Chapter Five

Every day that goes by I feel myself becoming more and more sheltered. I never realized that I would be so lonely, being a Vampire is tragic. I had asked around and found out that there was a party for Vampires tonight. I decided to go, Ezra asked to go but I told him to recruit loyal men and women. I walked into the abandoned slaughter house where party took place. I walked up to the bar and got a pint of blood. Alcohol doesn't do anything to Vampires, which sucks ass. I really wanted a shot. Self loathing is almost consuming me on a daily basis, to the point where I want to turn myself into the Vampire Hunters. I sit there and drink my blood, when someone grabs my shoulder. I turn around and its Dev. "What the hell are you doing here?" I yell over the music. "I had to come see you, I'm in deep shit bro" Dev says. We begin to walk outside. "The Hybrids want to wipe out the humans, Vampires, and Werewolves" Dev says as his eyes tear up. "There's another creature, controlling the Hybrids, and Werewolves." He continues to say. "Dev, after all of the shit you put me through, you expect me to help you? To abandon Ezra? What the hell is wrong with you?" I yell.

  Right as we were about to talk a group of Werewolves dropped down right on top of us. I punched one in the chest and it died. Dev turned into his goofy looking shifted form and tried to fight a whole group of the freaking things but he was beaten to hell. They circled me and I jumped onto a building and ran. I ran, and ran, and ran into a fucking trap. Those scummy ass hunters finally got me. They imjected me with a garlic mixed sedative. It works like a normal one, but it's made specifically for Vampires. I was in and out, but I woke up in an arra that looked like a bar. I eas surrounded by guys wearing dark outfits and swords. "Hello, my name is Revan. I bet you're wondering why we kidnapped you. It was the only way to get you out of there safely." He says quietly. "What the hell do you want from me?" I say. "You're a Vampire, we're going to turn you into a human."

  "What the hell makes you think that you have the right to turn me into a human?!" I scream. "Well, To be honest, we need you to take down Deacon, Dev, and the rest of those creatures. You know them better than anyone" Revan says. "We'll even sweeten the deal, we're going to make a bargain. You take them down and we will let you keep your castle, start your own Vampire Hunters squad, and if you agree we will turn you half human. You'll keep your strengths and immortality but you'll be able to walk in daylight" Says Revan.

"Fine… I'll do it"