Chapter Eighteen: Be Gone

 I can't remember the last time I watched the news or even TV. I finally return to the US, only to find it in complete and utter chaos. Apparently when the creatures of America saw us on Global News, they came out of hiding and began attacking people. I quickly got as far as I could from people. It's a blood bath, everywhere. It was weird to be human again, I took shelter in a small hunting cabin in Maine. Werewolves, Vampires, Hybrids, and Wendigo's are attacking people. A Vampire and a Werewolf decided it was a good idea to mate, creating the Wendigo. An ugly, tall, fast, and hairless creature. Extremely deadly. I am trying to figure out their best weakness, bullets hurt it but so far the best way to kill it is a silver knife to the chest. Getting that close to a Wendigo is impossible unless you can blow the limbs off.

  I run into the nearest town called Monehegan to get supplies. I figured the best way to fix this hell hole is to start hunting, but before starting to hunt monsters I need to get some food. So I grab my new hunting rifle, It's a Lever Action Marlin 1894. Beautiful gun, I have modified it slightly. Advanced Rifling, improved sights with a scope addition and a bump stock. I am hunting White Tail Deer. I wait in my tree stand for hours until I see a beautiful twelve point buck, who has taken my bait leans down and I cock my rifle. My heart starts racing, and I begin to sweat. I line my scope to the lungs, breath, and the body drops. The birds fly off of the trees and life has been taken, but also given new purpose.


    Six months have passed and I have begun to make improvements to my house. It's much larger than it was before, with multiple exits. I have killed 67 Werewolves, 163 Vampires, and 3 Wendigo's. It never gets easy to put them down, but they would steak havoc on an already destroyed planet. I love the snow and wilderness. My arsenal includes my Rifle, which I named Grace. Two Single action Colt Revolvers, bullet proof vest, stakes, and my signature sword. Hunting alone is more peaceful than with a large group. I wonder if Dev, Bridgette, and Abraham are doing well. I wonder if they are even alive. I've almost gotten used to being human again, it's serene to be out here by myself and taking care of myself. Being alone has made me start to like my life again. Gave it purpose. The only thing I miss about Vampirism is the power. I was cleaning my guns by the fire when someone starts beating on my door, they were crying. I loaded my 6 shooters and open the door. "Riley, oh my god it is you?!" The woman begins crying.

"Who are you? And What do you want?" I ask.

"Riley, don't you recognize me? It's me Katherine, your sister, I need your help.."