Life 2.1: I picked up a fight : Part 4

On our way to the hill where Buchou is taking us, I was immersed in the thought and even the weight of the heavy luggage which I was carrying was gone unnoticed by me. I was too immersed to give attention to my surrounding. The only thing in my mind was what Ddraig said after Joe gave me the bottle.

[Partner do you know what's inside this bottle?]

'Not a clue'

[It's holy water. And it's no ordinary holy water. It's the holy water from the holy lake which is very hard to obtain. It is at least 10 times more powerful than normal holy water and is the only holy water that can seriously affect even high-class members of the Phoenix clan of Devils disregarding their healing factor. It was used in the past war to fight Phoenix clan members and the lake was almost dried up at the end of the war. But, it isn't affecting you the slightest because it is sealed that good or does it have some chants over it to protect you?]

'What do you mean Ddraig?'

[This man Joe, who is you uncle, has a deep connection to the Supernatural world, it's a good thing that he is on your side]

"Ise! Ise? ISE!"

I got my name yelled three times by Buchou to bring me back to my senses.

"Ah! I am sorry my mind was somewhere else. Don't mind me!"

I said as I continued to walk forward.

"Where are you going? We have reached our destination. This is a wooden villa of the Gremory household. Normally it is hidden in the scenery from normal humans by demonic power"

"Let me ask something!"

I said.

"What do want to ask?"

Buchou replied.

"You said that you use demonic power to hide it under illusions, right?"

I asked to which Rias replied.


"Then why don't you use genjutsu to hide it?"

This time Akeno-san replied,

"Well, you see Ise-kun, First of all, we are devils and are proficient in demonic power. Also, we need chakra to cast a genjutsu. What is a chakra? We will learn all that in this training camp. But, for now, keep in mind, chakra is needed to cast genjutsu. Although, Gremory household has many skilled people who are proficient in chakra and could hide such little place in no time but, Rias doesn't want that. She wants to gain her achievements using 'her' power which includes us, her peerage as well. And among us, nobody is proficient in manipulating chakra. The one who has a natural affinity towards chakra is Koneko."

"So why don't we ask her to put up genjutsu?"

I asked.

"Even if she has a natural affinity towards chakra, she needs to train it. Although she can harness chakra, there are many complications in it, physical as well as mental."

Rias said.

"Although I am not a master in chakra, I am proficient enough to use chakra in my attacks"

This time the one who said was Koneko.

"Yeah she uses chakra to enhance her strength, plus, adding it up with traits of rook, she gains very strong physical powers."

Kiba said.

"Is that so?"

I replied.

"That's enough talking let's go to the villa. Besides, you will be learning all of the basics in the training camp, so save some of your questions for that time. Come on, let's go!"

After everyone went inside we sat on the sofa for a few minutes and then Rias said.

"Rest up for today. We will start tomorrow at 4 a.m. sharp"


I replied.

The girls went upstairs to sleep while I and Kiba looked for a room downstairs to change into our jersey.

"What's the matter Ise-kun you don't seem to be yourself, you look some troubled"

"Oh! it's nothing just that this sudden turn of events is really hard to adjust"

"By the way, Kiba can you assess a sword"

"Most of them."

"I will show you one in my free time, tell me about it, okay?"


And so I waited for the training to start.