Life 1.5: Devil’s Jobs- Part 2

Part 2

This must be the house of Morisawa.

I knocked the door and after a long while after convincing him that I am devil, I got in and asked him what to do.

"Let's play dragon ball"

"Fine." I said with a smirk.

I then activated my sharingan and casted a genjutsu on him where we both were in the world of dragon ball.

Inside genjutsu~

A white world appear around us

"Now then Morisawa-san. Choose your avatar"

"How should I choose?"

"Just imagine how you should look like"

And a muscular Saiyan appeared with shoulder length spiky hairs.

My avatar was having spiky hairs and normal face

"Well let's start"

A planet appeared infront of us

"Hey where are we?.....huh!?"

A chibi sound was heared

"Hey why am I in the body of kid? I chose a muscular adult body!"

"Well you see Morisawa-san, since, we started as kid we will be able to explore the unseen side of Dragonball"

'Which would be written by me but you have no need to know that now, do you!'

"Ok so what's the timeline"

"Just about when Freeza destroys planet Vegeta"

"Oh! Okay. So where are we?"

"Somewhere in the galaxy!"

"Okay! So what should we do now?"

"What Saiyan kids are suppose to do!"

""Let's conquer this planet.....!!!!! YEEAAAHHHHHH!!!!""

And we fought and fought. Conquered the planets, sold them and well, preety much that stuff.

"Well that's all for today Morisawa-san. Don't forget to save."


I undid the genjutsu at the point just before the Saiyan saga and he was literally begging me to let him play more.

"Hey! Give me MORE..!!"

"Let's leave the rest for the next time"

"Hey! Don't leave me on cliff hanger-kun"

On which I just smiled,

"You are a devil"

he complained.

"Oh! That I am, indeed."

"Let's continue next time."

I told him that we will continue next time, and then he let me leave.

After returning I said,

"The task is completed Buchou"

"Did you obtained a contract"

I was hanged for a minute.

"No. I forgot about it"

She palmed her head and told me to go home and said we will see to that later.

Next day I was summoned and Rias told me that I had one of the best review but wasn't able to get contract as the validity expired.

On the back of card it was written as,

"I enjoyed my time with Issei-kun, I would like to make a contract with him next time."

This was the review of Morisawa.