Chapter Twenty-One: Gun Smoke

 I don't even have words for what I saw, at first they don't see me. Bridgette sits down and looks up and sees me and drops her cup of blood.

"Riley!?… How are you alive? Why are you here?" She screams and tries to hug me.

I push her away and say" It didn't take you long to get over me, huh?"

"Don't be an asshole." I hear from the back of the room.

"One more word out of your fucking mouth and I'll empty twenty rounds into it." I say. And I'm assuming he'll shut the fuck up.

"Riley.. We thought you had died over there.. What were we supposed to do?" Bridgette says as she starts crying.

"Don't fucking cry, I'm done with this shit.. The only reason that I am back here is to kill an Ancient Vampire and then I'm leaving. You two look happy." I say. Dev sits over in the corner of the room, is it even possible to have a kid as a Vampire? I couldn't believe my eyes, the two people that I cared about the most are betraying me.


        I never expected this from people that I once considered family, they don't even show any remorse. Hooking up, getting pregnant, and sleeping in my god damn bed. I'm my god damn house. I try my best to understand but I can't. I physically can't.

"Riley we never meant to hurt you, we both thought you were dead! How were we supposed to know?" Bridgette sobs.

"When did this happen?" I ask.

"Well… it happened before you left, we were lonely and you weren't here.." She says

"You both are.. Ridiculous!" I yell.

    I leave the Castle and start to walk down the path but I notice that the rest of the boat crew is slaughtered and Kat starts screaming when she sees that there was blood and chunks everywhere. I shoulder my rifle and look around. There has to be Werewolves around here somewhere. It's snowing and so cold that it would chill chill your bones. Bam, I see a Werewolf jump on the top of the medium sized boat, but I've never seen a pure White Werewolf before. I take a shot, it was a clean shot through the Werewolves hips. The Wolf whimpers and begins to howl as it falls off the top of the boat and down to the deck. I walk up to finish off the and it says my name in a familiar voice, I couldn't put my finger on it. I press my rifle to it's head, cock the lever, and then it bites my leg. I yelp In pain and run to the first aid kit on the boat. It's bleeding profusely, I can't get it to stop. I faint. I wake up covered in Blood and all I smell is gunsmoke, I look over and see at least two dozen bodies scattered into chunks and blood. Bridgette and Dev are standing there in horror. "What have you done.." Muttered out of Bridgette's mouth.