Chapter Eight: Dawn of War

I never really explained why I turned her. I may seem like a monster, but I was instantly attached to her. I turned her because there is an impending war brewing. Vampires, Werewolves, Hunters, Hybrids, and my crew. Most of my guys and girls were pretty well trained by now. But Bridgette, hunter training and the powers of a Vampire? I had to take that chance. She may hate me right now, but I want to show her the beauty of being immortal. I need to promote one of my guys to a General. I have two General's right now, Dev and Bridgette once I explain what is going to happen. I have a feeling that she may help, with at least the war. I was sitting on the deck that overlooks the beautiful lake that I made a bunch of the newbies build. I love screwing with the new ones, because they're always so scared.

I walk from the deck to my bedroom, I go down the stairs to where Bridgette is being locked up. I open the door and walk in. It was pitch black, but I could see in the dark perfectly. She was drinking the blood from where his head used to be. That was her sixth body that she emptied. I hadn't came down here and seen her in days. "Bridgette, we need to talk. The war is brewing, people are taking sides, and I need you. Will you please help me?" I desperately explain. As she's breaking bones and finishing drinking blood she says "I... will help you, on one condition. Show me how to be a better Vampire. I want to be a Vampire with a purpose. If I am like this for eternity, I want to do good." She seemed like she really meant that. "Well maybe, for starters you could put that old guys Femur down and drink from the body. Like a normal Vampire." I start laughing as she awkwardly drops the bone.

I have Bridgette on my side. Dev has been away for a little while gathering intel on our enemies. So I gave Bridgette the tour of my Castle. I still think its cliche that I have a castle, but its very spacious and nice looking. We ended the tour in my room. I had her walk out to the deck with me. "Riley, I can hear heartbeats and blood pumping through people's veins from the little town thats a mile or so away. It scares me. " she shuttered in terror. She was horrified by her own strength. "Bridgette, at first everyone is afraid of power. I've been a Vampire for close to a year. I'm discovering new things about myself every day. It will take time to get used to it. If you would like, I can show you what I know." I'm trying very hard to be nice and not remember that she was trying to jam a stake into my heart. I show her that Vampires don't need to sleep in coffins, all you have to do is completely darken the room.

I explained to her what is going on, she had no idea that this war was happening. Those dumb ass Hunters wouldn't even tell one of their best killers that they were plotting to make moves in the war. "Hey, we need to make a decision. I would like you to gather everyone in the Great Hall. We're going to vote on who we want as allies. The Blood Faction won't trust us, The Hunters won't help us, and The Hybrids want us dead. That leaves one Faction that we need to convince." I tell her. "The Werewolves." She adds. "Gather everyone for a meeting in five minutes."