Previously in kasuki no jinsei we discovered the existence of dreimer and mild conflicts of trust in girls over ikki but today is a new day and a new beginning...

Ikki: what a good alarm clock I have

Haruna: I'll never get tired of doing that and since we're there you could feed me

Shiro: *go into the room* haruna I told you not to despair- Why is koneki in ikki's bed?

Ikki: it's a very short story

Yui: *come into the room* I knew that you were the cause of this noise, oh good morning ikki

Ikki: good morning to all and I'm sorry I get up late

Yui: don't worry as it's exhausting to be with 4 girls at once

Koneki blushing: *He takes off his sheet and gets out of bed* I think I'll go ha-make breakfast

Koneki comes out very blushing out of the haruna room and shiro come out behind her but yui stays in the room

Ikki: *the savannah is removed and starts stretching* well... that was very nice of you

Yui: *he approaches ikki and gives her a kiss on the cheek* he I agree

Ikki: by the way Yui I want to ask you something

Yui: What is it?

Ikki: Would you like to go out with me to the park for a while?

Yui: I'd love to and you might even show something very interesting

Ikki: now I'm very curious my drop of water

Yui very happy: to be my nickname is pretty cute thank you blue kitty

Ikki: meow

Both leave the room and go to the living room, after a while koneki prepares some sandwiches that had ham, cheese and strawberry jam inside accompanied by a blackberry juice. Put the 5 sandwiches on the table and call the others for breakfast.

Koneki: it's ready!

Haruna: "Quickly to the table and sit down* at last I was starving

Shiro: *comes to the table and sits* go looks delicious

Yui: *come to the table and sit down* thank you for taking the trouble to do this koneki

Koneki: it's my way of thanking you all for living with me

Ikki: *comes to the table and sits* miss you are a wonderful woman thank you very much

Blushing Koneki: *turn your face the other way* gra-thank you ik-ikki

Yui: *with his seat he comes a little closer to ikki* good he to eat

Ikki: wait a minute hear koneki pass me the jar of jam please

Koneki: *take the bottle and pass it on to ikki* here you have

Ikki: *opens it and with the bottle knife makes a happy face on the beautiful bread*

Shiro: oh I want a drawing too

Ikki: ok *gets up from her seat and approaches shiro and makes her a big heart and in the middle makes her initial* ready what you think

Shiro very happy: *hug a little strong to ikki* is very nice as I thank you ikki

Yui: ikki I also want you to draw me a picture on my sandwich

Ikki: it's okay oh do you want one too haruna?

Haruna: I just want to eat so I pass

Nervous Koneki: *comes to the table and sits* me... I also want a drawing...

Ikki smiling: okay

Ikki approached yui and made him a little teddy bear with a little heart. Koneki didn't get a drawing he wrote T.Q.M even though he looked a little bad koneki understood it and blushed a lot. After that they all ate the koneki sandwiches. When they finished eating and picking up the Haruna and Shiro dishes, they sat on the couches and turned on the TV. Koneki went to do the dishes. Ikki went to the bathroom but before arriving he is stopped by yui

Ikki: Is something wrong?

Yui: well... if we bathe I say individually a lot of water will be spent so can I take a bath with you?

Ikki: I can't find any flaws to that so if it's okay

After that Ikki walked into her room to take off her clothes and put on a towel. Yui did the same thing and they both left their rooms and entered the bathroom

Yui: I think this is more embarrassing than I thought

Ikki: hahaha good point but at some other time this would have been given

Yui: you're right this situation was inevitable but still

Ikki: *take your hand* come on we can't stay long

Ikki comes in with yui holding hands but yui was still a little nervous because she held her towel tightly. Ikki opens the key and starts to come out a big jet of water covering them completely gradually ikki gets closer to yui but she was still very nervous

Ikki: yui don't worry I don't bite

Yui: it's not about that which is the first time I've seen a semi-naked man and bathe with the

Ikki: hey I'm sorry to be the first

Yui: hahaha hear don't say it like that please

Ikki: very late

After a while they both came out of the bathroom and still had their towels but you could see they were very happy. Kopek began to approach them and got very blushing when he saw him

Koneki very blushing: *he looks at them and covers his eyes* s-bath-bath-gna-gna together?

Ikki: let's say if but quiet she didn't see me nor I saw her ok

Haruna: *arrives and approaches koneki* first the bust and now to the party pooper? who's next for me or the dwarf?

Ikki: I'll just say I'm very fond of you, but first I'd better get dressed.

Yui: s-if me too

Haruna: *wraps koneki* with his arm I'm going to reassure the bust

Blushing Koneki: e-them... e-them

Haruna: let's relax those ovaries friend already step

Ikki and Yui went to their rooms while Haruna took koneki to the couch. Ikki put on a black trouser with white stripes, a red T-shirt that has a message on her chest that says "nothing is forever" and blue sneakers with black. Yui put on a white blouse, a black lycra and sandals with gold accents and had a small gold bracelet. They both left their rooms and headed for the front door

Shiro a little jealous: *look at ikki* where are they going so groomed?

Haruna: it's not obvious dwarf is going to have a date

Yui: I hope I don't cause you any trouble with this haruna

Haruna: let's see party pooper I know that kitten dies for me so I don't worry

Yui: I hope that trust stays that way when we get back

Ikki: girls if you don't stop talking like that, none of you will be fond of

Yui: *point her finger at haruna* but she started!

Haruna: *point her finger at yui* but she started!

Ikki: they both did

Koneki quietly: I wonder... how can he fight so hardly if they barely know each other?

Ikki: anyway let's go yui but this is not going to stay so let's fix it as it should be understood

Yui: *sigh* is fine

Haruna: *look the other way* this time I'll say yes

Ikki and yui left the house and headed to the park where they met. Haruna was very thoughtful when they left while shiro and koneki were on the computer answering questions from the people on the page. When ikki and yui arrived at the park they decided to go buy some ice cream ikki chose a blackberry with sparks and yui chose a brownie ice cream. They both sat on a bench near the ice cream stall.

Ikki: *lyme a little your ice cream* this brings back a lot of memories

Yui: *lyme a little your ice cream* maybe you've already invited a beautiful goddess to eat ice cream

Ikki: I can assure you that you are the first

Yui: oh what honor your majesty *smiles and sticks out ikki's tongue*

Ikki: hahahaja I thought you were the serious *ingest her ice cream a little*

Yui: hey that doesn't mean it is all the time

Ikki: Seriously?

Yui: that if you *ingest your ice cream a little* because it's easier with you not to look anything so...

Ikki: you feel more comfortable with me true *ingest your ice cream a little*

Yui: hehehe I think if even you know me I love to go out and good fun out

Ikki: well me too but not all the time you can do it

Yui: why do you say that?

Ikki: because if you do it you will always miss the special of going out and you will not realize what went as for example *point the hand of it* that ice cream

Yui: what? * look at his ice cream and it was melting* because you didn't tell me before

Ikki: hahaha sorry and... Good bye

Yui: *try to save the ice cream but it falls to the ground* ikki I just murdered an ice cream

Ikki: I'll make sure I didn't see anything *ing a little bit of your ice cream*

Yui: it's not fair *look at ikki's ice cream and gets very close to it* hey kitty can you give me your ice cream?

Ikki: *lys a little of her ice cream* really well but you steal it all

Yui: don't worry, I just want to steal your heart, not your ice cream.

Ikki: ha that will be very difficult

Yui very happy: I like the challenges *it approaches ikki's ice cream and starts licking it a little*

Ikki ended up sharing her ice cream with her but she smears some ice cream on her face. Ikki approached her face and eded the ice cream she had. Yui stared at ikki after that

Ikki: I know I'm handsome, but why are you looking at me so much now?

Distracted Yui: no... You're welcome

Ikki in a mockery tone: did this kitten surprise you by that lick?

Yui blushing: heheje who knows

Ikki: meow

After they both ran out of ice cream, they got up from the bench. But when they got a little away from her, they saw a lot of people running very scared of something. Ikki grabbed yui's hand and they teleported to the house. They opened the door and saw that the others weren't in the house. But on television were news that there was another attack on the city ikki worried and teleported to where the enemy was with yui. When they arrived they found the others fighting the enemy and were losing. Haruna tinged him several electric fists but the enemy stopped his fist and tinged her to where ikki and yui were

Haruna: SHIT!

Ikki: *catch haruna in the air and load as princess* you're fine

Angry Haruna: *Quickly gets out of ikki's arms and looks at him* where the were they?! That thing's been breaking our mother for a while!

Ikki: I'm sorry without the news I don't hear anything

Yui: *a light covers your body and your battle suit appears* better late than ever true

Haruna: you making a joke? "Look at ikki* what did you do to her?

Ikki: then we'll talk about it but first we go to defeat the

Haruna: we speak the same language

Koneki: *gives the enemy two fists of fire in the chest* Ahhh!

Shiro: *he gets behind him and freezes it from behind* at last

Ikki:*approaches shiro and koneki* good job girls

Koneki: you joke that thing almost beats us

Shiro: *jadeo* I'm glad to see you stopped *gasping* at once

Ikki: if I'm sorry next time I'll be more attentive even though this isn't over *point to the frozen enemy*

Ikki takes them away from him and his battle clothes appear. The enemy looked like a boar, only had armor on his arms and a torn cloak

???: I see you trained them well toujou but they're still very weak

Ikki: no one is born learned stupid pig

Haruna: *in your hands with electricity* I'm going to put you on the slag grill!

Ikki: yui, shiro attack in the distance we will attack it directly

Koneki: come on!

Ikki, haruna and koneki quickly approached the boar while shiro and yui went to a higher place to attack. Haruna is the first to strike but the boar stopped him with his armor and threw her back into the air. Koneki arrives later and throws two fists of fire at her but dodges them and kicks them all in the abdomen to koneki leaving her on the ground. Then ikki gives a fist in his face and kicks the boar twice in the abdomen leaving him dazed but the boar takes a leap back far away from ikki

Ikki: I thought the weak ones were them, not your piggy.

Ikki began approaching the boar but the boar quickly approaches wiki and throws a punch at his face. Ikki stops him and hits the boar two knees in the abdomen and with one hand sends him flying

Ikki: hahaha the flying pig *koneki approaches and heals it with a drink*

Koneki: *gets up off the ground* that I didn't expect from a piggy

Haruna angry: *fall into a ray of heaven and appear* I'm going to chance that pig!

Ikki: you're not going to make it if you're still that confident

Haruna angry: right now I didn't ask for your opinion so I don't care

Ikki: very well then watch out for the ground

Haruna angry: What the fuck are you talking about?

The boar comes out of haruna bass and punches him in the face. Flour kicks him twice in the abdomen but the boar resists him and grabs his leg to haruna lifting her up and causing her to collide with the ground. Haruna spits out some blood and lets out a lot of electricity doing great boar damage. He lets go of his leg and walks away from it. Koneki throws himself into the boar and hits him with three blows to the face leaving him dizzy

Ikki: girls now!

Instantly a large cloud covered the sky and hail began to fall. The boar is seriously injured by hail but takes a big leap up where yai and shiro were. She crosses the cloud and throws herself towards shiro but she greets him with a blow to the face as yui grabs him from behind and throws him to the ground. Ikki was preparing to attack him in the air but haruna got up unsacking a lot of electric that caused lightning to fall. She threw herself into the boar and in the air gave him several punches in the face consecutively until they landed. Haruna without hitting him even though the boar no longer moved

Haruna very angry: *Keep punching him in the face* WHO IS THE WEAK NOW?! PIG!

Yui and shiro arrive at the side of ikki and koneki and were astonished by the fury of Haruna. But the boar stopped haruna's hand and headbutted her leaving her unconscious. Quickly the boar takes the flour head and throws it back far away. Koneki gets angry and also gets out of control with the boar but manages to dodge all his punches. Shiro tinged several stalactites at him, but only a few gave him. The boar takes a stalactit from the ground and is tried to bury koneki but ikki stops him quickly and burys him in the head leaving him dead immediately.

Ikki: easy you came and easy you left *create a blue flame around the body and disappear with the flame*

Koneki: ikki quickly go for haruna

Ikki: calm *snap your fingers making haruna appear in your princess-shaped arms* here she is

Yui: as always letting yourself be carried away by feelings

Shiro: well in it is normal

Koneki: it'll be fine

Ikki: she just needs to rest so I think I'd better take her home.

Ikki turns her back to haruna and snaps her fingers fixing everything destroyed. Ikki and the others started walking home and in that haruna opens her eyes and realizes that ikki was carrying her loaded on her back she closed her eyes again and hugs him stronger ikki realizes but does nothing. When they get to the house shiro opens the door and ikki comes in and leaves haruna on the couch. Yui enters his room just like koneki. Shiro goes to the kitchen and opens the fridge

Shiro: Hey kitty, you want some blackberry juice?

Ikki: if you please *sit next to haruna*

Shiro: *get to the room with the drinks and give one to ikki* here's kitty

Ikki: *take a sip of the juice* thank you very much ice cube

Shiro: heheed

Ikki: I think I'm going to surprise her with this*puts the haruna head on her legs*

Shiro: how lucky

Ikki: *Take a sip of her juice and caress her head to haruna* heheje looks so pretty when she doesn't want to kill you truth

Shiro: I agree hehehe though why would he be so angry?

Ikki: I think we'll know later

After a few minutes yui and koneki arrive in the room to see flour but haruna's face was very blushing and you could see that he was smiling

Yui: hey ikki you don't think she's already dead and it's best to throw her away.

Haruna a little annoyed: *He quickly gets up from ikki's legs and points to yui with his finger* I swear I'll kill you someday

Ikki: I see you finally got up

Haruna: *realizes the situation and sits next to ikki* it looks like I gave that pig what I deserved.

Ikki: let's say yes but don't over-force yourself so your body *caresses haruna's head* but I'm glad to know you didn't let yourself be beaten so easily

Haruna a little blushing: ha believe me that bastard didn't know who he was messing with *take a sip of ikki juice*

Koneki blushed: ha-haruna e-that was an in-di-direct kiss

Haruna: what? * see the glass confused with juice *

Ikki: oh clear I take it from there so if it counts as one

Blush haruna: so that an indirect one if I can do this *gives ikki a kiss on the mouth*

Ikki: *the kiss corresponds and hugs her* he you do like to do that, right?

Haruna: well if you give me love I'll do ha too

Very blushing Koneki: *he covers his face with his hands* o-oig-gan

Shiro: shiro also wants a kiss

Yui: are you so desperate for your haruna attention or what?

Haruna: *let go of ikki and go to her room* I won't talk to jealous people

Ikki: yui it won't be that the desperate one is you

Yui: what? not that.... fuck I hate to know he's right

Shiro: *sit on ikki's legs* if you can give her one give me two

Ikki: Are you sure you want to do this?

Shiro: of course

Ikki: good but first a game

Shiro: a game?

Ikki: hehehehe, what's the first letter of the alphabet?

Shiro: it's the a...

Ikki: *kisses her on the mouth quickly and caresses her hair*

Shiro: *corresponds very blushing and surprised*

Ikki: *stop kissing her and keep stroking her hair* you like the game

Shiro blushing: no comments *quickly gets up from ikki's legs and goes to his room*

Yui: *sit next to ikki* I'm not going to do the last

Ikki: *he caresses her hair and stares at her* ready?

Yui blushing: s-si

Ikki: *kisses her in the mouth and takes her hand*

Yui blushing: *corresponds to the kiss and holds ikki's hand tightly*

Ikki: *stop kissing her and give her a little kiss on her hand* you're a beautiful yui princess

Yui blushing: I think I'll also go to my room *get up and go to his room*

Ikki: good heing that you think is

Koneki very blushing: n-I won't do with-with you ikki n-not-I'm-I'm ready

Ikki: I was just going to say if I could help you with lunch

Koneki: en-seriously?

Ikki: if I also wouldn't do something you didn't want me to do after all, I don't want to be seen as a stranger

Blushing Koneki: *look at ikki* I understand

Ikki: so if I can or what?

Koneki: s-si

Koneki and ikki got up and went to the kitchen they both decided to make roast beef but while they were preparing lunch someone was knocking on the door

Yui: *get out of your room and come to the door* I'll open

When yui opened the door he met a tall girl, with little breast, long black hair, she had a white shirt with a drop of big water in the middle

???: I can't believe it if it's the right house*hugs yui a little tight*

Yui: *corresponds something nervous* he hears you could tell me who are you?

???: Oh of course I'm sorry my name is colín I'm one of his biggest fans and not only of ikki but also of you yui

Ikki: *it's coming to the door* aren't you going to invite your fan in?

Colín: ah don't worry I was just passing by and I wanted to know if this really was the kitten house

Ikki: meow

Colín: good heheing I have to go but I'm glad to know that yui x ikki is very possible

Yui: now I like you even more

Colín: good heheje I leave and it was a pleasure to meet him *he walks away from the house but stops and turns to look at yui* miau hahaha

Yui: *close the door* that was weird but cute at the same time

Ikki: like everything in life

Yui: but how did you know where to look for us?

Ikki: because we came walking so I think she followed us

Haruna: *follow the scent of meat* that... Smell... makes you want to eat now

Koneki: hahaha we're going to eat quiet

Haruna: all right, but who was at the door?

Ikki: a yui fan

Haruna: who would say the party pooper had party pooper

Yui: I won't tell you anything because I didn't understand that

Haruna: hahahaja go less wrong

Ikki: you better sit down and we'll eat

Yui: *sits at the table* it does smell great

Haruna: *sit next to yui* we finally agree on something Miss

Yui: let's say if

Ikki: even though I'm glad to see that they're trying to get along we're going to have that group talk after eating understood

Flour: simon

Yui: of course

Koneki: *bring two plates to the table* here you have

Ikki: I'm going to call shiro *he goes to shiro's room and knocks on the door* shiro we're going to eat

Shiro: I'm going *open the door and I was wearing the ikki T-shirt*

Ikki: hey you already had your clothes there's no need to wear my T-shirt

Shiro smiling: now it's mine *he sticks out ikki's tongue*

Ikki: ok but take good care of her

Shiro blushing: *grab the T-shirt a little hard* I'll h-hare it

Everyone sits down to eat the roast beef of koneki and ikki. Haruna is the first to finish then shiro. Koneki finishes before yui. Ikki finishes eating leaving yui as the last. After he finished yui and everyone washed his dishes, the girls sat on the floor forming a circle. Ikki entered the circle

Ikki: well we're like this today because there are some drawbacks with two people so let's fix it as a team is fine

Haruna: all right

Yui: yes

Shiro: yes!

Koneki: of course

Ikki: well now we will go on to hear our views on these discussions who wants to start?

Koneki: *raise your hand timidly* and-I

Ikki: well koneki we hear you

Koneki: well I don't like to be fought because they're both very good together so I think they should stop arguing all the time p-but if they want to do that

Ikki: okay, and you shiro?

Shiro: I say just take off both so as not to accumulate so much negativity

Ikki: well and you who think *look at yui and haruna*

Haruna: I'll just say I appreciate this but I won't change overnight

Yui: I really want to stop arguing but if she doesn't take her side then I so little will

Ikki: very well since we listen it is my turn to speak *sigh* you are very opposite but if you can get along

Haruna: hahaha, are you sure about that?

Ikki: I know what I'm saying because you guys don't hate each other just crash in some situations

Yui: I would say in all

Haruna: that doesn't help party pooper

Ikki: let's do something to improve this situation

Haruna: like what?

Ikki: we'll all say something personal and special to us that way we'll trust more as a team

Koneki: o-ok

Shiro: it'll be fun I want to do it

Haruna: it's okay I'll do it too

Yui: I agree with that

Ikki: well, who wants to be the first?

Shiro: me

Ikki: let's see we hear you ice cube

Shiro: Good hehehe before I met him I was a very good student and was popular with my classmates but everyone was with me because they had me hurt

Ikki: what exactly?

Shiro: from my family

Koneki: oh...

Shiro: my father was an alcoholic and my mother was a prostitute my older brother was already in gangs

Haruna: wait your brother's name is shearing beam

Shiro: is that how did you get to know him?

Haruna: let's say we met to go steal but I haven't seen him in months.

Shiro: anyway, at least he's still alive.

Yui: it was very hard to deal with truth

Shiro: at first but don't let it affect my future and thanks to that I have you to give me a lot of love

Ikki: thank you for sharing shiro *caresses your head*

Shiro blushing: eh of nothing heheje

Koneki: I can follow

Ikki: go ahead

Koneki: *take a deep breath* I have a big family and I thank you for the time you invested in me but... go through a stage that I would call the Haruna stage

Haruna: I think I know why you say it

Koneki: I used to be very confident and had everyone's respect but one day I'd go alone in a dangerous place I knew they'd do something to me if I was there

Shiro: what did they do to you?

Koneki: I was cornered between six armed men and were willing to rape myself because I got in with their leader and cheated on him with another gang

Ikki: them... did they?

Koneki: fortunately not because I got a cop to defend myself but after that day I locked myself in my room and I didn't go out for a month, I was still immensely afraid to go out and I started to be insecure and very scary and that's why I'm currently like this

Ikki: *hug koneki and talk to her ear* it's okay I'll take care of you

Koneki: *Start crying with joy when you hear ikki* Do you promise?

Ikki: of course if *stop hugging koneki*

Haruna: well it's my turn

Ikki: all right

Haruna: well now I don't know who my parents are because they abandoned me in an alley when I was a baby, a homeless man received me and I grew up until I was 9 years he that if it was good times but then they killed him because I don't pay a debt I had

Koneki: oh

Yui: *take haruna's hand* so what did you do?

Haruna: hey after burying him I went for revenge and I got it but then I couldn't get out of that world, well so far but something that homeless guy taught me still helps me sentimentally

Ikki: Is that it?

Haruna: "The only thing that matters in life is to live it without regret"

Yui: what do you think when you say it?

Haruna: that old man was a great father *he gets a tear but quickly takes it off* well you follow your yui

Yui: because I was always outgoing in everything but for my family it was not enough, they always wanted more and more were very controlling with me but there was once I passed out in my house my family took me to the hospital and they said that I suffered from asthma but that it was very mild but for my parents it was my undoing

Haruna: Wait Why?

Yui: they said they couldn't have flaws so one night I found out they wanted to get rid of me

Koneki: how cruel

Yui: then I packed my bags, took some money and left that house one morning and for my parents I'm dead

Ikki: so what do you think of your new family?

Yui: for I adore her and I will make a regret to be so provocative with you

Haruna: and I'm sorry to be so proud and smug

Ikki: come now we can have more confidence as a family

Shiro: except for a little thing

Koneki: which one?

Shiro: *point your fingers at ikki* this kitten hasn't told us about her past

Ikki: Ijeje ok you want to know

The girls stare at ikki and after a while she has a lecture between them to know what to ask ikki. After a few minutes they separate and koneki approaches ikki

Koneki: ikki do you still love mari?

Ikki: they started strong heheheing but currently surpasses it

Shiro: then why do you keep trying to revive her?

Ikki: mari was for me the most beautiful thing in the human world but not everything is pink and died in my arms, and not only gave me my name of ikki toujou but also a great void in my heart

Yui: if she were seeing you now, what would she think?

Ikki: I think she'd be very sad and angry at me.

Mari: *hugs him in the back* that's never going to happen silly kitty

Ikki: but I'm currently very happy

Haruna: Why do you say that?

Ikki: because I know that she nevertheless showed me a sincere smile and as her kitten I must remain happy and not let her see me lost in darkness

Shiro: that's how you talk

Koneki: well said

Haruna: if I wanted you before now if I consider you my kitten

Yui: thank you for doing this ikki

Ikki: hahahaha you know I think now if I can be more social with you

Haruna: you'd better

After that the girls hugged ikki and he kissed each one on the head, haruna sat on the couch but I looked first at the window and saw a silhouette of a girl in a pointed hat

Haruna: What demo-? *disappearance the silhouette* hears ikki do you know a witch?

Ikki: only one but... Wait, did you see her?

Haruna: if you're outside

Ikki: *Quickly open the door and come out to confirm it was there* shit

Koneki: ikki, who's that witch?

Ikki: a professional killer and if she was here that means I'm her target

Instantly a great explosion was seen near the house and you could hear the heartbreaking cries of the people

Ikki: girls I think it's time to fight

Haruna: *gets out of the house quickly and stands next to ikki* I'm ready

Shiro: *transforms and your battle clothes appear* you're not the only one

Koneki: *transforms and his battle clothes appear* now let's fight seriously

Ikki: yui vamos *transforms into cat with her battle clothes*

Yui: *leaves the house making his battle clothes appear* quiet he was seeing where the explosion went and went near the park

Haruna: well the last one to arrive makes dinner *becomes a ray of electricity and goes *

Shiro: ah yes *moves quickly on your ice*

Yui: now I won't be the last *moves over your water quickly*

Koneki: hear me wait*take a leap and propel yourself with your flames*

Ikki cat: I think they're all going to cook me some miau dinner *snap your fingers and teleport to the park*

Ikki was the first to arrive but to her surprise the park was devastated and had become a huge crater. Haruna is the second to arrive and shiro the third. Koneki on par with yui

Ikki Cat: I hope dinner will be spectacular meow he

Haruna: yes of course of course

Shiro: you'll like what I've got planned

Koneki: this time I'll secure the victory

Yui: as I see the situation I will only say meow

Ikki cat: wise words sister but now we have work

Near the crater you could see a man in a golden armor with a katana in his hand

Ikki Cat: Hear Strange Spot!

???: *Turn in the direction of ikki and the girls* I see that you are very punctual toujou

Ikki cat: when I want meow

Haruna: hey it's time to beat you up *makes waves of electricity appear on your palms*

Shiro: if what the rebel said with cause

???: Hahaha well *point his sword at ikki* you'd better face me with all your kitten power

Ikki cat: hahahaha I wonder if you can keep up with me horse

The gentleman stood guard with his katana. Haruna quickly throws he himself at him with an electrified kick but did him no damage and the armor was still unhinged. The gentleman punches her in the face and knocks her unconscious. Koneki wraps his arms in lava and also throws himself at the knight but the knight easily dodges it and with the magician of his katana gives him two blows to the abdomen leaving her on the sore ground

Ikki throws hes and kicks the gentleman in the entire abdomen, denting the armor a little

Ikki cat smiling: it seems that it no longer serves your treasure damn scum truth

???: Hehehe you think that matters to me

He quickly gets on ikki's back and attacks him with his katana but ikki stops her with her little finger. The knight quickly drops his katana and kicks him to wiki sending him flying. Shiro creates an ice column to seal the knight's step but in a single motion his katana completely destroys shiro's column. Yui locks him in a water bubble but gets rid of it easily. The gentleman knocked out shiro and yui with a quick hit. Ikki returns to the gentleman punching him in the face but before I hit him the gentleman stops him and burys his sword to ikki in the abdomen causing her to bleed a little

Ikki Cat: Wow... you seem to be good but*regenerates his wound*you haven't met me scum yet

???: Since I see you're not a threat, I'll let you know my name so you can stop telling me scum

Ikki cat: oh seriously because I don't really care about your stupid name

??? angry: as I said my name is solne the strongest gentleman in the world

Ikki cat: oh what a fucking name friend

Solne: *Rebury your katana in ikki's chest* let's say it again kitty

Ikki cat smiling: *spit blood* now if you angry the cat *take out the katana and suddenly destroy it completely into a thousand pieces*

Solne: *throw the katana handle and stand guard* how about we solve this like men

Ikki cat: *heals her wound again and stands guard* the first to get knocked out loses is fine

Solne: *gives you a knee in the abdomen* I think it's okay kitty

Ikki was a little dazed but gave the gentleman two punches in the face and three consecutive knees. Solne was almost finished and walked away a little ikki to catch his breath but haruna kicked him in the back while he was distracted. Then koneki tinged several fireballs at the dent that had his armor. Solne was badly injured by those attacks but ikki kicked him all over his chest sending him flying into a building that fell on him.

Ikki cat: cat god one solne zero hahaha that

Haruna: *he's approaching ikki* I was the one who gave you that chance

Ikki cat: remind me to give you an award for that meow

Haruna: I hope it's worth it

Ikki approaches shiro and yui and puts her hand on each other's heads making them wake up instantly. But when ikki was going to disappear to solne with her flame the witch who was covered with a cape was taking the body

Ikki cat: do you come for your garbage or what?

???: *makes solne's body disappear with her staff* as you know who I am I'll just tell you you'd better teach them how to fight if you want to keep seeing them alive

Ikki cat: I'll write it down in my book I don't care

???: Whatever you want kitty but it will be your end *take out your staff and disappear with solne*

Ikki Cat: Good time to clean *snap your fingers fixing the whole park and disappear your ears and cat tail*

Haruna: who would say that through this park I would meet such a kind cat

Ikki: I know I am but thank you very much haruna

Haruna: who said it was you?

Ikki smiling: I

Shiro: well I was the one who knew you as a cat

Koneki: ikki can you transform into a cat?

Yui: I think it was very obvious

Ikki: good point

Everyone was about to leave, but a guy came in with a blue jacket and a barbed hood, black pants, short hair and red sneakers quickly in front of them.

???: ikki that came back personally for you.

Ikki worried: shit, how?

???: If I knew, I'd have told you *look at the girls* oh hello to all

Haruna: hello dog

Shiro smiling: hello

Nervous Koneki: h-hello

Yui: good morning

Ikki: Anyway andry tell me you didn't bring it here

Andry: I don't think he'll match me in my speed

Suddenly a purple portal appears on the ground and from him appears a person with furs of different types of animals, a blue cloth covering his mouth, a helmet in the shape of the silver bear's head that did not show his face, a silver armor and many jars of potions at his waist

???: Go he runs roads and the kitten that good finds truth

Angry Ikki: How did you get here, you bastard?

Haruna: hey, who is he?

???: Ah how rude I will introduce myself I am the heavenly killer who killed the elemental goddesses although I think I should do it again

Angry Ikki: *snaps your fingers and makes you appear to dreimer*

Dreimer: what the fuck! * Look around and see the guy in the silver armor* oh... not you!

Ikki: now you know why I had to bring you

Dreimer: *take out his sword and cover it with a purple flame* I'm glad to know you're still alive

Ikki: I won't go on like this if we don't do something soon

Koneki: ikki, what's going on?

Yui: Is that guy another guy who wants to kill you?

Haruna: hahaha he doesn't know who he's got into

Shiro: if we go get him!

Ikki: I'll just say it once so listen well get away from here

Haruna: I'm not leaving knowing that he killed a relative of mine.

Ikki: *seriously look at haruna* NOW!

The girls were shocked with ikki's expression but in the end they walked away from him leaving him with dreimer and andry

Ikki: guys we should stay together ok

Andry: I'd rather you escape before he kills us.

Ikki: Don't even think about andry

Andry didn't listen to ikki and with great speed kicked the heavenly killer in the face but doesn't get any scratches. The killer grabs andry's leg and sticks a cursed knife in it.

Andry: Ahhh!

Heavenly killer: hahaha one less missing the lobito and his cat

Dreimer: ikki, do we do plan 52?

Ikki: of course

Ikki quickly scrolls to the right and drains to the left. Ikki throws several punches at the killer but quickly dodges them and stops ikki with a kick in the chest leaving him breathless. Angry Dreimer attacks him with his sword but doesn't hit him and the killer uses andry's body to stop the sword from draining. The killer was about to break his neck to dreimer but ikki punches him in the face and two consecutive knees in the killer's abdomen and dreimer also begin to hit him several times. Ikki and dreimer synchronized several blows to the killer but he puts an end to them by sending them flying with a spell that he performed with his hands. In the wiki air he propels himself back towards the ikki hits him with a kick in the head but the killer grabs ikki's leg and when he was going to break it ikki cuts off his leg and walks away from him and gradually regenerated his leg

Heavenly Assassin: I see that now they both became strong but I'm still better

Nervous Dreimer: bro, are you okay?

Ikki: *her leg regenerates completely* yes but I can't do that again so some idea

Dreimer: none

Ikki: shit!

Heavenly killer: well that was fun but I have to go to work so goodbye but first *wield your hand*

Ikki very injured: dre... imer *collapses on the ground*

Dreimer very wounded: ik... ki *collapses on the ground*

Heavenly Assassin: Hahaha *disappears through the portal*

Ikki, dreimer and andry were seriously wounded without realizing the heavenly killer. After a while the wounds of her body healed a little and ikki managed to regain consciousness

Ikki: fuck!... where am I?

Shiro: in heaven and I am your guardian angel

Ikki: well I had a good life *it caresses shiro's hair *

Dreimer: I see you finally wake up bro

Ikki: I'm sorry to see you called at the time

Dreimer: believe me it would have hurt me more to know that I didn't help you deal with it and you'd be good, you know.

Shiro: *hug ikki* that will never happen

Ikki: Good heheje you've already heard my guardian angel

Dreimer: Hahahaha I see you get along better with them

Ikki: we're more as a family than as a team even where the others are

Dreimer: look around your bed

Ikki: *look around and see the girls asleep by her side* wow this is so sweet but because you're the only one awake

Shiro: because we had to take care of you so I wanted to be the first to stand guard but they all fell asleep quickly and I almost did too but dreimer woke me up

Ikki: well, at least we're fine for now, but where's andry?

Dreimer: It's okay when the girls brought us in he drank your healing cans and left to track the heavenly killer or something.

Ikki: well, but you know what happened to us when I pushed my hand?

Dreimer: we pierce our spirit

Ikki: shit!

Dreimer: I know it's a miracle we could wake up and more you because it happened to you

Ikki: well now I have to train a little more but I need my punching bag

Dreimer: I think it will be the opposite bro

Ikki: hahaha well let's go to the room

Shiro gets out of bed and goes to the living room and turns on the TV. Ikki and dreimer go to the kitchen and drink from the healing drinks after a few minutes the others got up scared because they didn't see ikki in bed but when they came out and saw him in the kitchen koneki and yui hugged him and kissed him on the cheek when they let him douna gives him a very strong hug and a tear comes out. Ikki notices and caresses her head. The girls went into the room with shiro and stared at the news as ikki and dreimer spoke in ikki's room

Dreimer: it's time to get rid of them for their sake

Ikki: you know that for me that's not an option

Dreimer: ikki we almost died today we must focus on our growth not theirs

Ikki: you know perfectly well that if we have to do that

Dreimer: *sigh* ikki... I almost lost you if and now I just want to at least die fighting to die not as a weakling

Ikki: that's why we should train differently than usual but I'll tell you tomorrow now go and relax ok

Dreimer: ok but please take care

Ikki: you know I always do

Ikki teleports to dreimer back to where she was. When he came out the girls had bought a huge bread for dinner. After that they turned everything off in the house and set out to sleep but someone was knocking on ikki's door

Ikki in low pitch: go ahead

Haruna in a low tone: *opens the door and lies in bed* I just wanted company so...

Ikki: *hugs haruna and kisses her on the head and falls asleep *

Increasingly this story has more doubts than answers and increasing risk to ikki and the girls but they will still fight to defeat the heavenly killer once and for all
