Chapter Six

I was extremely hesitant because I would have to hunt everyone I've met, became close with, and cared about. I don't know how to feel about this, this changes everything. I would be becoming everything I learned to hate. Revan had placed me in my own room, so that I can think. If I said no I would most likely be staked. What a dick. "Listen kid, I have been hunting all kinds of creatures for over 20 years. One thing I've learned is that being a Vampire is not easy." He looked at me with sorrowful eyes. I had learned to some what control my blood thirst but jesus I wanted to rip his throat open and drink every drop of blood. I could feel the sedative wearing off, my strength started coming back. I looked around real quick. Bam. I made my move, I jumped through the wall. Damn, that brick wall hurt a little bit and ran back to the Castle. It all seemed a little to easy…

    I finally got back to the Castle right as Dawn had arrived. I went through one of the secret tunnels that I had installed if we were under attack. I had never felt so alone. I went into the Great Hall and saw Ezra and almost smiled, until I saw who he was sitting with. It was Deacon and Dev. I became so angry, I ran at them with a rage and and picked Ezra up by the throat. I screamed as loud as I possibly could "What the hell do you think you are doing?!" Before he could even mumble a word I tore his head off with ease. I jammed my hand into his heart and pulled it out, only to squeeze the blood onto my face. I whipped around, soaked in blood with rage and hatred building up in my body. I could feel this burning hatred in my stomach that welled up in my chest. I ran at Deacon full force, I had to kill him. I shoved my hands into his ribs and tore him in half, I hated him. I hated Dev. I hated Ezra. Most of all, I hated myself. I had become the monster I always hated. But deep down, this was always who I was supposed to be. After burning Ezra and Deacon, I sat down across from Dev at the table that extented through the entire room. "Holy shit bro, what the hell did you just do? That was like 5 seconds" Dev stated blankly. "I.. I don't even know, I just… I was angry" I said. "Why were you and Deacon here?" I asked. "Well, we were trying to work out a deal to take out the hunters and rescue you, man. We thought that the enemy of my enemy is my friend." "I…. I don't know what to say…" I say. I am not the same person that I was, I feel like a monster.

  Even though Dev and I weren't really friends, more of a respect. I had asked him to stay with me, and he said yes. I have amassed some money. I took over the Hybrids businesses and gained a fortune. Dev and I were becoming closer. We hired people to turn my castle into a fortress on the outside, and spectacular on the inside. It was weird. People haven't attacked us in a long time. Dev was my number two. I had arranged for him to bring in almost one thousand Vampires and Werewolves. I wanted an army. I wanted to conquer. I wanted to meet with them all personally, so that I could ensure absolute loyalty. I was cold, but fair to everyone. After all of the interviews, I killed the people who didn't cut it, personally. I was not risking anyone knowing what I was up to. I sat everyone in the Great Hall and congratulated them all on passing my hardcore interviews. "Hello everyone! Thank you all for joining me on my crusade, the easiest part was the interview. We have a long way until we see our goal through! Training begins tomorrow night. I will train the Vampires, my brother will train the Werewolves and Hybrids. Get some rest, you've got a Crucible ahead." I exclaimed. I had to fake smiles and laughs. I was and am deeply alone and depressed. I'm alone. I'm cold hearted. I'm a killer.

  Things are weird. Even when I was a human, I was diagnosed with Depression. I just feel more alone and isolated. I'm becoming colder. My recruits training is going great. They love the challenge, except for when I made them play a normal game like dodgeball. I was bonding with them pretty hard, I had days with the Vampires, and spent afternoons with the wolves. I wanted every one to be united. Dev and I sat down and decided to make two elite units. I wanted units that could take out an army without them noticing. Usually I would ask Dev but I wanted this. I picked the most promising cantidates. Candidates that could become the perfect soldiers. I gathered a group of five. But while I was picking, I saw something that made me shudder. What I saw, was magnificent. What I saw was nothing but pure perfection. I saw…. Her