Chapter Sixteen: Prep for War

 Bridgette and I had spent real time together and for once it seemed like things may get better. We decided to go get some blood from the reserves. We opened the massive double doors to walk out of my room and down the corridor to the stairs. We went to where Abraham had died, but he wasn't there. "Where the hell did he go?" I ask.

"He was dead.." Brigette utters. I mean I'm undead bet people who die for real don't just get up and walk away.

"Guys… I think I'm cured." Uttered from behind us in the corner of the room. He was covered head to toe in blood. Abraham killed fourteen people. He had acted in pure instinct and had no clue what he had done until he woke up. It turns out he had was just in a temporary coma, the body needed time to recover. "Abraham, I'm glad you're okay." Bridgette said.

"We learned that Revan is my father, and 'The Ancient One' is my uncle. How was I born a human? And what can you find on their species?" I ask. "No breaks, huh?" Abraham asks.

"No, sir" I say with a smirk on my face. We were growing quite fond of fact other

  We found out that The Ancient One's name is Clovis. He has went by many names throughout history but he is most known by his title of King of the Northern Germanic kingdom in the early 1500's. It was damn near impossible to find that information. Abraham used up a lot of his personal favors to collect this information. Apparently his followers resurrected him from the dead centuries ago, he's just been becoming more powerful. I need to meet with Revan and find out what a 'Dawn Bringer' is, I ask Dev to set it up and I ask Bridgette to do some recruiting. We need some loyal soldiers. We are on the brink of collapsing. But the thing is, we can't get betrayed again. I need men and women who do die for me, if needed. That's why I sent Bridgette, behind those beautiful green eyes and dirty blonde hair is a genius when it comes to figuring out peoples motives, actions, and if she concentrates hard enough she can hear thoughts.

      Dev comes back after an hour or two, and lets me know that everything is set up for Midnight. "Thanks bud, I appreciate your support." I say to him

"Anytime! Even when I was a Hybrid and had to be on the other side, I never wanted to kill you. I had to be a dickhead to survive." He states blankly.

"Dev, there's something that I need to tell you, I just wanted you to know that you are my brother. No matter what happens I'll always protect you. You're my family, asshole." I exclaim. He needed to know this.

"I know dude, it's been a tough year, but we still have each other and we're still kicking." He tells me as he hugs me. Because I still have my old watch I go by the time that says, but I learned the time difference. In American time it's about 9:30 PM. I decide to go drink some blood from the reserves, Dev is always giving me shit because the cup I use looks like a chalice, so his creative dumb ass self calls me 'King Arthur.' I want to train better in hand to hand, Revan may be my father but he still sides with my uncle. He won't ever betray him, they want to bring the human world that already knows we exist to it's knees. Just as I enter the training room I see our Combat Specialist about to be staked and I run in and grab his arm and smash him into the wall until I see blood pouring from his head, I put him in my dungeon and leave him to rot for  a while before I send Dev in. This had to be the Hybrids. Maybe he's working alone? Maybe Revan sent him? Maybe I should pull his legs off and make him a cripple. My father and uncle have everyone else on their sides except for a few independent groups, I plan on meeting with these groups to discuss terms of a treaty but the way they see it is I am untested, young, and reckless. So, to become 'tested.' I am preparing to assassinate my father tonight.