Life 2.4: To keep my promise : Part 1

[Partner. Finally, you are conscious]

'What happened Ddraig?'

[I am not in the correct position to answer that but let me tell you a few things. After the game, your body was filled with the power accumulated by [Boosted Gear] you lost all of your stamina then and there while your body couldn't take the damage and began to crack. You were holding on shear will due to which when you accumulated demonic-power and tried [Raikiri] you weren't fully concentrated and were exhausted, above all you were hit by many Fireballs from Raiser increasing the damage on your body. Finally, when you attacked with [Raikiri], it wasn't as stable as it had to be and damaging your arm.]

I have a little numb feeling in my arm. I woke up and lifted my upper body.

Seems like I am in my room.

"Seem like you are awake!"

The one who greeted me was silver-haired maid Grayfia-san

"How long has it been? I mean for how long I have been out after the game."

"Two days"

"Who won?"

"Raiser-sama. Rias-ojousama conceded in the end"

"What's the situation now?"

"Everybody is in the underworld. They are there to escort Rias-ojousama to the ceremony hall"

Damn. Now then what should I do?

"....Can you come to accept this?"

"No. Definitely not! Even if the battle is over"


Suddenly she smiled. Well, this is the first time I saw a smile on her cold face. She sure looks beautiful in such attire.

"You are a very interesting person. For a long time, I have seen many devils. But this is my first time seeing someone like you. My master SirZechs-sama was watching you from another place and he said you were "interesting" you know."

"This magic-circle allows you to teleport to the hall of the engagement party of the House of Gremory and House of Phoenix."


"I have a message from Sirzechs-sama for you."

She pauses for a second and then speaks with a serious face.

"[If you want to save my sister, barge into the hall]. That's what he said. There is also another magic-circle on the back of the paper. Please use it when you take back Ojou-sama. I am sure that it will be useful to you. "

After that, she left.

I looked at my hand they were wrapped under bandages.


I knitted my brows.

Who is it! Then the one who entered is Uncle Joe.

"She left huh. It would be annoying to deal with her now. Well, you sure got yourself beat up this time dragon boy"

Said Joe.

"How do you know?"

"That doesn't matter but first tell me. Why didn't you use [Divine Water] on that Phoenix? He would have lost his fire you know"

"[Divine Water]?"

"Dragon didn't tell you? Leave it."

He hands over a small bottle to me.

"What's this?"

"Umm…If I were to explain it you won't be able to understand since your knowledge is too shallow and you are currently very weak to make me answer the question about who am I? or something like that. Oh yeah! This liquid is…. you can say it's a potion. It would bring you to your peak condition and would increase your capacity by a little permanently without any side effect."

"So I just drink it"


I will be back in a second. And he was literally back in a second

"Here, eat this"

After drinking the potion I ate the sandwich he made for me.

"By the way, if you are going to 'barge into the hall' then you should go at least wearing a suit."

"It's not like I am going to attend the party. Then why?"

"Boy, if I am not wrong you are going to end the fight with just one move right?"

He said that as he pointed towards my eyes

"How do you know?"

"I know everything."


He just ignored me and said

"Since you are going to a party then you should at least be presentable. And as it is said "The first impression is the last impression" so you might want to do it in style. Well then, you should hurry. What the point in getting there if the drink is spilled."

"Yeah I will get ready"

I chose a white shirt and Blue suit on it with a light blue Rose on its breast pocket with blue pants. A black watch and black formal shoes.

As I was dressing Uncle Joe said

"Oh, by the way, that blonde-haired girl was here up until now taking care of you. She seemed tired so I sent her home. Be sure to thank her okay."

"Okay. Well then I am off"

"Good luck Ise. When you come back I won't be here."

"I won't ask about where you are going but, come to visit often, okay?"

"Okay. Now get going."


I teleported to an unknown place it was a passage a lobby of some sort decorated with candles and as I move forward I saw many carvings of a mystical bird on the walls and as I reached the door there was even more magnanimous and gorgeous carving of that Mystical Bird.

So this is Phoenix huh!

As I entered the hall there were lots of high-class Devils present there. Suddenly I remembered what Uncle Joe said "Do it with style". I then put my hand in my pocket. I tried to find some familiar faces among the High-class devils.

After gazing for a while my eyes were caught by deep crimson color. Yes! It was Rias.


I shouted towards her my voice resounded in the whole hall and soon the hall became quiet and I was the center of attention of everyone. I noticed Rias as I said that Rias shed a single teardrop and her lips moved which I traced easily, she said just one word "Ise".

"To all the High-Class devils present here. Greetings"

I said that as I brought one hand out of my pocket and did a noble bow with a hand on my chest and the other hand behind my back.

"I am Hyoudou Issei. [Pawn] from Rias Gremory-sama's peerage. And..."

I then let go of my noble attire and put my hands again in my pocket and said.

"The [Red Dragon Emperor]. Today I am here to take her back with me"

Everybody was silent. Probably processing what I have said earlier.

"Rias Gremory belongs to me"

As I said that everybody was stunned Raiser who was in a white tuxedo had a funny expression on his face.

"Hey, you! DO you know where this—"


"So you are going to stop me?"

The room was a little dark and my [Sharingan] glowed perfectly in the dark scaring the shit out of the guard. I made my way towards Rias, guards came to stop me. But they were defeated by Kiba, Akeno, and Koneko.

"Ise-kun! Leave it to us"

"Ara ara! So you finally showed up"

"You are late"

These were the replies I got from them.

"This is the small event that I have arranged"

This was a voice from a red-haired man who was sitting on the back he came forward towards me


"What's the meaning of this?"

Said another man. Then Sirzechs-sama turned to another person who had similar Crimson-hair

"Father in the last match, my little sister had a little disadvantage since she was facing Raiser-kun who is the prodigy of Phoenix-clan"

"...So Sirzechs-sama, you are saying that the last game wasn't fair?"

"No, no, not at all. If a Maou such as myself says such a thing, then I would be making the old nobles look bad. The connection between the High-class Devils is important after all."

Maou-sama says it with a smile.

"Then, Sirzechs. What do you want to do about it?"

A middle-aged man with crimson hair asks Maou-sama. Crimson it Rias's father!

"Father. I want to make my cute little sister's engagement party into a flashy one. Dragon versus Phoenix. Don't you think it's the ultimate event? To stir up the party by having a battle between legendary creatures. There isn't any entertainment which can surpass this."

Everyone in the hall becomes silent with Maou-sama's words.

Sirzechs-sama then looks at me.

"Dragon user-kun. You have our permission. Raiser, can you show your power once more right in front of Rias and me?"

Hearing Maou-sama's wish, Raiser makes a fearless smile.

"Very well. There is no way I can decline if Sirzechs-sama asks me. This Raiser will show his last performance before getting married!"

...Looks like he is eager to do this. With this, the stage for the battle between us is set.

The only thing left is for me to win!

"Dragon user-kun, what prize do you want when you win the match?"


"What are you saying!?"

The relatives start criticizing Sirzechs-sama's offer. However—.

"He's a Devil, so we need to give him something fitting for it since we are asking him to do something for us. Now then. I can give you anything. A peerage? Or the most beautiful woman?"

Maou-sama asks me while ignoring the voices of others around him.


I smiled and said

"I want Rias Gremory"

He had a happy expression on his face like he was satisfied.

"Very well. If you win you may take Rias with you."