Chapter Four

I opened the coffin I was resting in and realized that this abandoned warehouse was a shitty idea for a Faction to try and settle. I needed to find something, like my own castle. I mean I am in Romania, so finding a castle can't be that hard right? I spent all night searching for something to house a small army. Ezra was off getting us a decent supply of blood and I didn't want to have to kill again. I know I need to, but that doesn't make it any easier. Everyday I feel myself getting more and more cold hearted. A little more mean, a little more snarky. I don't know why, but it's been getting worse. My blood thirst is getting worse, if I go a day without blood it feels like someone lit the inside of my throat on fire and then dried it out so bad that the only thing that can quench it is hot, thick, sweet blood. By the way, anyone who says that blood is blue until it hits oxygen is talking out of their ass, read a book dumb ass.

Ezra had finally came back and I noticed he was carrying to things. One was a cooler with a nozzle, and the other was a piece an envelope. "What's in the envelope?" I say blankly. "This is the deed to our new 15th century castle!" He shouts with excitement. "How the hell did you get this!?" I yell. "I killed the guys family who owned it" Ezra whispers. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" I scream with roaring anger. "I was just trying to help, man" he says as he begins to tear up. "Ezra, I didn't mean to yell but we can't draw too much attention to ourselves, we're in hiding right now. Even the slightest bit of attention could get us hunted down" "I'm sorry, man" Ezra says. I lean in to give him a hug. "I've been asking around, and I learned that the town is ran by the Werewolves and they have a pact with the Blood Faction, the Blood Faction only kills what they need to" I say as I read thr envelope while I crack open the nozzle and chug it. "If the Blood Faction is that good than why would Abraham lie to us?" "Because Abraham is a lying piece of shit and he's hurting people that he doesn't need to hurt"

  Ezra and I changed our clothes and we decided to talk to the new castle. As we approached the castle, I couldn't help but realize that my life is better off as a Vampire. I couldn't believe that the first property I owned is a Romanian castle built a long ass time ago. We entered the castle and we started running throughout the house and started taking all of the old shit from that goofy ass family. I took the master bedroom. My bedroom has a balcony, bathroom, living room to myself, and a walk in closet. This place was awesome, at my old house in the United States I had a small ass room. I went into Ezra's room and he was crying, I asked him why he was crying and what he told me was tragic. "I was the most loved person at my school, perfect student, I had my dream girl. Everything was perfect. One night I was walking to my car from football practice and I heard a noise. I turned around and I didn't see who the guy was but he ripped my leg open and cut his own wrist and dropped blood in there. That  blood burnt, like someone stuck a hot needle into my veins. I didn't know what to do, I passed out. I woke up and I was burning in the sunlight. I ran to the nearest grate in the sewer system. After that my life was over with. I was forever going to be a Vampire." "Ezra, words can't express how truly sorry I am. I vow to you that of we ever find that Vampire I will let you test him to pieces. He took your life away from you. You should have the right to take his."