Chapter Thirteen: A New Age

I couldn't believe that Dev was alive, but something just doesn't seem right. I'm not sure. I ran outside of The Castle to see if anyone had followed us and Bridgette was still inside the Entry helping Abraham get his old dusty looking ass into a wheelchair. I wanted to figure out who this douche was that Revan was talking about. Clearly it couldn't couldn't be cringey cliche that its Dracula. I walk back inside to ask that sniveling pile of shit where I can find information about this asshole.

"Abraham you and I have some serious fucking problems, but I need you to help me find out anything about this 'Ancient One', he seems to have eluded everyone in the history of making. The way that these guys talk about him is crazy, they make him sound like Dracula was his personal bitch." I exclaim to Abraham. "Well, Riley although you hate me I don't hate you. I need your help before I can assist you." He says. "Well what kind of help do you need?" I ask. "Because I have Grim Blood, my body starts to eat itself when I drink any form of fluids. I can't survive more than 2 weeks without blood. I think the only cure for Grim Blood is to cure my Vampirism." Abraham says. "So, do we have the stuff to make a cure?" I ask. "No, there is one person that I know of that has a cure at all times." He says. "Let me guess, Revan?" I ask. "That is correct, mate" he says with his deeply Irish accent. I had to figure out where Revan and all of his 'powerful' goons were having their circle jerk. It's not going to be easy, but we are in the middle of rural Romania. Where could they possibly be hiding?

It had been a week, but I finally tracked down their hide out. Surprise surprise, those dumb shits were in a hotel with the windows blacked out. Dev, Bridgette, and I were going to do a Recon mission to see where the cure was and Abraham is going to be on comms. This was our first real mission. This is our redemption, we're going to get back into this war and see it through. We will take them down. Every last one of them. Vampires, Werewolves, and the Blood Faction. Abraham helped me understand more about them. I thought they were some secret society, but it turns out that they are warriors from the beginning of time that realized how short life was. They became Vampires and Mercenaries. We, three very inexperienced 'soldiers' had to take on Mercenaries that started around the 14th century. We decided it would be a better idea to run, since Vampires run basically silent.