Chapter 4


In an attempt to keep my face as straight and pain-free as possible, I bit down on my tongue. Each step felt like I was stepping on sharp needles, the pain traveling up my entire body. The burning sensation in my stomach felt like someone was holding a match against my skin.

No one seemed to notice the way I drunkenly stumbled over to my desk. I collapsed in my seat, a sigh of relief escaping my lips. Xeros turned his head curiously, as I let out a pained groan.

"What's wrong with you?"

I shook my head lightly, tossing him a half-dazed smile, "Absolutely nothing."

He snorted, "Right, I'm sure that's why you looked like you just had about ten shots and tried to walk home after it."

"Oh, go away," I groaned, placing my head on my folded hands, "I can't deal with you today."

He let out a deep chuckle, "Fine, I'll try and tone down my annoying behavior for today."

"Thank you," I mumbled tiredly, "How generous of you."

He fell silent for a moment, while I shut my eyes. Devin wouldn't stop crying last night, as I spent half the night trying to console him. I knew seeing his sister getting beaten bloody was something that any ten-year-old would be frightened of.

"Do you want to ditch?"

My eyes snapped open in a second. Xeros looked down at my resting figure with a serious gaze.


He shrugged his shoulders carelessly, "I don't particularly want to be here, and you look like you haven't slept in three days."

"Thanks for the compliment," I shot him a dry look, "You really know how to make a girl feel good about herself."

"I call it as I see it," he said, letting out a small laugh, "So?" Raising a pierced brow, he shot me a convincing smile.

I hesitated as my Father's words rang through my head. One more call and you're dead. While I would consider myself somewhat of a risk-taker, when my life was on the line, I would definitely be the one who plays it safe.

Heaving a heavy sigh, I looked at Xeros apologetically, "I'm sorry, I just can't."

"Can't or won't?" he challenged.

I sat up in my seat properly, turning to face him. "I can't," I repeated, unsure as how to explain it without giving too much away. "I don't want to get in trouble."

He nodded his head respectfully, "Didn't think you would be one of those girls, but it's fine."

I raised my eyebrow sharply, "One of those girls?" I echoed.

"You know..." he trailed off with a small smirk pulling at the edges of his lips, "The ones who only care about their school life, and not their social."

I chuckled, "Is this your way of reverse 'psychologing' me into going?"

"Is it working?"

I let out an amused laugh, "I mean, kind of?"

"Well, what if I promise you, your parents won't find out?"

I blinked at him, looking for any signs of humor but he kept his gaze steady.

"Why would you think that's what's important to me?"

He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "After seeing the way you reacted yesterday, I kind of just assumed you had strict parents or something."

I let out an exaggerated, fake laugh, "Oh, right! Yeah, my parents are super strict...It's all about those grades, you know..." I trailed off with a convincing smile.

"So, you're up for it?"

I looked around the empty classroom. Technically, we didn't have class, so it wouldn't really count as skipping. I turned to Xeros with an excited smile, my eyes immediately brightening.

"What's the plan?"

"You brought me empty building?"

Xeros rolled his eyes, stepping off his bike. He offered me a hand, helping me down, "First of all, it's a gym," he corrected, "Despite it's somewhat...questionable appearance."

I pulled off my helmet, shaking my hair, "Are you sure?"

I stared up at the building dubiously. It seemed like an abandoned building, from the lack of light and activity. The street was somewhat deserted apart from the odd car that passed by.

"Well considering I've been coming here for over two years, I would say I'm pretty sure," he sarcastically replied.

I held up my hands in defense, "Okay, Mister Smarty Pants. I'll rephrase myself then. You brought me to a gym?"

He indicated with his hand for me to follow him. I trailed behind him slowly as he pushed the door open. He nodded his head as he shut the door behind me with a bang. "Yeah. There's a seating area that was made into a mini kitchen so you can rest in there."

"What about you?" I curiously asked.

"What does one do in a gym?" he rhetorically asked, throwing me a playful smile, "I'll be inside with my friend, training."

"What happened to being nice to me today?" I grumbled at his mocking tones, but ultimately, I couldn't stop the sneaky smile that crept up on my face.

"This is me being nice?" he quipped, feigning a confused expression.

I shook my head at his childish personality, nudging his shoulder lightly, "Come on, just show me where the food is."

The inside was well lit, something which wasn't visible from outside. I shivered at the slight breeze that rushed in, but my eyes were distracted at the interior. It almost appeared like a real gym, with shiny, expensive looking machinery.

"Xeros! That you, man?"

I jumped at the sudden loud voice that echoed inside the somewhat empty building. Xeros chuckled lightly beside me.

"Go ahead and laugh," I sulkily muttered, "That's all you seem to ever do anyways."

"You get scared easily," he said, nudging my shoulder playfully before replying to his friend, "Yeah, Nik! I have a guest!"

"Dude, please tell me you didn't bring the annoying red head -"

His friend's voice stopped as he popped his head out from behind a door. I gave him a shy smile, lifting my hand up in an awkward wave.

"Hi," I squeaked, "I'm Isla."

Like Xeros, he had a big build, but carried himself in such a way that made it seem like he wanted to apologize for it. His arms almost looked too long for his body, disproportionately muscular compared to the rest of him. Even from afar, he seemed to tower over me. As he shot me an easy-going grin, I noticed the slight gap in between his front two teeth.

"Well, hello Isla," he greeted, and clapped Xeros on the shoulder, "I'm Nikolai, this guy's best friend."

Xeros slapped his arm away, rolling his eyes, "You're not my best friend."

"I think if I'm the only friend you have, I'm automatically classified as the best friend," Nikolai replied, with a playful grin.

"Good thing you're not my only friend then." he muttered under his breath.

Nikolai winked discreetly at me, mouthing, "I am."

"And stop telling Isla lies!" he pointed out in a bored tone.

I giggled as Nikolai rolled his eyes, "Do you have eyes on the back of your head or something?"

"Yes," he deadpanned, turning to face us, "Now come on, leave Isla alone. She needs to rest."

"And you brought her here to rest?" Nikolai muttered in a disbelieving tone.

"Where else would I bring her?" Xeros asked

"Um...home?" Nikolai questioned, "I don't know about you, Isla, but I wouldn't want to come to a gym for rest."

"It's okay," I spoke up with an easy-going smile, "It's something new for me anyways."

Xeros snorted, "What, coming to a gym?"

I shot him a mocking glare, "Yes, actually. Even though I'll be in the kitchen area you talked about, snacking, I can still tick off 'go to gym' from my bucket list."

"That's what you have on your bucket list?" Nikolai groaned, slapping his forehead, "How boring is that?"

"You're boring," I childishly retorted, sticking my tongue out.

Nikolai rolled his eyes, "Oh, very mature."

"Okay, okay!" Xeros complained, coming to stand between us, "Enough, one Nikolai is bad enough, but two of you will just give me a headache."

"Rude," I muttered, kicking the floor with my shoe, "I'm not like him."

Nikolai opened his mouth to retort, when Xeros slapped a hand over his mouth.

"Come on," he groaned, "Let's just get started."

Nikolai slapped Xeros' hand away, shooting him a not-so-subtle glare, "Ew, gross dude."

"I'll just go wait in the kitchen," I jutted my thumb in the direction of the door which had the words printed on it, "You guys whatever it is you do in a gym."

"You mean work out?" Xeros supplied, raising his eyebrow at me.

My cheeks flushed, "I'm tired okay, my brain doesn't work as well when I am!"

He nodded his head disbelievingly, "Sure, okay Isla."

I pointed my finger at the two of them, "You two are insufferable."

Nikolai mocked me by pointing his finger, exclaiming in a high-pitched voice, "You two are insufferable!"

I massaged my head, looking up at the ceiling in restrained patience, "Okay, I'm leaving now. Have fun."

Nikolai lifted his hand in a short wave, an impish grin on his face, "See ya later Isla!"

As I turned to leave, Xeros took a hold of my arm, gently turning me to face him.

"What?" I said, frowning.

"You can take anything you want from the fridge, if you want," he awkwardly said, his hand reaching up to scratch the back of his neck, "And if you need anything, just give us a shout."

"Don't call for me though," Nikolai jabbed jokingly, "I'm not your personal servant."

Xeros and I simultaneously rolled our eyes, sharing a secret smile.

It felt like liquid adrenaline was after being injected into my bloodstream - just enough to excite me. As our eyes locked, a tingling feeling erupted across my skin, my heart beating erratically in my chest, so hard, I feared it would burst. Looking into his cat-like-eyes felt like I was staring straight at the sun - it felt like a burning sensation, but in a good away.

I gulped as he smiled brightly at me, proudly showing off his cheek dimple.

I was in deep trouble.