This is a fan-fic on Highschool DxD. In this fan-fic Issei will be having some extra skills. Issei wont be overpowered but would be little more strong than shown in cannon. The story will follow the events of novel. Try it, if you like then continue.
All the credits about it belongs to the author Ichiei Ishibumi-sensei.
the story is almost the same as the original one, I stopped. what good is their intelligence if not used. in the end he was just a slave..................................................................................
The MC gets powers and is able to train them for a little over a decade and is still weak as ****. This story painfully follows cannon so much so that it feels unnatural.
this is basically a copy paste of the original story whit little bit add on to it it could have been good whit the set up but mc just actes sa original one instead of being proactive and its beter to read the original story then this one mc hes good potential that is not used at all author should start over and mack the mc better by making them more assertive if he knows the plot he should prepare and be stronger then originale and use sharingan to try to use magic by observing himself use the intellect of lelouch and light and not being so weak willed or so ok whit being a slave when he knows that risa hes tricky the original by letting him die so she can have another member of her prestige to help her break marriage contract with riser the story is a disappointment i dropped it after 20ch because i just felt the story fell short of my expectations of the good set up and so close in likeness to the original story P.S sorry for any spelling errors
The story is good, it is sticking to the main plot so far and there are some slice of life moments also there is decent amount of fan service. Let's see how the action scenes will be. Good Luck! Author-san
Reveal Spoiler
The story development is ho so far. the upload speed is decent and the chapters are good. let's see what twist we have in future, upto now it just seems that the author is writing a prologue. let's see.
Personally I am liking this story. This is a Fan-fic so it's upto Author on what to write and what not. Besides stop complaining you aren't paying him to write. So it's a good Fan-fic I would recommend it. It's not overpowered but it has lots of potential.
Really like the new Issei. Keep it up Author-sama. Just don´t make him to cringey. JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good 👍💪 the amazing work
This is the worst fanfic I've seen, it would be sensible if he didn't know the plot of dxd or if he didn't have yagami lights intelligence, there is little to no difference from the original story except the MC is slightly more powerful, this fanfic is honestly trash , no offense it just looks like u copied and pasted the light novel then just started adding modifications to it
you give home all this stuff for his wishes and then give him more stuff just so he cant use it you basically nerfed him and writing the same story
I like it author so keep up............. 140114040140114040140114040140114040140114040140114040 140114040 140114040 140114040
This novel is kind of a late bloomer. The story follows same as the original with some minor changes until the Raiser arc but after that everything changes. Author just put something into it that will create a hype. The story gets better after the chapter 35. So u want to wait for it. Or you could just simply skip and read from chapter 35. that is good as well. Grammer is good. Writing quality is good. Overall it a good Fan-fic, at least for me.
Good novel. Regular updates. Good grammer. Overall quite decent novel. Has many Slice of Life moments. The Fan-fic sticks to the original plot. Action scenes are quite good and easy to understand. Good novel.
Author promoting his own artwork. The pace of novel is slow. It has lots of slice of life moments like everyday life, some family moments. Novel will follow original plot most of the time with some minor changes in beginning of series and might be some major changes due to butterfly effect as the story progresses. Try few chapter. Liked it then add to library.