Chapter Twenty: A Long Road Home

We can't exactly take a plane because I'm basically  carrying an armory. So, I sold a whole bunch of useless junk and bought a boat. I also bought the deed to the property I was staying on. As soon as everyone is dead that needs a bullet I'm headed back to America to clean it up. It's a war zone over there. It's going to take a long time to reach Romania, I hired a crew and they say at least a month to get to Romania by boat. I haven't seen my friends or Bridgette in a long time. One of the hardest decisions I have ever made was to leave her behind. I wish I never had to go back, but even though I'm not a Vampire I have honed my fighting, tracking, and especially my shooting skills. I also have what I need to take down Clovis, he can't be killed but I have a place to trap him permanently.

  We're about half way, according to the Captain Ross. Kat and I decide to get some rest.

"I got top bunk!" She yells.

"Whatever" I say. I was definitely salty.

Getting to know my sister has been awesome but it is definitely weird. I wonder why she came to me? I don't know. I roll over and go to sleep. I jump out of bed hours later to the sound of a gunshot, and then another. And then an automatic rifle. I grab my rifle load it, and cock it. It's pouring rain and I can barely see a thing. The rain is heavy, it creates a watery blanket on everything except my gun poking out. Just when I reach the Captain's quarters around the other side of the boat I see Captain Ross with a broken neck with a smoking gun in his hand, and then I see him. I can't believe he has the balls to show up here and do something stupid.

  "Hello, dipshit. Thanks for killing my Captain." I say.

"Well, he shouldn't have shot at me. I threw him into the wall." He says.

"Revan, what the hell do you want? I thought you were Clovis' lap dog?" I say.

"He's extremely paranoid now, he thinks everyone is out to get him. Well, I'm joining your side. He needs to be taken down and I know how because I resurrected him centuries ago." Says Revan.

"You're joining me?"I ask.

"Yes, is that alright? He doesn't know I'm gone so I can play as a double agent." He exclaims.

"Okay, I'm in. But I have two questions."

"What are they son?" He says.

"Don't call me that. And number one, how do we get rid of him permanently? And how did you appear as a teenager when we first met?" I ask.

"It's an ability that you have to develop as a Vampire, I know he cured you but we can get you back to normal." Says Revan.

"Normal? You think I want to be some undead freak? No. I refuse to be anything but human. I can take him down on my own. So how do we do it? I ask.

"Well, we'll need your team. And I can make you a syrum that can be shot out of a bullet and it will  paralyzed him permanently. And then we cut off his lims bury them in separate locations around the world. But keep his head in your castle." He says.

"Sounds good to me."