Chapter Fifteen: Truth Unveiled

 My entire world had been shaken to its core. I'm second guessing everything I had ever thought. I need to figure everything out. We finally get everyone back inside before daytime. "Abraham, we have your cure!" I shout so my voice echoes through the Castle. He rolls down the ramp in his wheelchair and looks like he's about to die. "Dev, carry him to the table quickly." I say. I'm hoping it's not too late. I pull his shirt apart and grab the cure out of the case, put a needle in it and stab it into his chest as quickly as I can. "Come on you bastard, don't die now. After everything we have had to deal with you can't die." I say to him. It's hard to tell if he's dead or not because he's a Vampire. We leave him on the table. "Riley, he's gone bro. We did everything we could." Dev says as he hugs me. I'm not exactly sad about the death, but he was vital to our mission. Maybe it's the Vampire in me that is so cold. Or maybe it's just because I've seen so much death. Life hasn't gotten any easier since my changing.

            Bridgette and I go up to my room after we blacken the windows and she's holding my hand, she is amazing. "Riley, are you going to be okay?" She asks. As we both sit on my bed. I love my bed, it has red and black curtains. I had it ordered from my shitty ass country. "I am okay, but it just seems like no matter how hard we try we can't save anyone. We keep screwing everything up. As much as I try to be good, it's just in our kinds nature to be loathing and brooding." I say.

"I understand that but you're trying your best, my old group let themselves be consumed by hate and it was their demise."

"Bridgette can I ask you a personal question?" I ask

"Of course, my love." she says

"How did you come to this country, I mean you are American?" I ask plainly.

"Well, two years ago I had everything. I was head of the Cheer Squad at high school, Straight A's, and Quarterback boyfriend. One night after I had drank an insane amount of beer I was stumbling home and out of nowhere I was snatched right off of the side walk, knocked out, and put into a van. I was horrified. When I woke up I was zip tied to a chair and I was in the center of a very large circular room. Surrounded by people in suits. I began to cry. I didn't dare to speak though. Then a man walked out and started describing me. That's when I realized that it was an auction and I was what was being sold. The auction went extremely fast. One man, had a perfect black suit with gold trim, jet black hair, perfect stubble. He had a look in his perfectly golden eyes. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He immediately raised his auction card and with a thick Russian accent said "One Hundred Million Dollars, American Money."

"That's awful.." I say.

He clearly won the auction by a long shot. He removed the zip ties from my hands and my feet. His first words to me were "It's barbaric to treat a young lady like this, Can I get you anything?" I begged him to let me go. But he kept saying "If god let the storm have it's way, it would wipe out civilization" I never knew what it meant. He put me in a private jet and we left.

"Bridgette I'm so sorry, you don't have to tell me this if you don't want to" I say.

"Riley, I feel like it's better if I do. It will make us closer." She says stiffly.

"After a day or two we arrived at our destination and as soon as we went inside it felt ominous. Everything was extremely dark and creepy, the windows were blacked out. And without a moments notice, he took my bag and took me to a door towards the back of the compound. He pushed me down the stairs into a pitch black room. I didn't know what was down there were but there were a lot hissing and low growling noises, he covered me in Garlic and pushed me down the stairs." She says as she pulls her shirt up to reveal hundreds of ripping and and nail marks.

"Dear god…" I say.