The next day, we, or more specifically I and Asia were introduced to the common Devil's knowledge about Angles and their "Seraphim" and their names, fallen angels and their generals, governor, Grigori(Gregory), and about four devil kings "Yondai Maou-sama" is what they are known as.
After that Rias asks me,
"Now then Ise, I want to hear about something."
"What something?"
To my reply, she raised her brows and said,
"Don't play dumb Ise. We all know you possess some other power besides [Boosted Gear], I had a hunch about it but it was confirmed when the [Red Dragon Emperor] said that 'you are strong without him' when you first met with Grayfia."
"You sure are attentive Princess. I can't help but admire your observation skill. You want to know all of my abilities right."
She nodded.
"Fine. Then first of all my eyes. They are called as [Sharingan]"
I activated it as I said that.
"It has many abilities I will explain them one by one. Actually, [Sharingan] is the literal manifestation of my heart and my will. Also, I can't be put under any illusions, no matter what form they may be, my eyes can see through everything. Next is as I said my eyes can see through everything, deception and faint attacks or sneak attacks won't work on me as long as I have my [Sharingan] activated. I can predict the exact and accurate path of any attacks. The same thing happened last morning while sparing with Kiba. Also, I want to add this, although I can see the sneak attacks or predict the path of an attack, if my body isn't capable to move fast enough to react to the incoming attack then, there is no merit in knowing the attack would come. Next is perfect tracing or perfect copying whatever you could call it. I can copy anything, any move whether it is physical moves, techniques, magic anything except bloodlines I tried it on Raiser but couldn't copy his flame but I could copy his attacks. That's how I got Kiba's [Godspeed] and I took a reference of thunder from Akeno-san but, [Chidori] is my original.
"Ara ara. Then you must repay me Ise-kun or should I claim royalty on that attack"
Said Akeno as she leaned forward making her cleavage visible for me to enjoy.
Ahh! Focus! I have to finish first. Thus, I cleared my mind and continued the explanation.
Next, it gives me a perfect memory. You could call it photogenic memory or good grasping of the concepts. As I told 'Sharingan' can see through everything, so it helps me to understand the knowledge faster. Although I haven't tried it on any books or knowledge from supernatural texts. But, I have seen engravings and texts on shrines and some on the internet and with 'Sharingan' activated I could understand them faster. Also, It gives me perfect control over any techniques I execute as long as I concentrate enough. The good sight, of course. Perfect accuracy. Prediction of moves of enemies and few other little advantages"
"You said it's the manifestation of your heart and will, where is your will in it?"
Asked Rias.
"I was gonna get to that. [Sharingan] is just the basic form of my visual powers. I can evolve it and the powers developed from it would be what my heart desires. The true manifestation of my will. I will let you know once I get there."
"How do you know all of this?"
"I just know, somehow the information just popped up into my head"
Buchou sighs and asks me
"I won't perceive that but, I want you to tell me about that sword of yours"
"Oh you are talking about [Yamato]"
I summoned [Yamato] with a thought.
"This is the sword I wanted to ask Kiba to assess for me. Its name is [Yamato]"
"Where did you get it?"
Asked Buchou
"Well, after activating my [Boosted Gear] Ddraig told me about it. He told me that it was lying in my consciousness and was linked to my soul."
I handed the sword to Kiba and as Kiba held it, it vanished from his hands and appeared on my waist with a belt which contained the small bottle which Uncle Joe gave me.
I quickly diverted everyone's attention towards [Yamato] thankfully no one noticed him.
"This sword is surely linked to Ise-kun's soul and won't go to any other person's hand. It has accepted Ise-kun as its sole master. I can't tell about its abilities but I have a hunch. It might be a sacred gear. But… "
Said Kiba then he looks towards Rias and asks
"Can a person be born with two sacred gears?"
"I am curious about it as well."
She put a hand below her breasts which made her breasts perked up a little. Then, she kept the other hand below a chin. After thinking for a few seconds she said,
"Although I haven't heard about such sacred gear. Considering that it can detect who is the person wielding it and has the ability to go back to Ise, I guess it is not some ordinary sacred gear!"
Kiba looked down and seemed to be in deep thought then suddenly he said,
"Probably it is some unknown sacred gear. It could probably have the potential to grow stronger than my sacred gear [Blade Blacksmith]"
This conversation is going off-topic and I interjected to bring everyone's attention back to the current topic
"Well enough of that. Want me to draw [Yamato] from its scabbard"
"I won't advise on that Ise-kun. I can sense a strong aura radiating from it and without a doubt unless a proper barrier is casted, it could attract unwanted visitors"
Said Kiba. To which, Rias gestured to Akeno and she raised a strong barrier. Following which I unsheathed [Yamato]
As I was halfway drawing the sword, a strong aura radiated from it just for a moment, at that moment Ddraig said out loud so everyone could hear.
[It seems this sword is growing with you, partner. As you get strong it would unlock its abilities]
Then he said so only I could hear
[You should try to unlock some abilities of the sword as it has triggered the growth of an ability for you since you are a devil]
'Which ability Ddraig'
[This ability was one of the basic abilities of one of the Maou. This ability is called as [Darkness] or rather [Cloak of Darkness] would be better more appropriate for it. As for its effects, you will get to know once you use it or manifest it completely. Currently, it's in its growing phase]
After I sheathed [Yamato] back and made it disappear I said
"My current arsenal contains a few of the techniques which I have developed
[Afterglow]- It's a sword technique in which I dash at the opponent to give him a quick single strike.
[Godspeed]- Same as Kiba.
[Chidori] – You know what it is and its forms
[Current]- [Sharp Spear]-[Senbon]-[Lightning Blade]
[Current]- you have seen it in the morning. It creates a lightning field around me. An AOE attack, good for an offence as well as defence
[Sharp spear]- Basically, it would just increase [Chidori]'s range. It gives pierce damage. It can cut through most of the things. It is same as its name implies [Sharp spear]
[Senbon]- Kind of like lots of small needles it's a bombardment attack. Kind of like AOE but well you can imagine lots of needles of lightning. It gives some piercing damage, not as strong as [Shapr spear] but quite a decent amount of damage.
[Lightning Blade]- Same as [Chidori] with more piercing power. Call it a sharp version of it.
[Coercion Sharingan]-It forces the victim to go through nightmarish genjutsu.
[Genjutsu: Sharingan]- I can cast any type of illusion on a person even giving them the liberty to perform actions of their desires in that illusion. It's a parent technique of [Coercion Sharingan].
[Dragon Fire Technique]-[Great Dragon Fire Technique]-[Great Fire Ball]- As the name simplifies they are just a few fire techniques which I came up with.
[Mirage crow]-[Shackling Stakes Technique] As the name implies. Both are illusion first one makes bombardment of crows on victim second one makes them feel like they are shackled to something using stakes or nails as a medium. Both are part of [Demonic Illusion]. This is the one I used on Donaseek back then.
Besides this I have
[Thunderbolt]- Which Akeno-san used while dealing with stray devils.
[Strengthening]- While covering part of my body with demonic energy to increase its stats
And lastly,
[Raikiri]- Which is a 'Forbidden' one for now at least.
I also have a vague idea of a new technique with sacred gear. I will show you once I get a more detailed idea about it. And that's all. Yeah I also have something like trump card but it is very expensive to use so, that's all it is!"
"Well you have quite amount of techniques there, Ise"
Rias said.
"They are but I can use at the most two to three of them at max before I am unable to move. They are large scale and too exhausting."
"I expected so, today you will show me the techniques you haven't displayed yet"
I was dumbfooled. I just told you they would leave crap out of me and now you want to see them.
"Maybe, you would get a reward after this."
Rias said as she perked up her boobs little bit making them jiggle.
"Fine, as you wish"