Prologue: The Princess

Beautiful land with crystal clear river

Yearning in timeless misery 

Then all about beautiful land just dream

Shui Jing


This must be a dream. 

Who is the beautiful princess in front of me? 

She comes almost every night in my dream. 

Who is she?

Does she want to tell me about her story?

So let this shadow tell me about her stories or she will make me insomnia every night.

Luo Fei Yang


The land of East is my country. My beautiful homeland. This is my paradise. I never think to leave and I am so lucky because I will be a bride.

Everyone is just busy preparing for my big day. Everything was set. I am so busy that I want to meet Xue Chen but I could not even in a few minutes later we will be family.

Xue Chen is my first love and I know he loves me so deeply. I never forget when he stood for me when almost all his leaders condemned me for stealing their stuff. Of course, I never did it!

Xue Chen is a son of Minister Xue lu. No one knows about their family and good reputation. He is good in everything he does. Contrary me. Even though I am a princess, everyone here treats me like trash. A lot of bad rumors about my mother and no one dares to talk about mother in this place.

I received a lot of gifts and congratulations from many emissaries. This is like a dream and I don't want to wake up. I think that I will never fall in love again. My heart just for him. Only for Xue Chen.

Almost all manors are decorated by the red curtain. I am so happy. I think my face blushes when thinking about how our love will be consummated tonight. Our wedding will be the best wedding. Peony flower embroidery red veils cover my face and headpieces. We do kowtow to the sky, parents and each other as husband and wife.

Everything was just too perfect to happen.

I am waiting for Xue Chen in our wedding bed chamber. I am so nervous until I knead my own wedding dress. I can feel that my heartbeats are going too fast.

The loud voice from celebration changed into quiet suddenly. Everyone looks too tired and takes rest already.

'Where is Xue Chen? Xue Chen why are you still not here?'

I was really nervous while waiting for Xue Chen to enter our wedding chamber. Until he gets in with his red wedding layer.

"Xue Chen, you are here. I am waiting for you. Do you know that I really ner-"

He uncovered my red veil. Then my smile changes into tears when Xue Chen crumples in front of me. Xue Chen is bleeding. I never see him like this. His body is almost cold. Few seconds later he spits the blood out.

"Xue Chen, please don't make me scared. " I am crying but his bleeding hand forbids me to say anything.

"My lovely wife, run. My people will lead you. Don't be afraid. I will find a way to meet you." He whispered slowly. "Go." He ordered then uncover his palm from my lips.

"Xue Chen."

"Go before they come. Shui Jing promised me that you will be stronger."

"Uhm." I don't know what I should say in this situation.Tonight become restless dark. Supposedly I slept well but now I find out that my wedding was destroyed.

"Go." Xue Chen pushed me away. My heart breaks when I see Xue Chen laying on the floor alone. "Go." He said with the low tone.

I gather all of my strength. I have to trust Xue Chen. We will meet soon. I open the chamber's door but it's too late because some men block the way. I cannot run away. I choose to step backwards and embrace Xue Chen.

A young handsome man entered our wedding chamber then sat on our bed. I knew him. He must be Qin Qiao, fifth prince of Qin. I had seen him when we visited Qin a few years ago but he didn't notice me because at that time I was disguised as male scholar.

"Princess Shui Jing. I am so happy because I see you now. I just heard the rumor about you but I never thought if princess Shui Jing was more beautiful than they said."

I am facing his arrogant face while laying Xue Chen on my chest. His body became colder but he was still sober.

"Separate them!" He ordered.


Then a man approaches to drag Xue Chen apart. Everything is just going too fast.

"Don't do something to him!" I shouted.

"Princess, you are not only beautiful but brave enough to speak with this tone." Qin Qiao looks at me. "Whatever. I want to give you a chance because I like you."

"What do you mean!"

I can't believe Qin Qiao laughing out loud. His gaze towards Xue Chen was suspicious.

"I want you to become my wife."

"Are you mad?!"

Soon there is a sword that is ready to slice my neck.

"Watch your words princess. I offer you to be my wife."

I look into his eyes. "I won't be your wife! Qin Qiao, you are so disgusting. You force me into a marriage. Don't you feel ashamed?"

Qin Qiao's face turned reddish. I know he must be killing me right now.

"What do you say? Disgusting?! " He smirked. "What kind of right do you have to say that?! Owh.... I almost forgot." He smiled at me. "Princess Shui Jing is the most beautiful princess of the East. Most honored. Princess Shui jing, I promise you! After tonight no one, even you... will dare to say that you still have pride and be honoured as a honored princess."

"Don't touch Xue Chen!" I shouted in front of him when he approaches Xue Chen.

"Princess Shui Jing, you must love him so much but I will never let him touch you."

Qin Qiao turned to face me. I am ready to kick him but He squats in front of me. He wants to touch me but I avoid him.

"It's alright if you don't want me to touch you. Then I will let an unknown man touch you! Tonight is your wedding night but the groom cannot consummate the wedding. What should we do?"

I see Xue Chen fainted. His body was bleeding. His face is so pale.

'Someone help! Xue Chen, please don't die!'

My face is so moist due to sweat and tears. I need someone to help but I know everything seems impossible.

"Princess, why is your face so pale? Please don't cry. Your beautiful make-up will be ruined. " He mocked.

"Qin Qiao!"

"Princess Shui Jing, Xue Chen will not survive but still you curse me. I hanged your father with his queen on the gate!"

It must be impossible. My father will not die. Qin Qiao must be lying.


"Why? Don't you trust me?! I give you a chance to live but you throw it!"

He kicks Xue Chen in front of me but Xue Chen doesn't move. I was really scared. He doesn't give any response when they kick and hit him.


I come close to my Xue Chen. This time they let me. My lovely groom's face is not handsome anymore. I don't care about his face as long as he is still breathing but I knew he left me. I embrace him in my bosom. Hopefully my Xue Chen will hear my heartbeat and it will make him awake but I realize He had slept in eternity. He will not open his beautiful eyes anymore.

"Xue Chen! My husband, please wake up. I am begging you." I am crying.

Xue Chen doesn't hear me. Yes, my Xue Chen is just too tired with this celebration. He must be asleep. 

"Princess Shui Jing, your husband has died. What can you do? He will never open his eyes anymore."

"Then kill me instead!"

"I will never kill you, Shui Jing."

"Then someday you will regret that because you left me alive tonight."

Qin Qiao raises his right hand then a man drags me away from Xue Chen. Xue Chen's body collapsed and his head hit the cold floor.

"Xue Chen!" I try to grab him but can't. Then they drag me closer to Qin Qiao.

"Shui Jing, you looked so desperate. Actually, you don't need to worry. I will make someone consummate your wedding. If you don't want me to touch your body. It's alright. I don't want to touch your honored body."

"Qin Qiao!"

"Shui Jing, you must know that as a princess it is a bad habit to shout loud. Just accept my gift to arrange a man for your wedding night."

"Qin Qiao!"

"Ssssh... " He puts his right index finger to cover my red lip. "I want to see after this. Do you have any pride in saying I am disgusting."

I don't know what to do. I knew Qin Qiao would do something to me but I cannot figure it out. Qin Qiao brings a woman entering this chamber. She looks at me then forces me to gulp some red pills down.

"Qin Qiao what are you doing!"

That woman slapped me hard but I can't fight her back because Qin Qiao's man holds my wrists tightly.

"Remember she is yours now. If you want to discipline her, do not make any scars on her skin because a lot of men will know about her beautiful body."

"Qin Qiao!"

That woman slapped me harder.

"Teach her well so she can satisfy your customer well. I don't need to know how you will teach her as long as you will not touch her skin." He insisted.

"Your servant understood." She bowed to Qin Qiao.

"Qin Qiao, I will kill you if you do not kill me now!" I shouted.

Qin Qiao laughing.

"Bring her now!"

They drag me out from my wedding chamber. Even I cannot see clearly but I can smell the blood all over this place. I feel nausea suddenly. They force me to walk forward. My heart broken into pieces when I see no one from East palace still remains. I know a lot of corpses lying around. They are my people.

"Burn all!" Qin Qiao shouted from behind.

Then I see they set the fire to burning my palace. I want to shout and fight them but I can't. My body has become so weak. Even when I see my parents hanged in our palace gate, I can't touch them. I cannot bring them. I can't bury them.

This is my wedding day but no one remains. My country was destroyed into ashes. My parents and Xue Chen. Why did they leave me? Why all these calamities happened to me?

Even now I am still alive but I know now the dead are still better than being alive.

'Xue Chen, what should I do?'

In this time I remember Xue Chen played his flute to make me happy when I am sad but now, how can I live without Xue Chen? What can I do?

"Get her in the carriage!" That woman ordered.

They force me to get into the carriage. My body was weak. My face got wet due to my tears. I witnessed how Qin Qiao destroyed my country into dust on my wedding day. I knew these people in this carriage are not simple. I am so tired but I am too afraid to close my eyes. There is an evil woman and a big man in this carriage. I can't see their faces clearly.

"Where are we going now?" I asked her but she keeps silent.

I feel so tired and I just want to sleep now.

Could I pray that all just in my nightmare? Can I meet Xue Chen in the morning? 

Can I be the happiest bride?

Xue Chen, could you please wake me up then tell me that you love me. I promise to be your good wife. I promise that I never throw my tantrum to you. Alright?
