Chapter Fourteen: Uncontrollable Rage

As we approached the massive luxury hotel it was very clear that this place was crawling with Vampires. Stealth was our only real advantage. We were right in the middle of this small town. I began thinking, "Hey Dev, why didn't we just stay here?" I ask. "Because we were broke" he says sharply. We had taken cover behind a car and had to figure out a way in. "Dev, Bridgette we've got two options. We can go through the front and fight our way to the top or we can climb to the top and bust in. What do you want to do?" I ask.

"Well, it would be smarter to climb to the top but I want to kill something" Bridgette says.

"I'm with Bridgette, high five!" Dev says.

"No, I'm not high fiving." I say

"Come on bro, don't leave me hanging." Dev says.

"Fine" I high five that dummy.

    So, we walk up to the front door poke some dumb ass on the shoulder, he turns around and I shove a sword through his heart and I could feel the life drain from his body. Yes I do enjoy using swords, they're very violent. I am a little old fashioned that way. All of the old school Vampires used to use them and carry them everywhere they went. The guards for the entrance are dead. I peek inside through the double doors and see about two dozen Vampires and Werewolves just waiting with guns.

"Dev, there Is a lot of enemies inside, what do we do?" I ask blankly.

"We can still go to the top and snag that cure. But we can create a diversion so they think we're still down here" Dev says.

"Bridgette throw some smoke grenades into the room, then open the doors and drop those dead vampires in." I tell Bridgette. So she does, and then we climb up the wall as quick as we can, get to the top and peek in through the window. We see Revan and his butt buddies, and the cure is in the corner on top of a dresser. It was time to make a move.

    "Riley, hand me one of your swords, bro" dev says. "Why the hell would I do that? They are my favorite weapons" I tell him angrily. "Because I don't eant to use a shitty ass rifle." Dev says. "No, dipshit I'm not giving you my weapons. You have an M4A1 with holy water hollow points. Fuck 'em up" I tell him. He gets his rifle ready and I jump through thr window and start slicing through all of his followers and finally Dev, and I corner Revan while Bridget grabs the cure.  "Riley, cut that piece of shit down" Dev yells. "With pleasure." I say and smirk.

"Wait! I can share information with you that will be vital to the human race! If you hear me out then I will tell you." Revan says.

"Alright asshole, spill." I say.

"It's about your father, Riley" he says softly.

"Wait, wait, what?" I say.

"Riley, you don't know you father, right?" Dev asks.

"Right" I say.

"Spill the rest or I will cut your god Damn legs off!" I scream.

"Riley, I don't know how to say this. I am your father, and The Ancient One is your uncle.

"My….. What?"

Before I could react I could hear banging on the door and before they busted in we jumped out the window into a building, double backed to be sure we weren't followed and headed home. How is he my dad? Why is he bad? What is The Ancient One's name?