Life 1.2: For me, Live on!- Part 3

Part 3


Mom and Dad left few days ago and from today regular classes will commence. After coming to school I walked towards the staircase as my class was on the second floor I just ignored the commotion and chattering and just put headphone in my ears and played some songs and just walked towards the class I was sill roughly 15 minutes early before the class commences. I opened the door and found out that there were still few students there chatting and introducing themselves I just ignored them as they gave stares at me 'I don't want such friends who would just show themselves at my good times and would vanish in my bad times I had enough of this types of 'friends' in my previous life'

After that little confrontation I saw a seat empty near the window it was fourth seat from the front so I sat there and the view was beautiful from there, you could also see the school gate and the ground which connects the main building where classes commence. And I could see every person entering the building from the school gate and walk towards this building. The campus was very large for its size. It had separate courts and grounds for almost every sports clubs there was a special soccer ground and swimming area also there were tennis, badminton, basketball, volleyball and dodge ball court adjacent to each other. Also there were many clubs and their separate rooms while there was a common club room which contain many indoor sports such as chess, table tennis, etc. in short, this academy was lavish one if we put it into words and I won't be surprised as this academy is under devils management and there are many of the other races and influential clans of supernatural world studying in it.

As I was observing the song which just played 'Make me move' was being played in my ears and at that moment my eyes were caught by a bright red color no it was crimson brighter than any red color I have ever seen it was like color of blood a crimson reed color I was mesmerized by sight of it just one word left my mouth,


The crimson hairs were followed by deep ocean blue eyes. Currently, it was the most beautiful scene I have seen in my life.

'The novels, anime or fan-fic, none of it described her beauty properly rather to say no one can get that beauty in words and on paper that beauty was like no one could described.'

'Rias Gremory, she was like the best thing god had created or rather devil himself sat for billions of years to carve such a beauty so that the most beautiful thing the god has created would die of shame and to make even god jealous. Now, I know why Ise was so desperate to protect her, her dreams and her freedom and would go as far as to risk his life for her many times, it's because it's worth it'

At that moment she raised her head and just for a moment I got a glimpse of her eyes and that moment wasn't long it was just half of a second but that moment my heart was like it had stopped and forgot to beat my blood stopped to flow so as not to disturb the calm ocean blue eyes. I was like my heart was in the grasp of her but it wouldn't be bad if I had to sacrifice my heart for her happiness. Even after she passed, I was still in the state of shock and came into sense when home room teacher took out headphones from my ears.

Few days passes after that day, I started to train my body a little, just a little exercise couple kilometers of jog in morning, push-ups and skipping on skipping rope for few minutes and pull-ups I started with just little amount 3 sets of 8 reps for push-ups and 3 sets of 1 rep for pull-ups taking 1 minute break between two sets.

And thus, the session started regularly and classes were regular. Today was the day we had music class lecture so everybody came in the music hall and the teacher asked if anybody knows how to play any music instrument. Nobody came forward, but I had my dear friends Matsuda and Motohama who were most exited to tell that I know how to play piano and as I expected, they strike when the iron was hot and now everybody know I know how to play piano.

"Issei-kun, why don't you come and show us some of your skill" said the music teacher.

"But sensei, I haven't played it almost few years I don't know if I could play it well or not" I answered to her.

"Don't worry nobody here is professional you just have to press few keys a small meoldy woyld be fine too okay, just try" said the Teacher.

"Okay if you say so" and I went to where piano was kept I didn't forgot to stare at both of my 'trustful' friends.

The piano was kept near the window and the window was open so the wind would directly hit the face of pianist. It was good to feel how the location was chosen.

Then for the few keys I just pressed them randomly to get a little analysis of the position of tunes as it's been a long time. The piano was clean before playing piano I swept my fingers from the top of piano as to feel it.

Then I played 'Shining is the Sky' soundtrack from Clannad I played it in the memory of my grandpa

'I am starting this new life thanks for your support grandpa'

Unconsciously, two teardrops escaped from my eyes.

As the windows and doors were open and also the amplifying system was on the soundtrack was reverberated into the whole school and each and every class stopped their lectures, closed their eyes and listened to this melody. Even the student council president Sona Sitri came to see who was playing the piano who was followed by Rias Gremory. Both of them looked at each other and smiled, they took a peek inside the music hall room and were greeted by a sight of a boy with his eyes closed and two tear marks on his cheek they closed their eyes and listen to music and everybody in the class had tears in their eyes as this melody made them remember their memories which were buried in their hearts from long time.

Later, the music class commenced as usual while the school resumed and everybody was back to their own activities.

That day on my way home I felt someone was tailing me. I activated my sharingan and scouted a bit after entering an alley, I liked the part of sharingan which makes them glow in dark, it looks really cool. After scouting for a while I detected some energy traces after focusing I found out that it was Koneko Toujo rook from Rias Gremory peerage. She was strong I mean physically strong, really, very strong. I pretended that I didn't notice her and walked the way back.

'Since she is following me I guess it's time for the story to begin at last. Come to think of it Koneko probably uses chakra as primary enhancement that would explain her humongous strength, probably Tsunade and her techniques are quite similar'

Next day I was approached by a beautiful looking girl with silky black hair and slender body having right curves at right places. The only words that could describe her was Busting boobs nice ass. Well she was definitely sexy.

She approached me and said,

"Hi! Umm... I.. um... My name is Amano Yuuma"

I had a cold glint in my eye for a moment but soon retracted it. She said after that,

"I have been observing you from few days and you look so gentle and after I heard you play piano the other day from the records of my friend's phone I just couldn't stop myself but ask you. That um…. Will you go out with me?" she asked.

'Bravo! Well played Raynare well played. But you have chosen a wrong guy to play'

"Sorry Miss Yuuma but my heart already belongs to someone"

'Now what will you do you have three options available here:

First is that you would leave and try to approach me another way but considering your attitude and how proud are you about your looks and body you won't consider this so you would be remaining with other two.

Second one is you would decide me kill here and now, but considering that you are in the devil's territory and at that, in the territory of younger sister of the Maou Lucifer, even if you were strong you won't be taking that action in this circumstances.

So, this leaves you on to the third choice to beg me and somehow convince me to be your friend and then lure me somewhere away and then attack me so how are you gonna begging me Raynare!'

"Well that's too bad. I guess I have to win your heart. So, can we be friends" she made a smiling determined face and asked me.

'Well done. I won't be playing with you more as I don't want to mess with the plot'

"Okay friends it is!"

"That's great. So how about we go on a date this Sunday!" she said as she jumped a little causing her boobs to jiggle a little.

"Fine I would be there, at what time?"

"At 12 pm. It's a date then don't be late" she said as she turned around and ran off.

"A date huh" I said out loud which was heard by sharp senses of Koneko.

After a while she came out of hiding and watched at my silhouette fading away.

After a while I activated my sharingan and observed if anyone was spying on me. After conforming that there is no one, I took a detour and then went to home.

The detour was to find that if there were any supernatural fights occurring around me but unfortunately there wasn't any. I wanted to analyze the fight with my sharingan and figure out a way to use mana or chakra within my body so that I could put up a fight with her but I guess that's not possible now. I was quite surprise on how I am able to activate sharingan if I don't have access to mana, it was simple, I only had to exert my will whether I want it activated or not, it came kind of natural, that's all!

To tell the truth Amano Yuuma, she was a perfect girlfriend material. Good looking, sexy, charming, big boobs, pretty face any guy would fall for a girl like that and the most important part was that she knew how to approach someone with what assets. If I didn't know who she was from the beginning, then I would surely have been fallen into her trap. Now I get it, WHY Ise fell into her trap, she was a perfect bait to lure someone and our guy here was a virgin so there is no room left to talk, although I don't have any right to criticize him, cause I am him and a virgin as well. Let's leave it at that.

After returning home I made dinner and ate and after doing some study I went to indoor gym I created. Yes! since I had lots of spare money left so I installed an indoor gym with some common exercise tools such as dumbbells, push-ups and pull-up bars, stretching machine and a treadmill which I rarely use these tools were installed in store room. After that I bought a 3-D design(blueprint) software table like the one Tony Stark posses in Iron man. I didn't needed it yet but you can never tell.

I did some basic warm up exercise in gym.