Chapter Twenty-Four: Destruction Day

We're just standing there, in an open field on a nice crisp night. I can hear the wind smacking the trees, the sounds of animals in the background, and the mutters many men that are standing across from us. Me, Abraham, Dev, Bridgette, and Kat standing there ready for a small army. I highly doubt any single one of us thought that they might have survived this onslaught. A member of The Blood Faction runs across the open field.

"Mr. Van-Jansen our leader requests your presence for a conversation of honor, but only you sir. You are a very honorable man, all of us respect you for your bravery.  " The almost greyish skinned man says.

"And who is your boss?" I ask with might in my voice.

"Ezra The Deadly." The man says. I was shocked that Ezra wanted to meet, I regret what I did to him but I'm sure he has some anger to get out of his system.

" Tell him that I will meet him on neutral ground."

"What sort of standard ground, sire?" He asks.

"Set up a tent to the right of the field." I say.

"I will make haste." He says.

        I walk over quickly and carefully, hand on my sword handle the entire time. Two men are setting up a table and chairs and when I came into the door way Ezra was beating one of the men almost to a pulp for dropping a cup of blood. He then turns to meet my gaze and all I see is bright red eyes and the face of a sociopath.

"Riley! So good to see you, buddy!" He yells after tearing the man's head off and drinking his blood, even though he is a Vampire. "Have a seat, pal!" He yells.

I sit across from him on the long table. "How are you alive?" I ask.

"Clovis resurrected me. Pretty amazing that one of the sons of the Vampire God known as Lamastu is my father." Ezra says. "I'm not his blood obviously, but his adopted son. He screams out with hysterical laughs.

"Ezra, he brought you back using blood magic. You don't want to do this" I say.

"Actually I do." He says with a cold and deadly smirk.

"Okay, I challenge you to one on one combat in front of everyone." I say confidently.

"Done." He agrees.


            I go back and tell my friends to walk up and join the circle. Ezra announced that Clovis will watch. Great, Dipshit is going to think that because he is there that I won't kill Ezra and that he can control our fight. Well, little does he know that while I fuck around with Ezra we are going to attempt to get reinforcements. I highly doubt that it will happen. Ezra's dumbasses make a circle and Ezra picks Clovis The 1st's sword and I choose Balthazar's Blade. I unsheathe it and I look at him, bow my head out of respect, and then lunge in to attack. Our swords collide and a burst of energy shoots us both back. I regain my strength, and I attack right, he parries, I fake attack left and he elbows my chest. He is considerably better than I had thought he would be. Clovis begins to laugh. I hear a voice in my head that had an accent say "Keep holding on, you can do this." The voice keeps repeating.

"What's the matter, Riley? Can't keep up?" Ezra taunts me.

"Oh I can, I've just been taking it easy on you." I say. He gets angry. He comes at me with a barrage of slashes and he cut my arm. It burns like hell fire. Everyone begins to cheer and yell. Ezra starts getting cocky and just when he let his guard down and I lunge and stab him through the heart, twist the blade and blood spurts out as I pull the sword out. He looks at me eyes as wide as the full moon that's out tonight.

"You! You killed my son! How dare you even take a step while living." Clovis screams as he points to me.  Just when everyone is about to close in on me, Abraham and the Werewolves show up and attack every single Vampire and Hybrid here. The battle ensues and I smirk and start fighting anyone I can see. While sprinting and wielding Balthazar's Blade I must have killed like thirty people. They didn't even expect us to attack, I'm just surprised that they didn't plan ahead.