Luo Fei Yang's Dream

I want to remember when fate made us meet.

Xi Wang


Could I pray that all that had happened was just in my nightmare?

Can I meet Xue Chen in the morning?

Can I be the happiest bride?

Xue Chen, could you please wake me up then tell me that you love me. I promise to be your good wife. I promise never to throw my tantrum to you. Alright?

Shui Jing


Luo Fei Yang's POV

"I have to survive..."

Those scenes become blurry. Now, I know that I am dreaming but How come I am dreaming something obscene like that in this situation? I open my eyes but that's too hard. I recalled what happened a few hours ago.

I just went out to buy some groceries while some man approached me then... I just see darkness but from their conversation on the phone. I know my stepmother sold me to pay their debts. Oh God.....

'I knew that you wanted to get out from here.'

Wait.... who is she? There is a woman's voice in my head right now. This is the first time that I hear the strange voice in my head like this.

'Yes, I want to get out from this place soon.'

I don't want to be here and wait for them to sell me for my family's debts. I don't want it. I have to get out from this place

'How can she know? This is a dream right?'

'Then I will help you.'

That voice responded to me.

'What?! Who are you? Why do you want to help me?' I asked hurriedly.

I think that I am standing in front of her but soon she disappears through smoke.

'What?! What's that?!'

I opened my eyes then realized that I was dreamt. The fact, I am still here, still in the same place with some girls who ready to sell in human trafficking market. If I am still breathing, it is because I am lucky because they will sell our body organs if no one buys us in auction. I do not know how long I can see this world.

I take a deep breath. I am so dizzy at the same time I feel so lonely and desperate. They tie our hands. The girl beside me looks more terrible. There is blood on her tight like something was happening to her. Her eyes swollen, she must have cried a lot. I don't know why my heart has become so weak. She needs a doctor to examine her because her face is so pale.

"Are you alright?" I asked the girl who sat beside me.

She just looked at me without saying a single word. Her gaze is so empty. Later she nodded but why did I feel something was wrong with her.

"What happened to you?" I asked again.

"I do not know. Why I am here, I don't have any idea. " She looked at me. "How about you?" She asked me back.

"Me? " I smirked at her. "My stepmother has debts and she sold me here to pay her debts."

I don't know what I should feel. Sad? I don't think that I am still alive after this. My future on the edge of the cliff right now. I want to cry but crying never helps me get out of this place. At the outside a lot of men guard every gate.

"We have to get out of this place as soon as possible." She said to me.

"But how?"

"I don't know." She replied then took a deep breath while rubbing her belly.

Few minutes later, some man entered this hall and forced all the girls to get out and remain both of us here. They stared at us with a lewd gaze. Two of them guard the door and the remains are approaching us.

My instinct says they want to force us. I looked at the girl beside me. She looked so painful then I realized that she was bleeding. Some of them realized her condition and wanted to take advantage of her. I hit them before they can touch that girl and he hits me back until I am falling on the floor. Now I feel a bit dizzy. He looks so scary. Oh God, why do I have to go through this all? Two men grab my hair and force me to stand up. One of them locked my arms from behind so I could see another man approaching the girl who deals with her pain.

"Don't touch her!" I shouted then he slapped me.


Some of them are screaming. Those men who touch the girl now screaming in agony like something terrible happens to them. I see their skin become red like burning by unknown invisible fire. Their skin changes into purple then swelling then in a few minutes later their skin explodes and blood spurts everywhere. I have never seen something creepy like this before. My body is trembling then I realize that the man who grabbed me also touched her then their body became swollen. I hear their painful scream. I see the worms come out from their own veins and bite them alive until they die without flesh. A lot of thought in my mind right now.

"Whattttt.... Whattttt-", I'm really scared now.

I am speechless. I don't know what happened here. She's grabbing my left wrist before I can ignore her. Oh.... I must die here and right now but why am I still breathing, until now I am totally fine. Nothing happened to me.

"We have to get out soon!" She said with her trembling voice. Her expression is the same as mine. She looks so scared more than I thought. "We don't have time! Go!"

I am shocked but her words are true. We have to go right now. As long as she doesn't harm me that's alright. I open the door and see no one here.

We're running without seeing what is behind us. She holds my wrist but nothing happens with me. I am so curious about it but I keep it in my heart.

"Catch them!!!!!"

"Catch them!!!"

They shouted while catching us. Why so many people here? They must know that our attempt is to escape from this place. I see the girl still hold my hand while rubbing her belly.

'I don't wanna die here!'

We keep running through the darkest night. I don't care about anything, I just want to get out of this place.

'I don't want to die here. I am still young and I am not ready yet. What should I do?'

My legs are trembling. My hands are shaking. The cold weather attacks me suddenly because I only wear thin shirts. They kidnapped me last evening. I am not sure if they followed us or they disappeared already. I just don't care. We are running until we are lost in the forest.

The girl looks so exhausted but we have to run faster. I know this is not easy but only both of us in this dark forest.

"We have to run faster."

"I can't. You can leave me here." She said.

Definitely I can't leave her alone here. She helped me and not leave me behind so how come I leave her now? I see around but no one follows us. I cannot see clearly, only dimly lit from the moon's ray helps me to see. She really can't bear this anymore. Now she closes her eyes and lays on the big tree.

In this darkness, There is something flare up from the big tree behind us. I am so curious so I try to reach that thing.

There is a shining dagger pierced on the big tree. It is so beautiful under the moon's ray but I don't have time to admire it. I rub the rope that ties my wrists to the dagger hurriedly and accidentally it cut my left wrist. I'm just more concerned about how to break the rope than my bleeding wrist. I kept rubbing the rope until it broke then I realized my left wrist was bleeding more. At the same time I am curious how that dagger pierced into the big tree. I try to pull it out; perhaps I need this dagger later. I keep trying but still can't pull it out from the big tree.

Blood from the wound on my wrist staining the dagger. At that time the atmosphere became so dreadful. The thunder soar. I am scared so I wake the girl up and fortunately she opens her eyes.

"We have to go." I said hurriedly.


I knew she was so exhausted but this place became frightful suddenly. I help her to walk away from that tree but that dagger and tree give the creeps. The heavy rain makes it all become chilling. I give my best effort to get out of this forest.

Our body becomes wet since the rain is attacking us but I remind myself that we have to keep walking. I don't know why but I feel something follow me from behind then stab me suddenly.


I am kneeling because the pain is so real even I don't have any idea what thing that stabs me from behind. I feel something pierce my heart. Sensation of burning in fire is also so real. I am falling on the ground so to do with that girl. I don't see blood come out from my chest or my back.

'What's this? I don't wanna die here.'

I forced myself to stand up but something unseen pierced my heart and burned inside.

'If Sky wants me to die. Please take me. I cannot bear this pain anymore'

My eyes become blurry but I know there are two people in front of me. There is a man and a girl. They wear ancient costumes. That man has white sparkling hair but I can't see his face clearly and the girl covers her face with black fabric. My energy ran out but I know they are talking now.

"Young Master, why are you keeping her alive? " She asked.

"Stopped! Leave this place now. I need to recuperate. She cannot cheat her fate this time." That man said.


"We will go now." He ordered.

Somehow he delivers a demonic aura around. Tell me, this is just a dream but deep inside, I know this is reality. Since my family sold me something weird always happening to me.

Since now there is heavy rain but the water can't touch them like there are unseen shields that protects them. Then they are gone through the smoke. That scene is so fast.

"Look! There are two girls here! "

I know Sky just wants to deliver me from these nightmares through these people who rescue us.