Chapter Two

    I woke up chained to a wall in this creepy ass castle looking room. The door opened and a man walked in a black suit, surprise surprise it was my best friend. "Dev! What are you doing here?" I said with desperation.  "Riley, things are happening that you wouldn't understand" Dev said with a cold tone to his voice. "What the hell are you talking about, asshole?" I screamed. "Whats going on?!" "Riley, that night I disappeared, I was attacked by a Vampire and a werewolf" Dev said with a plain look. "So what you're saying is, you're doing Nitrous again?" I say sarcastically. "Enough of your childish jokes!" He screams as he punches a hole through the concrete wall. "There's a two front war, I was thrown into the middle of it, you're going to help me" Dev exclaims. "How the hell am I supposed to help you? Do I look like Dr. Phil?"

  My soon to be ex best friend took off the shackles, and said "Walk and talk with me". He opened the door and we walked down the stairs. The only way I could describe this is, it smells of death, and mold. We came to a huge room that I can only describe as what a medieval ball room, it was full of very odd looking people. "We call ourselves the Hybrids, each and every one of us is more werewolf than we are vampire" Dev said. "But Dev you never explained to me what the hell happened? How did you become this? Is there a cure?" I asked without hesitation. "Riley, I don't want to be cured. For once I belong somewhere where I don't have an abusive father, and a dead mother. I'm loved here" Dev said with a deep pain in his eyes. "Dev, I'm not one of those things" I said tearing up. "You're my brother…" I began to wipe the tears from my eyes and walk away when I heard him quietly say "We were never brothers."

  I grabbed my jacket and opened a giant glass door that led out to a porch, the view was incredible. It was a perfectly snowy night. Dev came out with a bunch of his friends and offered me some alcohol, they were shit faced. I just turned around and began thinking about this one time in elementary school when he beat the shit out of a bunch of bullies who were stomping my face in. He saved me, from that day forward we were inseparable. Out of nowhere I was hit in the fucking head again, only this time I didn't hear a single breath, step, and I knew I was in danger.

  I'm getting tired of being knocked out. I woke up to being punched in the ribs, I heard my bones crunch. And I began to have trouble breathing. "Victor, take it easy we need him" said a man with an American accent, it was nice to hear a similar voice. "Now son, this is gonna feel like hot lava surging through your body" said the same man. I had tried to speak but it was just wheezing, my ribs were cracked pretty bad. Then I feel two holes and what I can only describe as highly excruciating and never ending. I passed out from the pain. I woke up and was incredibly sore, my broken ribs are still hurting. I tried to sit up, and the man walked in. "Well, look who's already up and ready to go" the man exclaimed. "Who are you? What the hell do you want from me? I barely said. " I'm Abraham, I am what you would call the leader of this group" he said proudly. "What group? And what did you do to me? "Well son, I don't know how to break it to you, so I'm just going to say it. I turned you into a Vampire, which answers both of your questions" "Question. Why did that asshole break almost all of my ribs?" "Victor, wanted to be sure you wouldn't run off" Abraham said with a slightly sad look on his face. "Here, drink this" as he hands me a very old looking glass. "It's blood, it'll make you feel better son" So I drink it and then I feel my ribs snap back into place and I could smell everything for at least a mile. "I feel… much better" I say happily. "Well, blood can make Vampires do extraordinary things, kid".

  "Let's go meet everyone, what do ya say?"