?!" his voice raised, slowly, but surely. He leaned closer to me, grasping my chin as he forced me to look him in the eyes.

"That I was to keep my head down," I whispered in a small voice.

Father grabbed me by my collar, pinning me against the wall. I let out a choked cry as he tightened his iron grip.

"Do you think I should accept this kind of behavior in my house?!" he yelled and I shook my head rapidly.

"N-No," I stuttered in a strained voice.

His balled fist raised above his head. I clenched my eyes shut tightly, as he let it loose into my stomach. I doubled over in his hold, my hands immediately clutching my stomach.

"Why is it that you never understand what I tell you unless it's fucking beaten into you?!"

He dropped me to the floor carelessly, letting me collapse in a heap. Raising his foot, he brought it down on me. I let out a pained cry, lifting my hands up in a futile attempt to protect myself.

"Why." Slam. "Do." Punch. "You." Kick. "Make." Slap. "Me." Strike. "Do this!"

My eyes fluttered open to see Devin hiding behind the door, his eyes wide and fearful as he watched. I could feel blood trickling down my face, but I managed a weak smile as I shook my head discreetly. Tears glistened in his eyes as he watched Father, unable to control himself. My heart ached, as all I wanted was to crawl over, hugging him in my arms.

My back arched off the floor in pain, as Father delivered one final blow to my face, his shoulders heaving in anger. He spat down at me, his breaths coming out shallow.

"One more phone call," he muttered, bending down to my level, "And you're dead."