Chapter Three

We walked out of the room I was resting in down the hall to a room that was filled with people. "Well kid, here it is. This is the Great Hall." "Abraham, what exactly am I doing here? Why did you make me a Vampire? I asked while sitting down with him at a table." "Riley, your best friend is a Hybrid. The night that he disappeared he was attacked by an unknown Vampire and a Werewolf who smelled the blood that he was choking on" Abraham said. "Who was the Vampire?" "I have all of my best trackers out looking for him, we think the Vampire was part of the Blood Faction" "What the hell is the Blood Faction?" I say. "They are a Rogue group of Vampires, they believe that they should rule the human race. We are different because we believe humans are equals and we only feed on what we need to survive." "So how the hell does Dev fit into all of this?" I exclaim. "Dev fits into this because the Blood Faction and Hybrids have a newly formed alliance and are trying to take us all out. the Blood Faction consists of fresh Vampires which alone could not take us out, but with Hybrids they have all of Vampires strengths and none of our weaknesses. They also can shift into a Werewolf, Dev for example, he is extrenely powerful because he was attacked twice in the same hour. His human DNA was ripped in half to make way for both infections." "Enough of our impending doom, walk around, meet some people you may live with them for eternity you want or we can all die together" Abraham explodes with laughter.

  So, I took Abrahams advice and began conversating with all of the Vampires. "Hey man, welcome to the clan!" A voice yells from the corridor leading into another room. "Thanks, I'm Riley" I say blankly. "I'm Ezra, I've been a Vampire for about two years" Ezra says with excitement. "I'm Riley, I've been a Vampire for about an hour" I say sarcastically. I don't like having to meet new people, ive always been nervous in big crowds. Well now I'm a Vampire and surrounded by a crowd of the blood thirsty undead, how ironic. I walk out of the large room after filling my chalice with blood onto a porch that over looks the small town, it was at least 5 miles away. I walk towards the edge and there it was. That feeling. I couldn't believe my eyes, it was Dev. "Hey asshole! Nice to see you!" He yells. "Dev… how….how did you find me?" I say so shocked that my very core is shook. "Well you were my best friend" he says sadly. "Dev! Enough of this shit!" Yells a very strange voice. "I am Deacon, I am Hybrid royalty. I run this faction. Where is the filthy blood sucker known as Abraham?" He snoots at me with an accent I've never heard. But when I was looking around at all of these creatures. One way to tell a Vampire from a Hybrid is, the eyes. Hybrid's have deep grey eyes, Vampires have multi colored eyes. "Go get Abraham, or i will kill everyone here!" Deacon seething. I sneak off while they go get Abraham. I had to get out of there, I had to leave. I dont know what happened, but I'm guessing there was some kind of deal made.  I run back inside and I burst through a door to discover a room that I haven't seen before. The room I entered was…. Horrifying. People were being hung by hooks and their blood was draining to into a pool. I couldn't believe my eyes. "What the hell is going on here!?" I hear from behind me, I spin around to find Ezra. He was just as distraught as I was, Abraham walks in behind him. "Well, I'm sorry you had to find out like this" he says almost ashamed. "What's going on here!?" "Are you farming these poor people?" I say as I tear up. "Ezra let's get the hell oit of here" "I'm with you, man" Ezra says disappointed.

  We broke out of the old horror style castle. We hadn't stopped running until we hit the dead of woods. "Ezra, are you sure you didn't know about the blood farm?" "I'm sure, dude. I may be a blood thirsty human hunter,  but I do not approve of that" he exclaims. "Both of you, turn around. Put your hands above your head. If you try anything, I will stake you" a strange deep voice whispers. "Get into this cage" the strange man says. So Ezra and I get into the cage and he sprays us with this chemical. "Dont worry kids, we are going to take good care of you" he tears up. I pass out. I wake up to the sounds of men yelling and glasses breaking. We are in a dark room that is completely submerged in weapons and cloves of garlic. Garlic makes me feel like like every skin cell on my body is being hit with an eternal flame. I hated it, Ezra started crying from the pain. "Listen dude, its okay. We're going to get out of this" I have to try to reassure him because without him we're not getting out of this. A man enters the room wearing a black leather duster, and a top hat. He's a want to be Van Helsing looking dick bag. "Well, blood suckers looks like we got you now." just by looking at Ezra I can tell he's as blood starved as I am. "What the hell do you want, asshole?" I yell to him frantically. He reaches down and unlocks our cage. He grabs a crossbow, like what the hell? Why would you use that in this day and age? Idiot. Before he can do anything I punch him really freaking hard in the chest. And then I choked him out, I guess I don't know my own strength because I may have broke his neck… Oops. I just killed a man. I thought it would have felt different.

  Instead of figuring out where the hell we were, we escaped out of a window. We needed to find the Blood Faction. Maybe they weren't what Abraham made them out to be. Maybe they could help us, we decided to rest for a day or two. Luckily for us, there were Coffin Warehouses. Just like Vampire hotels. Ezra and I were given money when we joined Abraham. When we woke up, it was time to hunt. We needed to feed and I hate to say it but I'm going to have to kill again. I didn't have a Portable Blood Farming Kit. Ezra and I don't like it, but we need our strength up, we're expecting a fight either from Abraham's goons, the Hybrids, or even the elusive Werewolves. It's most definitely not safe here, maybe I should leave. I didnt  know what to do then and it hit me, I'll create my own Faction. I have to think of a bad ass name though. But before that, I need to find soldiers. Ezra and I head to a local bar, it had night vision Vampire tags all over the place. We were in the right place. The owners, staff, and basically everyone else in there is a Vampire. I need to build this Faction as quickly as I can.