Previously in kasuki no jinsei the girls could handle their powers very well in their first battle but the day is not over yet and we need to know a little more about our cat hero and someone else...

Ikki finishes bathing and came out of the bathroom in towel, took her hair because they were too long, covered her eyes and went to the living room and I get the girls' attention

Ikki: hey girls since the day isn't over yet, how about training a little?

Shiro: if in a mo- *look where this ikki freezes when you see it*

Then all as they looked at ikki they were left in an awkward silence for a couple of seconds

Ikki: so okay?

Embarrassed Koneki: *cover your face with your hands* kya! Ik-ikki please visit

Haruna smiling: * stare at ikki's towel * hehehe looks like at last ikki shows us to his package *point his finger at the bottom of ikki*

Yui embarrassed: * look the other way * ikki I know it's your house but now you live with us so a little more decency please

Shiro blushing: * slowly approaches where this ikki * w-wow...

Embarrassed Yui: *grab shiro and cover his eyes and drag her back* control yourself shiro

Shiro annoys: * try to remove yui's hands from his eyes * for you if you can see it and I can't

Ikki: * sigh * hahahaha and calm down all * a bluish flame covers ikki and disappears leaving him with the clothes he had before * ready the problem is over

The girls calm down a little bit but keep seeing ikki for a while

Ikki: well since today's fight was short because not if it's want we can train oh just go out and have fun

Shiro: we can do both

Haruna: this time I support the dwarf

Yui: I say the same thing

Koneki: I also want to do both

Ikki: I'm glad to know they decide as a team although before we leave they must put on their battle clothes

Haruna: ha you're already talking to the expert here * close your eyes and take a deep breath and get back to the suit that ikki believes you * I'll never get tired of doing this

Ikki: from what I see, you've been practicing, haven't you?

Haruna: you could say yes but it's nothing from the other world

The others were impressed to see haruna but in the end followed in haruna's footsteps and each had their custom costumes again

Ikki: great now I just have to do one thing to go easy

Koneki: es-wait ikki before you go where are we going to train?

Ikki: on a planet that believes exclusively to practice my hand-to-hand combat is a place a broad and beautiful

Shiro: as long as it's beautiful I'll be there

Yui: I didn't know you could create an entire planet

Haruna would be: *stare at ikki* seriously speaking ikki, what can you become able to do with your powers?

Ikki: well... I don't think I even know exactly, but if they want to know, I'll prove it when we fence my planet while I ask you not to destroy the Haruna house.

Haruna: I promise nothing friend

Ikki: I was coming ha we'll see you later *it teleports and disappears *

Haruna: *he goes to the room making the others come up* well since he's not ikki let's talk about what's his goal with us?

Confused Shiro: What do you mean, aim?

Haruna: look ikki has very impressive skills and abilities that we don't know about

Shiro: maybe but in yes what's your point?

Haruna: I thought you were the smartest, but I see you don't just start thinking a little bit about what I'm saying.

Yui: you mean ikki has an evil plan or something?

Koneki: I think you're just exaggerating things

Haruna: I've spent the same time as you with him and there things we need to know to trust more in the

Koneki: the average enough reason to entrust my life so what you're saying is just theories without arguments or evidence

Haruna: if she thinks what you want but you can't deny that ikki is still hiding something from us

After the girls argued for a while whether or not to really trust ikki someone was knocking on the door

Haruna: oh great now that neighbor needs a cup of sugar

Shiro: ikki didn't mention anything that anyone would come from, who will she be?

Haruna: no idea but I think I know how to fix this *approaches koneki and grabs her from the hugs pushes until she gets to the door* perfect

Nervous Koneki: why should I open it?

Haruna: because you're the strongest here so do your job and defend us *get away from koneki*

???: *Hit the door too hard* ikki are you there? Ikki!

Nervous Koneki: ah! *quickly walks away from the door and gets behind the others* whoever it is must be someone looking for him

???: *Enter a key and enter the house* Are you here?

The girls saw that I entered a tall boy, wearing slightly worn light armor, with long, purple hair, a hood that covered his face and in his hand had a golden rope

Haruna: no one told you to come in! *throws himself at the mystery guy with an electric fist *

???: *Quickly stops the blow and wraps the girl with her rope*

Haruna: Hear this off me before !... *falls to the ground and the rope starts to shine*

???: *Look at the other girls and create a purple bubble by locking them in there* that was too easy that disappointment

Koneki, shiro and yui tried to use their powers but did not respond and as a few minutes passed they became very exhausted in the bubble while the mysterious guy went to the corridor and knelt on the ground making a door appear that led as some kind of basement in the house but once he enters through that door automatically disappears the door. A few minutes pass and the girls were out of power but at least they didn't last long like this

Ikki: *appears next to haruna* girls already come back and... * look at the girls * who did this to them?

Haruna sore: no... Have... Or... Idea

Ikki: *removes the rope from haruna and makes her disappear and snaps her fingers freeing the others from the purple bubble*

Haruna exhausted: *try to stand but doesn't get* a bad-fucking guy... I walk into a door that's on the floor...

Ikki*creates a drink and gives it to haruna* you better focus on recovering

Haruna: *drink the soda ikki gave her and instantly get back to normal* ha now if you see that I'm capable of that scoundrel

Ikki: well at least you don't have those marks anymore

Haruna surprised: *you touch where the marks were but they had already healed* how come?...

Ikki: when I untied you I saw them but now I'm going to kick that out of my house.

Ikki gives koneki, shiro and yui one of those healing drinks and goes to the corridor the door mentioned by the girls appeared out of nowhere. He opened it carefully and you could hear someone was climbing the stairs. He walked away from the door and two blue flames appeared in his hands and he was on guard. The guy came out of the door, but now his armor looked in perfect condition, but the hood was still covering his face.

???: I think you should change your security system bro

Ikki: *recognize the voice tone of the guy* quiet ha when I train them my house will be a safe *the flames of his hands disappear* although they may ask you for a rematch

???: I think if you don't forget I'm someone very persistent

Ikki: well *he stands next to the guy and puts his hand on his shoulder* I'm glad to know you're still alive bro

Haruna confused: now I do want a good explanation

Shiro: ikki, is he a friend of yours?

Yui: why didn't you tell us that this is Where You Lived Your Friends?

Frightened Koneki: Is he also a murderer or a hitman?

Ikki: because you don't get better to show up so they don't see you as a strange bro

???: Is it safe to say that to them?

Ikki: if you're in my house I don't think you need the question

???: Well point my name is dreimer I'm ikki's best friend although I see him as a brother is a pleasure

Haruna annoys: ok you're a very special person for ikki, but why the fuck did you tie me up with your rope and steal my power?

Dreimer: maybe because someone set out to attack me for no reason

Haruna annoys: *cross your arms* because with that loving way of knocking on the door who wouldn't receive you with flowers

Shiro: well at least we already have another reason to train

Yui: but what were that rope about as it could have taken energy from a goddess?

Nervous Koneki: and also why don't you take off your hood? What are you hiding in her?

Dreimer: first of all that rope in a cursed treasure and second *take off the hood* because well I look really great with it

When dreimer took off his hood you could see his hair was more lake than that of purple ikki in a very dark tone, on his face he had a scratch on his left eye, his eyes were black, his armor had red and black everywhere and a layer of red with black

Shiro: great... so you look like a werewolf though without so much hair everywhere oh and you don't see with that eye anymore? Or what? * point to left eyes *

Dreimer: if I can see very well with the yet good this brand has its good story

Ikki: he's been supporting me for a long time, so I hope you see him as a friend

Dreimer: ha

Ikki: now what's going on?

Dreimer: I just thought after mari I would never see you with another girl but I was wrong now you have 4 of them that was very fast

Serious Ikki: *look at dreimer* bro I told you to comment on that topic in my house

Confused Koneki: ikki who's mari?

The girls see koneki confused but they all realized what she really wanted to do so they followed the stream ikki sees them and knows they also have the same doubt and For a few minutes an awkward silence was in the environment but ikki decides to break it quickly

Ikki: *take the heart necklace out of her T-shirt* mari owns the necklace and was the first girl I met on this planet

Haruna: *he approaches shiro and collides the rings allowing him to see mari who was in front of ikki* and where is she now?

Ikki: let's say in a place where I can't get there

Haruna: *She signals yui and koneki to crash their rings when they did they saw mari too* so she left you or what happened?

Ikki: *I sigh* I'll just say she was a wonderful girl and this was the first gift I gave her as a thank you for letting me into her life *stare at the necklace and stay quiet for a moment *

Mari: heheje you're always so poetic my tender kitty

Ikki: I... I shared many moments with her but unfortunately she had an enemy who was a millionaire who only wanted to take mari and one night I sent a sniper to take her life and... what I achieve mari had given her last words... in my arms that were name I currently carry

Koneki: was she the one who put you ikki toujou?

Yui: that sounds very cute and romantic

Shiro: then why don't you revive her?

Ikki: *look to the very sad ground* when she stop breathing I enter me a great desire for revenge to such an extent that by my powers I made her whole body disappear completely from the whole existence

Mari: that was never your fault and you know it

Ikki: and good in the world of gods killing a human who has no connection to the gods is considered a crime and here...

Ikki keeps her necklace on her T-shirt and closes her eyes by poping up many black chains that were around her body except in her eyes is the only place where there are no chains. But instantly they disappear

Very sad Mari: hopefully at some point you can forgive me

Ikki: my punishment was these chains retain most of my power and it's also the reason why I'm more melee than powers from a distance

Yui: And haven't you tried any way to bring her back?

Ikki: there was a time when I did but I've already tried everything at my fingertips and even if it hurts a little already I get over it

Sad Mari: It hurts a lot but... it's the best thing for you, kitty, isn't it?

Haruna: so can we have an intimate relationship with you without any problems?

Surprised Shiro: haruna!

Koneki surprised: haruna! don't say that now

Yui: you had to make the real situation worse

Dreimer: it's better to leave this topic for now it's okay

Dark: *becomes visible* hey! I was enjoying this.

Ikki: you'll never miss, will you?

Dark: ha you know the answer to that kitty

Ikki serious: it seems that today you are more annoying than yesterday

Dark: keep your feline claws I'm leaving but I'll just say one thing *point your finger at the girls* you'll never fill the void of your heart goodbye *disappears leaving everyone in a awkward silence *

Ikki: *applaud* well we'll train to take this atmosphere off ok

Yui: s-si

Koneki: all right...

Haruna: I can finally have an excuse to give you a hit

Shiro: ha today that's impossible to douna

Haruna: you'll see what I can do

Ikki: well we're leaving, you want to come bro?

Dreimer: it's very obvious that if

Ikki: well said *tele transports everyone to the planet I believe*

In an instant they arrive and you see that the planet resembled the earth but it was only a landscape with trees, shrubs, hills among other natural things. Haruna ran out and threw herself into a mountain of leaves. Yui stares up at the sky causing a few drops of rain to fall. Koneki followed after a while to haruna and also threw himself into the pile of leaves. Shiro created an ice slide that reached a lot of leaves and slid over it so landing in the pile of leaves

Ikki: hahaha looks like they like this planet

Dreimer: well it's very nice to be here *the layer is removed and thrown to the ground *

Ikki: *sit with your feet crossed* bro I have a question

Dreimer: which of all the ones I've answered?

Ikki: you said you found a way to bring her back, right.

Dreimer: yes but it's too risky to do it and it doesn't assure us that she could really come back

Ikki: *sigh* well I'm glad to see you again after all

Dreimer: *gets up from the ground* ikki you still don't forget the 52 truth

Ikki: *stare at dreimer* may make mistakes but I would never forget that day

Dreimer: *point to the girls with her finger* bro now is different so you don't think you should look for a new kitten

Ikki: *gets up quickly and runs to the shiro slide* with whom you think you're talking bro haja the last one makes the food today

Dreimer: *quickly approaches ikki* I hope you're still a good cat cook

Ikki and dreimer glide on the slide and land on the pile of leaves after playing with the ikki piles began to prepare a few small exercises for the girls with the help of dreimer. Girls gather around them

Ikki: well shiro come a moment please

Shiro: *gets in front of ikki* so I'll be the first?

Ikki: *he transforms into a cat with his wardrobe* I'm afraid if he meows

Shiro: what should I do?

Ikki Cat: Try to concentrate your ice internally meow

Shiro: *close your eyes* ready!

Ikki cat: well meow *throws hes towards shiro and hits him in the abdomen*

Shiro stunned: *fall to the ground on his knees and try to get the air back* o-ok that if it hurt...

Ikki cat: you being the smartest can manipulate your ice towards your bone system meow

Shiro: then... that will help me in my lack of strength

Ikki cat: technically meow

Shiro: *gets up on the ground and closes his eyes again*I'm ready

Ikki cat: *teleports to the same place and throws a shiro punch back into the stomach* meow

Shiro: *stops ikki's attack but falls back to the ground* cr-I think now if something was re-broken....

After several attempts shiro was able to completely cover his body with ice and was able to withstand three blows in a row of ikki

Ikki cat: for today that would be all shiro

Very tired Shiro: *jadeo* *jadeo* o-ok *is thrown to the ground *

Ikki cat: *snap your fingers teleporting to shiro with the others* well koneki you're next

Koneki: *gets in front of ikki* goes-vamos

Ikki cat: well as you must have control over your emotions let's start with a game of meow resistance

Koneki: what's the game?

Ikki Cat: Look *a big blue aura comes out of your body* which can keep your aura this way

Koneki: bi-well *closes your eyes and a big flame of fire comes out of your body* this is...

Ikki cat: stay focused meow

Koneki: *little by little your flame goes off* no... I can *the flame disappear and fall unconscious to the ground *

Ikki cat: I thought it would take me a while with you but I think you need more of my help

Haruna: *Quickly approaches koneki by slapping her in the face to wake her up* hear little flame get up

Ikki cat: believe me it's going to stay a good time like this

Haruna: *stop hitting koneki and approach ikki* well now it's my turn

Ikki cat: since you are the toughest I will treat you as such

Haruna smiling: *Her electric energy begins to surround her* ha would offend me if you didn't make it kitty

Ikki cat: come get my little spark

Haruna throws hes into him by giving him two concentrated energy strikes but ikki suffered no damage. I take advantage of the low guard of ramming her by making her fly away. Haruna is stunned but braked in the air. Ikki teleports behind her kicking her in the back sending her to the ground quickly. Haruna falls to the ground and fails to stand

Ikki Cat: Satisfied?

Haruna sore: ca... *falls to the ground and is knocked unconscious*

Ikki cat: hahaha well at least I know I can teach you *koneki and haruna are teleported to where rested shiro* yui you touch

Yui: *approaches ikki but stays a little far away and on guard* what do you have planned for me?

Ikki Cat: you'll see *create a water ball* this will be best for you *throw the water ball at it*

Yui: *catch the water ball* if you know I can create an equal truth

Ikki Cat: Try to make it bigger if you think you're capable

Yui: *concentrates a lot of water but the ball is still the same* but what? Why doesn't it grow? *a little angry concentrates more water but the ball is still the same* demons!

Ikki cat: hahaha you leave me speechless

Yui annoys: *throw the ball of water to the ground and walk away a little* you'll see what I'm able to do *put your hands in the direction of the ball and large jets of water come out of your palms *

Ikki cat: I don't go on with that

Yui annoys: *ignores it and follows but after a few seconds to and the ball stays the same*Ahhh! Stupid ball!

Ikki Cat: Sweet Dreams Gua Drop

Yui: now that talking...*falls to the ground unconscious and some blood came out of his nose*

Ikki Cat: I think that's enough for today *it de transforms and returns to normal and teleports with yui to where the others are*

Ikki: Can you help me carry them?

Shiro: I don't think I'll be able to get up after all the pain if I'm consenting

Ikki: hehehe you're right they on the other hand took the brunt

Shiro: well you can't blame them even I know why we had to train like this

Ikki: I'll explain when they're all present

Dreimer: I'll just say you spent a little time with them.

Ikki: Seriously?

Dreimer: *sigh* I think at least you know what you're up against

Shiro: *A little sore she stands up* hey dreimer have you ever beaten ikki in battle?

Dreimer: currently hardly if I can keep up with you ikki is on another level

Ikki: but I'm not invincible so don't give up hope

Dreimer: yes of course as not

Ikki walked away from them and opened two holes in the ground, one filled with water and the other filled it with lava and put koneki in the lava and yui immersed her in the water and made her lie on the ground. Next to it create a plug and connect a charger by putting the USD cable in her hand thus giving it power. Dreimer and shiro spoke for a few minutes when one of the sleeping beautifuls wakes up upset

Koneki scared and nervous: ikki! Oh? Lava?! Ahhh! * quickly exits the hole that made ikki *

Ikki: don't worry you're the goddess of fire for you this was a bath

Frightened Koneki: are you sure about that?...

Ikki: if you wouldn't be alive if you didn't.

Yui annoys: *he wakes up and looks around* they can tell me why I'm here?

Ikki: I would be happy to do it but there is still one of...

Scared Haruna: *wakes up* what the fuck?!

Ikki smiling: hahaha you

Haruna surprised: *look at him plug and charger* how is this giving me power?

Ikki: the reason is very simple they abused the power they had taking it to its limit so I had to regenerate what they lost

Yui: so that's how we recharge?

Ikki: let's say if although I have to say something to everyone

The girls stand in front of ikki and look a little confused but very excited

Ikki: ok shiro your skill with your element is the best but your lack of internal confidence makes it not possible to smoothly unleash your true potential so just relax when you're in battle ok

Shiro smiling: all right!

Ikki: koneki in your case is that it expends a lot of unnecessary energy that when you have to use a lot of it is where you lose control and you run out. You must practice in your elemental control

Koneki: mu-very well

Ikki: you'll do your physical combat skills, it's similar to mine, but you're letting your guard down very quickly, leaving the enemy a chance to make a fool of you.

Haruna: and your advice is?

Ikki: Don't think you're better than your opponent

Haruna: *sigh* ok

Ikki: Yui your water management is very impressive but when you find you in a complicated situation you easily get stressed thus losing a lot of energy

Yui: I'll try to stress myself out but you ask me a lot ikki

Ikki: I know this from her powers is very sudden but they must learn to defend themselves from anything

Haruna: do you say that for the beasts that come to attack us? Or for something else?

Ikki: *sigh* hahahaha I see you realized truth

Yui: so you still don't tell us something important, right, ikki?

Shiro: is anyone behind you? Or what?

Koneki: that means you don't trust us?

Dreimer: let me tell you that your doubts are very silly and also the person behind ikki is the same one for whom the previous goddesses died

Haruna angry: *point to ikki with her finger* I knew you were hiding something from us

Yui: Were there other goddesses before us?

Shiro: I think you'd better tell us everything, ikki.

Koneki: please explain to us what's going on?

Ikki: the rings they have are from the elemental goddesses and have been in many generations. The function of the rings is to give its power to the next successor but this only happens if the previous goddess dies in combat because the ring automatically goes to the next generation

Haruna: so how come you had the rings?

Ikki: because if the goddess doesn't die in a fight or war the ring doesn't go with the next generation

Koneki: so the previous goddesses were murdered?

Ikki: that's right

Yui: but how come they died?

Ikki: hey dreimer give me one of your weapons

Dreimer: *throw a sword at him* here you have

Ikki: *catches her and grabs her by the handle with one hand* this girls is a cursed treasure

Shiro: a what?

Nervous Koneki: bad-fucker?

Yui: but it's just a very common sword

Haruna: can that thing kill a god?

Ikki: if I can't know exactly but if you give him a direct attack with this on a god's head he dies instantly

Dreimer: there are many cursed treasures but most of them belong to the heavenly killer

Shiro: who is he?

Ikki: for Olympus it's just a mortal but it's really the only living being in this universe that can perfectly handle all the cursed treasures

Dreimer: there are 6 gods above all. They are the great council control all the gods of Olympus although well we are the only ones who cannot easily control

Haruna: why?

Ikki: because I am like a terrorist with too much power, dreimer is regarded as my accomplice and the elemental goddesses do not have to follow their orders

Shiro: I understand now that we are the elemental goddesses, but why did the great counsel let a mortal take them down?

Yui: and exactly why do I kill them?

Ikki: the great council is in control of everything so I couldn't stand the idea that 8 goddesses didn't obey their orders so

Dreimer: they sent that mortal to kill them so they wouldn't have anyone out of their rules, but they didn't do well.

Koneki: why?

Dreimer: it was our cat who arrived at the crime scene and took the rings

Ikki: Hahaha I did it because that's what the goddess of light told me before she died

Shiro: the light... ikki, why do I only kill five of them and not all of them?

Ikki: so far I don't know but I think we'll meet them

Koneki: so that heavenly killer is controlled by the great council, right?

Ikki: that's how they're also responsible for giving you the skills needed to be a god's worst nightmare

Koneki: your only goal is to kill any god who doesn't follow your orders?

Haruna: killing people who don't listen to you that childish

Yui: what power can do

Shiro: well we have a killer behind all of us because we're the only ones who don't obey their rules truth

Ikki: that's right but in this case it's different because he doesn't come for us comes for me

Haruna: wow that relief

Shiro: seriously you can stop acting like this

Haruna: first the world that I dwarf changes

Yui: shiro leave her there is no more hope for her

Shiro: you're right

Ikki: *create a phone with a black case with a blue flame in the middle* how long have we been here?

Dreimer: no idea

Ikki: well it's better to go back to earth now

Ikki takes them all back to the house. Haruna turns on the TV and they were breaking the news

Cintia Reporter: good afternoon viewers today there was another attack on the city but ikki toujou has not appeared to defend us and currently there are millions of dead in the area then Victor show us what happens with the threat

Ikki: great and I thought I could take the afternoon off

Dreimer: good to work

Shiro: will you come with us?

Dreimer: I haven't visited my bro in a while, so it's the least I can do

Haruna: good less effort for me

Ikki: hahaha well but take this *give them a healing drink*

Koneki: *drinking* wow is very delicious hehehe

Haruna: *you take it very quickly* you will regret attacking my city

Yui: *it takes the right* well at least so we can put approve of ikki's teachings

Shiro: *she takes the right* so friend

Ikki: good girls let's go

Haruna: Wait *approach the TV and turn it off* ready now if

Shiro: at last I see you have a good side

Haruna: don't get so excited dwarf

Shiro: I take it back

Ikki takes them to the place where the threat is but when they arrived there was no one there was only chaos everywhere

Koneki: are we late?

Dreimer: it's likely but it's going to be done

Ikki: *look around* that scum is still here

Haruna: *he's on guard* where will he be?

???: *It's coming give slow applause* go, go, at last the cat savior appears

Ikki: so you're responsible for this little mess?

???: Of course I still need to sign it*create a large sphere of energy and throw it at them* with your blood!

Shiro: I won't let you *get in front of everyone and create an ice wall holding the attack*

Ikki: well echo shiro!

Haruna smiling: well my turn *jumps the wall and runs to where the threat is* ha, you've already worth shit!

???: That will be you *raise your right hand and several spears come out of the ground*

Haruna: oh fuck! *Stops before colliding with spears* Are you afraid of a girl humiliating you?

Ikki: yui, shiro stay at a good distance and support us

Yui: all right!

Shiro smiling: count me in!

Ikki: dreimer, koneki let's support haruna

Dreimer: Hahaha I'll show you why we're afraid of great advice

Koneki: if we go!

Ikki: but before *piza very strong the ground creating a great gust of wind making you can clearly see the threat*

???: Shit *walks away after a jump*I didn't expect less from you ikki

Haruna clearly sees the threat and travels like electricity through her spears. Ikki, dreimer and koneki follow her while shiro and yui were in the back. The threat had human appearance, grey skin, purple eyes, in his right hand a golden spear, a fighter's armor, his hair is white. Haruna tries to give her a fist in her face but locks it with her golden spear and pushes her back

Haruna hurt: *look at her hand and she was very red* shit!...

Koneki: *gets close to haruna* haruna! you'll see that idiot

Dreimer: Hey *pull out his sword and aim at the threat* show me you're a treasure user

???: Ha *pull his spear towards dreimer* very well piece of scum

Dreimer *dodges the spear and walks away a little* typical

Ikki: *he approaches the spear and takes it with his right hand* here you are the mistake scum of humanity

???: Perfect *snap your fingers* die demon!

Ikki: but what? *the spear starts to shine and instantly explodes *

The explosion commanded koneki to fly and haruna but dreimer buried his sword to stand firm. The threat is approaching where his very smug spear exploded

???: *He slowly approaches where his spear is* I can't believe I beat ikki toujou ja now I'm a legend

Ikki: *it teleports behind the threat* ha you're stupider than an unin studied human

??? Very nervous: *turn quickly* impossible!

Ikki: *start playing with the spear* believe me many have tried everything but your attempt was very pathetic

The threat launches into ikki but dodges it and hits the abdomen with the bottom of the spear. Leaving very dazed. Koneki then rises from the ground taking advantage of the moment to throw several fireballs at the threat. Ikki walks away from him so she doesn't get attacked. The threat stands up and adsorbs koneki's fireballs by returning them to it. Koneki is very confused that she did not react and was wounded by her own attack. Haruna gets up angry and fists the threat all over her face by pushing her back. He then kicks him twice in the head and gives a fist to his abdomen and applies his zeus punishment leaving him badly wounded to the threat


??? Smiling: IT'S YOU! *grabs her by the face and hits her two knees all over her abdomen *

Haruna:*spits blood and stays on the ground still* ikki...

Ikki: *he gets behind the threat and tries to hang him with the spear* you're very easy to hit a woman but you can't fight a man you're cowardly

???: Ahhh! *bite the spear causing it to split in two by freeing itself*

Ikki: you'll see! * throw the pieces of the spear and kick it in the back *

???: *Fall to the ground and roll until you get to the pieces by rejoining them* now you'll die here

Ikki: I'm not so sure friend

???: What? Are you going to escape like a scared kitten?

Ikki: I'm not just going to cover myself from the rain

???: Rain?

Yui and shiro: GRANISO STORM!

Yui and shiro create a storm causing the ice to become very strong by fiercely hitting the threat. Ikki wasn't affected because I created a black umbrella and walked away from the threat. Ikki picked up the bodies of koneki and haruna and gave her an umbrella to dreimer

Ikki: it's all your bro!

Dreimer: all right!

Ikki takes them to a remote part of the unconscious and badly wounded body of koneki and haruna. He leaves them on the floor and gives them a drink from the healing drink

Ikki: My beautiful sleepers it's time to open your eyes

The threat was covered with a bunch of spears from the ground. Dreimer approaches him with the umbrella and his sword. The threat creates a giant spear that sends it to shiro and yui. They dodged her but in doing so the storm disappeared giving her a chance to attack him. But dreimer drops the umbrella and attacks the threat but manages to block the attack. Dreimer destabilizes him with the shock of his cursed treasures and burys his sword in his chest but pulls it out and burys it in various parts of his body leaving him almost quartered and as a final blow a purple flame covered his sword and split it in half finishing it once and for all. A sea of blood comes out of the body but its blood is black. Ikki returns with koneki and haruna after a while

Ikki: bro, where's the scum?

Dreimer: there

Ikki: *look at the corpse cut in half* remember not to give you any Christmas knives

Dreimer: but you already did

Ikki: so forget what I said you've already destroyed the treasure truth

Dreimer: I wanted to give you the honor

Ikki: typical of you

Ikki approaches the body of the threat and grabs the spear from her right hand. While the girls gathered and approached where they were. Ikki gathers the two parts of her body and sticks the spear in her chest. Then a blue flame covers the spear causing it to begin to disappear with the body. The girls see the corpse disappear into ikki's flame and are a little scary. Ikki snaps her fingers fixing all the chaos and revives all the victims of the threat

Ikki: well we go *tele transports everyone back home*

When they arrive at ikki Haruna's house he throws himself towards the couch. Koneki does the same on the other couch. Yui and shiro sit on the floor tired. Dreimer keeps his sword and heads to the bathroom. Ikki turns on the TV to see how the news is

Cintia Reporter: after the extreme battle of ikki toujou and her companions against the threat oh more well known by scart

Ikki: Now that I think about it, you never told us your name, did you?

Dreimer: well in the same way it wasn't important

Cintia Reporter: and unsurprisingly our caterour savior brought to life all those who had died at scart's hands. Unfortunately we couldn't have some of ikki toujou's comments well that's all for now don't change channel if you want to know everything that happens in this area of the world with you news 69

Haruna: *turn off the TV* well at least they didn't show the fight

Ikki: I told you not to trust each other

Haruna: Shut up stray cat

Koneki: I'm hungry but I don't feel like getting up

Haruna: for the first time I support you in that sensual fire

Blushing Koneki: sensual fu-fire?

Yui: *look at ikki* hey, didn't you have to be the one giving us nicknames?

Shiro: it's true

Ikki: yes and I'll tell you, but first we have to have lunch.

Dreimer: *gets out of the bathroom approaches the room* I agree with you bro

Ikki: what do you think if you cook your

Dreimer: ok but then tomorrow you'll make the famous toujou meats

Ikki: deal made bro

Dreimer takes off his cape and swaps his armor for more comfortable clothing, a T-shirt and a pant. Ikki sits in the middle chair. Shiro sits on one side of his leg and yui sits on the other side

Koneki: *look at ikki* po-because they're like this?...

Ikki: I don't know but it's very nice

Shiro: well you told us everything we wanted that good

Yui: we decided this would be your reward for being so good to us

Haruna: is it seriously?

Koneki: well they're right but well can we give him anything?

Shiro: ikki is the god of creation so material things don't interest her

Yui: but he's all attracted to us, he even feels something for haruna

Haruna: do you expect what? ikki tell me it's not true

Ikki: I have a very strong interest in all of you but if you don't want any of that then nothing happens

Haruna: quiet kitty I'll just make something clear *sigh* let's say I'm fond of you then you'll make sure I don't die

Ikki: that's right

Haruna: sure death haunts me relentlessly

Ikki: I assure you for my 9 lives that I won't let you die

Haruna: *look at ikki* is it really?

Ikki: absolutely

Haruna: you two could move your ass from there.

Shiro: only if you say it kindly

Haruna: well please

Yui and shiro get up from ikki's legs. Haruna approaches ikki and they give her a kiss on the mouth. After a while stop kissing him

Ikki: Don't you want another one?

Haruna blushing: yes but you have to earn it

Koneki very blushing: oh... for God's sake *he covers his face with his hands* why did you do it?

Haruna smiling: *he walks away from ikki and sits on the couch* he still didn't trust the cat completely but that's thanks for being there when I got over that scum

Ikki: that's what I'm content with.

Shiro sits on the couch where he's haruna and hugs her. Yui sits down with koneki and reassures her. Dreimer catches everyone's attention to eat. He had made some spaghetti with tomato sauce on top and a strawberry juice. Everyone sits down and eats spaghetti. Ikki and dreimer tell the girls about some of their adventures when they were at Olympus. After a few minutes they all finished eating. Ikki picked up all the dishes and went to wash them

Shiro: by the way, dreimer, how come you and ikki are so close?

Dreimer: well before it was just a little friendship but after 52 I realized we'd always be partners

Haruna: 52nd?

Koneki: what does that mean?

Dreimer: oh true *get up and come to the kitchen* bro do I tell you what 52 was like?

Ikki: *washing dishes* for me no problem

Dreimer: ok bro *come back with the girls* well do you want to hear the story of the 52nd?

Yui: of course the better we get to know each other

Haruna: it would also help me answer some questions about you two

Dreimer: ok but when you tell it ikki will also give your point of view

Shiro: I've been too curious!

Haruna: come on friend, let him go

Koneki: I'd say it's nice to know that you remember every detail of your encounter

Yui: Heheje this day seems to be full of surprises

Ikki: *stop washing the dishes and get close to where they are* fine but then try to summarize it so you won't be done later to leave

Dreimer: Don't worry I've already counted the 52 several times I already have my summary of it

Ikki: that's why I'm going to wear a couple of dolls that I made on your last visit

Dreimer: oh... good point

Haruna smiling: hahaha very well and what happened in your first encounter?

Dreimer: ok. I was born a demon in the underworld being lower class while ikki was the elite because of her heavenly powers. His father the god of destruction went down to the underworld followed to bring order between demons of different kinds and some gruesome creatures that also inhabited there. One strange day the god of destruction had come down with his son

Ikki: I remember that day I was excited because my father said he had planned a rookie mission to have experience with my powers on the battlefield

Dreimer: The god of destruction caused all lower-class demons in the underworld to gather at their altar to be chosen for a heavenly mission and after rejecting a lot of demons he ends up being chosen to guide and help his son

Ikki: My father just wanted to find a lower-class demon so I wouldn't have any problems along the way and they gave us a mission to defeat a giant with a cursed hammer. We went without thinking we relied a lot on our combined power but it wasn't enough

Dreimer: Before we got to that giant's cave we had already pleased each other as we talked along the way

Ikki: it was the first time you could say I was talking to someone my age and felt very confident and safe when we got to the cave but

Dreimer: Unsurprisingly that giant beat us up legendaryly and when he was about to kill me with a blow from his hammer

Ikki: I quickly got in front of him to try to stop the attack and it was at that moment that I was very happy to help and support someone

Dreimer: I hadn't lived long enough with someone other than a certain special little person for me but when ikki didn't step aside out of fear and got up to protect me I also felt needed to support him

Ikki: once we were both able to avoid the attack we uneded shows brute force to remove the hammer and kill the giant with the

Dreimer: that feeling of sacrifice that was born in both has been strong enough over the years and that's why it's our best memories together

Koneki: Heheje that's very nice, but why do they call it 52nd?

Ikki: because that was the number behind a scroll we got said the 52 with black blood

Dreimer: so she was baptized that way, though it's also because in the mission we made that figure

Haruna: what figure?

Ikki: he received at first 5 fists on the body by the giant while I gave the 2 fists the eyes after that we finished it at the same time with the hammer but another day we will tell them more details what we really had to do so as not to die

Hours passed and everyone was living together as a big family but they didn't realize the notion of time and it got dark to drain equipment their armor and cape and said they would soon visit them again. The girls after dinner turned everything off and went to their rooms to rest. Ikki went to hers and lay down on her bed

Ikki quietly: meow...

???: *Touch the door very carefully* ik-ikki are you awake?

Ikki in a low tone: if she passes the door is open

Koneki in a low tone: *Enter the room and get into bed* well... This...

Ikki in a low tone: can't you sleep?

Koneki in a low tone: that's not what it's like the others gave you a reward for taking care of us... I-I wanted to do it too

Ikki in a low tone: *hugs her* ok my little flame thank you for your reward

Koneki blushing in a low tone: n-don't say that... I'm so embarrassed to be here

Ikki in a low tone: hahaha well good night koneki

Koneki: *hugs him a little tight and kisses him on the cheek* good night ikki

Throughout the night koneki and ikki were hugged. Soon after his beautiful moment was destroyed by someone unexpected

Haruna: *open the door of a kick* ikki I'm hungry!

Frightened Koneki: *gets up quickly and moves ikki* ikki! They're going to rob us!

Ikki: quiet is just haruna been a good alarm clock

Haruna smiling: hey, they were together all night, why didn't they invite me?

Blushing Koneki: *covered with savannah* no comment

Ikki: Haha a new day in this wonderful world

Thanks to haruna's strong determination not knowing that Ikki had in mind they were able to reveal many things about their destiny and future companions but still lack other mysteries to stir and to know of this peculiar group of gods
