Chapter Eighteen: Redemption

 I was gearing up, just in case it turns out to be an ambush. I've been working with our Combat Trainer who has been creating warriors since the early 11th century. He was on the run from The Blood Faction, so we took him in. His name is Leonardo, but we call him Leo. I loaded my two hand guns with silver bullets, I grabbed my hidden knife, and I put my sword on my back. I want to know everything, and then I will try to kill him. Maybe I should try to be a better son, but on the other hand I never knew he even existed.

  We arrive at the meeting location, I wanted to be the first one there to scope the place out. I brought Leo and Dev with me. I never understood it but Dev and I have always been nest friends, I love him like a brother. I just hope he doesn't get hurt. We ran there, it was just quicker. They pull up in a very expensive limousine.

"Riley! How wonderful to meet you, Nephew." I hear yelled from the car. My dipshit father let my dipshit Uncle come. Wonderful.

"Uh, Hey? Have we met?" I ask.

"Don't play dumb with me, boy. I am not to be trifled with." His expression changes.

"Where's my father?" I ask. He gets out of the car. "Hello, son." He says plainly. It seems like he's being held against his will. One thing I noticed is that he must have been turned very young. I didn't realize he was my father until he said it.

"I've had enough of this place, if I choose to leave will you let me live in peace? I ask.

"Oh! You actually think that you are allowed to address me? No, no, no, no. I will smite you.

"So, lets do it then!" I draw my sword and run at him, I jump as high as I can and he catches me out do the air by my sword. "That's not going to happen young man!" He says. Dev is fighting his lap dogs. Clovis grabs me by the neck and bites me, and it felt like life draining. It couldn't put my finger on it, I think he turned me human. While he is suffocating me I stab him with a silver stake in the arm. His arm melts off at the wrist. Dev runs over and grabs me and we leave. My father just stood there. What the hell? I think that was just a test of power

    We go to our secret hideout, Bridgette and Abraham are there. We thought it was too dangerous to bring them. Abraham patches me up and brings me a cheese burger, one of the greatest things ever made. I am human, but do I become a Vampire? Or do i become something much more powerful? Do I stay human? What do I do? I leave. I'm leaving tonight and I'm not coming back. I buy a plane ticket back to my hometown, Goodbye Romania.