Chapter Nine: A Pale Horse

 As all of you know, we have been preparing for a war since I brought all of you here to become my family and train. I know that I have not been the most kind leader, but I have and will continue to take care of you. We will conquer and win this war! So enjoy this meal, I made something specific for everyone! I love you all!" As I walk away from the podium to my personal table. "Riley, this is Oliver, James, and Frank. Oliver has been a Vampire for 30 years, he has survived for a quite a long time and really like to join your personal unit. James is a Hybrid, and as apart from most Hybrids he was born as one. His father a Werewolf and his mother a Vampire. Frank's real name is Francis The Impaler. He is a Pure Blood Vampire, and believes soley in what you are doing" Bridgette explains. "Hello, I humbly accept all of you into my unit. Frank, do you know the Vampire who turned me?" I ask. "Yes, I created that abomination. Pure Bloods are at the top of the food chain and it is time for us to take back this land from those filthy mindless beasts. I hate all humans." Frank snarls. "Frank, I appreciate you being so passionate."

    I was worried that some of my men and women were to hell bent on taking down all of the humans. I sent Dev to set a meeting with the Werewolf pack leader. If I could get him on my side, we would be unstoppable against everyone else. I'm sitting in the throne in the Great Hall when Dev comes rushing through the door. "Riley, ru-!" But before he could mutter the words he was shot multiple times with silver bullets. Hunters. I counted at least ten gunshot wounds. "Light it up, boys!" Then the room was being smothered in a wave of bullets. Windowns breaking, bullets bouncing, and for what? A war? I crawled over to Dev who was bleeding out very quickly. I began to cry. My childhood best friend was dying. This is the guy I played toy guns with, this is the guy who protected me when a bully was kicking my ass for having buck teeth, and this is also the guy who tried to fuck my mom. I've lost my best friend…

Bridgette ran over to me and tried getting me to leave. They were still shooting the Great Hall. "Riley, we have to go! He's dead!" She screams with tears rushing down her cheeks. "No! No! I can't leave him! He's my best friend!" I'm seething with tears. I can't control myself. Bridgette drags me out of the room, I rip his necklace off before she does. "Bridgette where are we going? I say as I wipe tears away. "Someplace where we wont be surprise attacked again."