I woke up the next day by the sound of the alarm.
'Finally I can take a little breather. Hash! Now that this is over I have to get ready for Raiser. For that I wonder how I should approach. If I had my Mangekyo I would have kicked his ass for a few times already'
[Partner give me a description about this [Mangekyo Sharingan] of yours.]
'My eye remains red but rather than tomoe there is a pattern'
[Like a spin?]
[If that's true then you have unlocked it. It's just that, the consumption is too much]
'If what you are saying is true Ddraig then we will train our chakra in this time. I have a little idea as I saw how Koneko uses it. We can double it using the [Boosted Gear]'
[By the way partner we have to work on our attack style.]
"What do you mean?"
[Well you see, we only have one hit kill attacks for example [Chidori] and that illusion of yours but if someone is able to dodge it or defend it, things could get bad. Cause we are wide open after that attack.]
"Yeah you are right"
[Well you see, the knight Kiba could also beat you.]
"Nah! I won't believe it"
[Well I will explain you why. He has seen that move also he specializes in speed and know his way through. He can easily predict your path and can counter it. Sharingan isn't the only way to predict the moves, experience and other senses are there as well. And he has more combat experience than you. He would always be superior to you unless you became a battle maniac which I guess is not possible in your case. Now to overcome the experience gap you have to take advantage of your brute strength and surprise attack]
"I see"
[Also tell me one thing]
[Who would you consider will win if a 10 year old very smart kid is set up against an old man in a game of poker or any other card game in general]
"The old man would win, cause he has experience of all those years"
[Exactly. Even if you are intelligent, the ones you are against will be players having experience of thousands of years. They would know the counter of your every move even before you have plotted it. Your only chance is to surprise them until you gain enough strength.]
"Yeah, thanks. That was a fine piece of advice"
[This is a bit early to tell you but currently there are personals in the underworld or hell whatever you call it, who have greater influence than the Maou himself. There are people who are smart who are cunning. You are lucky to have protection of house of Gremory partner! If you were somewhere else and with normal background, the supernatural would have hunted you down rather than nurturing you. As soon as you show little sign to go against them they won't hesitate to dispose you. And at that time they won't even care if you are under the protection of house of Gremory.]
[Just remember this partner, the people from the war between devils and gods are still alive, where as we even after being at the pinnacle of power we are sealed in sacred gears. I guess this explains a lot]
"Yeah Ddraig I will be careful"
[Yeah and don't worry I am here to help you as well]
"Yep! Thanks Ddraig!"
I went to school after that. I went quite early. So there weren't many students in the academy.
I made my way in the club room. Only Rias was there.
"Good morning"
"Good Morning, Ise"
I sat on the sofa opposite to Rias.
"I have a question"
"What is it?"
"I am your [Pawn] right?"
"Then you can have another 7 like me?"
"The only one I need is you Ise. While reviving you one piece wasn't enough I have to put all 8 pawn pieces in order to revive you. So, I took the risk."
She stood up and went behind me. Then she wrapped her hands around my neck slightly bending. Her boobs were barely touching my back but I could feel their softness.
"So, you sacrificed 7 others just to have one me?"
She tighten her grip and said while creasing my cheek,
"Yes, it was a huge gamble, but now I don't think it was a bad deal. 'The Crimson Princess of Ruin' and 'The Red Dragon Emperor' make a perfect team, don't you think!? "
"But still 7 other–"
She cut me in between and said,
"The 7 others doesn't matter Ise. You are the only one I need. Because You are worth it!"
She then came in front of me and bend down to meet my eye level which made her boobs juggle a bit, she then came closer to me. The fragrance of her body filled my mind and I was unable to move she came closer and closer to me our faces came more closer and suddenly I felt her soft ample lips on my forehead
"This is a good luck charm. First strive to become the strongest [Pawn] Ise. Then aim for your dream."
My eyes suddenly light up and met with hers.
"My dreams. Can I really perceive my dreams."
Rias POV
After I kissed the boy on the forehead I said to him to become the strongest [Pawn] and to perceive his dreams. I don't know what spark I gave him his calm eyes suddenly watered and were full of hope I thought what did I say to make him so much emotional. His answer shocked me.
He just said, "Can I perceive my dreams"
I couldn't say anything but I felt this matters to him a lot
"Yes! You can perceive your dreams."
Rias POV end
After Rias said I can perceive my dreams. I heard her ask me,
"What's your dream Ise?"
"My dream?"
I smiled and said as I looked at her in the eye.
"It is to always make you smile, complete your dreams and to let you to be free without any restrictions. That's my dream."
She was shocked. Later she said,
"Okay I leave it to you Little Ise"
She smiled after that and it was the most lovely and sweet smile I ever saw in my entire life experience.
"Now I will leave it here or the new girl might get jealous of me" said Rias.
There was Asia standing she tried to smile.
Is she mad at me?
"It has to be... R-Rias-Buchou is very beautiful, so even Ise-san will also like her... No, no. I can't think like that! Oh, lord. Please forgive my sinful heart."
'Oye! What do mean by even Ise-san I am totally normal. And everybody likes her so what's wrong with that?!'
Asia made a prayer but she then screams "Auu".
"I have a headache."
"Of course. If a Devil makes a prayer to God, of course you will receive damage."
Buchou says that normally.
After few minutes other members of Occult Research Club arrived and we celebrated the joining of the new member in the peerage.
'I will protect this smile of yours forever that's my dream because, only you are worth it. Only for you I can lay down my life. You are the only one up until now who gave me the right to choose my dream and I have chose it my dream is you Rias. I will protect you always. Forever'
I vowed it.
That night after I returned home.
'So Ddraig what do you think. Can it work.'
[It can actually]
'Oh yeah!. By the way Ddraig it's about the [Balance Breaker]. How much more time till I achieve it'
[It will be soon in a month or two. Your progress speed is fastest among my all the previous hosts partner]
'Yeah also can you teach me some of your techniques?'
[As much as I would like to I can't. You are not strong enough I can teach you few of them when you reach the [Balance Breaker] state but as you are now, it is not possible.]
'So it's still not enough.'
[I can show you a movement skill which one of my previous host created. [Dragon Step] but your body won't be able to endure the backlash for it you must use your [Balance Breaker]. Don't worry, you will gain your abilities as you develop the [Boosted Gear] more and more. You have unlocked its first ability [Boost] the next one is [Transfer] so try to achieve that first. Besides you still have Yamato with you. I can sense strong power surging from it so don't worry]
'I have to work on [Chidori] as well. I have to master its other forms.'
I then took the a can of beer from the fridge and opened it,
"Cheers Ddraig! For the future"
[HAHAHAHA! Cheers Partner for the power]
[You are that first host to talk to me so much, my previous hosts were either scared or too coward to interact with me!]
I smiled on that comment.
I then took another sip.
"Then this sip to those who will fall from our hands"
[To those who will be just stepping stones]
'Ddraig while you are awake just think about the way to increase our arsenal. I think we would need it soon. Also, about a way to use that holy power so that it won't harm me'
[I will work on that then!]
"See you in morning partner! Ciao!"
[HAHAHAHAHA! Subarashi!(Amazing)]
I just ignored him and after that, I went to sleep.