Life 0.2

I went to the roof where dad was.

He was wearing his grey kimono and had his hands folded.

"So Ise, what is it you want to talk about?"

"Dad I want to master [Yamato] and [Cloak of Darkness]"

"It's too early for you to master [Yamato] and about [Cloak of Darkness] it is possible but it will take longer, as one has to get used to it rather than controlling it. If you try to control it then you have to pay price so it is better to try to get used to it while keeping your sanity at 100%. I can train you on that so come to me after you finish your classes and your club meeting"

"Can't we do anything about [Yamato]"

"It's still too early. But why are you rushing! Is it about that you don't have any powerful technique which didn't have any backlash"

"Yeah! You got that right"

"Well, I have a technique which you can execute and you can also integrate it with your [Cloak of Darkness]. It's the first form of a technique which I developed when I was at your age."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well unlike your [Arsenal of Gods] which require lots of physical, mental, and supernatural training, mine was….. well it's still too early to tell you about that. Just know the name of the technique it is called [Thunder Breathing- First Form- Thunderclap and Flash]. It's a combination of a speed and burst technique. Thunderclap refers to the initial burst and the initial magic output of your body, it brings your body to its limit and after that, the term flash refers to the speed maintain throughout the technique. It doesn't damage the body, just puts a maximum strain on your body after that you can change direction as many times as you want with the help of a flash state. I will impart you the details of this technique."

And suddenly a technique appeared in my mind.

"Dad how many such techniques are there which you created?"

"Each for each element. Truth to be told Ise, you are wasting your potential. It is like you have a bowl full of soup but you don't have the spoon to eat it. The thing I am trying to say is you have strength but not the technique to bring out 100% of it. Now that I am here you don't have to worry about that. Now get going, your girlfriends are waiting for you in front of the gate."

And he vanished from there like he wasn't there at all.

I jumped from the terrace and landed in front of Rias.

"Let's go"

After school, we gathered at my house for the meeting. Rather than meeting it was more like…

"And this is a picture of Ise when he was in grade school."

"Ara ara, so he went into the beach naked."

"Hey, Akeno-san! Hey mum, stop showing her things! And that was when I was just 3 years old okay. So this doesn't count. It feels weird when you put it like that Akeno-san."

Having a meeting, huh. The ORC meeting which was supposed to take place in my house was crumbled by the album mum brought.

"Ise-senpai's embarrassing past"

"Koneko-chan. Please have your cookies and refrain from saying any exotic comments"

"This is the time when Ise won his first kendo championship," said mum.

"This is when he won a piano concert"

"This when he went to nationals in kendo"

"This when he was learning cooking with Joe-san"

"This is his birthday album"

"Unfortunately after this, since we weren't here so there aren't many photos of that time but, there are still some memories in those images"

I think I remember mum saying this before.

"One day when you bring lots of girls to our home, I want to show them your album."

"...Small Ise."

Buchou, I'll be embarrassed if you stare at a picture of me when I was a child like that...

Umm, Onee-sama? Why are your cheeks red?

"...Ise when he was a child, Ise when he was a child, Ise when he was a child, Ise when he was a child..."

Is she muttering something? But she seems satisfied. Buchou, is the picture of me when I was a child your taste? Is Buchou a shota-con? I never heard her being as such...

"I think I know how Buchou-san feels!"

Asia grabs Buchou's hand. Her eyes are sparkling.

"So you also know how I feel. I'm so happy."

Hey, hey. Both of them went to another world... Even Kiba is looking at the album with a smile! Shit, why do I feel so bothered if a guy is looking at it!?

"O-Oi, Kiba! You don't look!"

I try to take the album from Kiba's hand, but he dodges it smoothly.

"Hahaha, don't worry about it. Let me enjoy your album a bit more."

Unnnngh! Don't enjoy iiiiiit!

I try to take it back again so I jump at him! But he dodges it again.

Kiba stares at a particular page. Rather than enjoying it, he seems to have surprised eyes. I got close to him and also look at the page he is staring at. There is a picture of me when I was in kindergarten. There is a photo of me and another boyish girl of my age with someone who seems to be his father. I remember this boyish girl. She's the boyish girl who used to live close by when I was in kindergarten. We played "hero-play" a lot together. She went to another country before moving up to first grade because of her parents' work. I haven't seen her since then. Yep, she is Irina. Kiba points at Irina's father in the photo. To be more accurate he is pointing at the thing her father is carrying.

A sword—.

It was more like an old European sword.

"Do you remember this?"

Kiba asks me seriously. Hey, the tone of your voice is different.

"Hmm, no, since I was really small back then..."

"Things like this happen, huh. To find it in an unexpected place..."

Kiba laughs by himself. But his eyes are filled with so much hatred that it made me shiver. This photo is the start of a particular incident—.

"This is a Holy Sword."

"Are you sure?"

"I can't be wrong about this thing"

"I don't know what happened in the past but keep this in mind I am there for you if you need any help. Just don't stray on your path."

He was silent and didn't say anything just looked at the image with cold eyes.

That night during dinner dad said

"By the way Ise how are your studies going?"

"They are going well. But why did you ask me this now out of the blue"

"Oh! I was thinking of taking you with me to London for a party. Joe will be there as well with someone I would like to introduce to you."

"Oh! when are we going then?"

"Around next week. If you want I could call and inform your school about it."

"No, it's fine. I will handle the procedures"

"By the way, Rias-san, do you also want to come with us?"

"No thank you Otou-sama. I have a few things to take care of here myself."

"Oh too bad. Asia-chan do you want to come?"

"Thank-you but I think I will stay here and help Buchou."

"Okay. I will tell you the details later okay?"

"Yep. Dad is mum coming as well"

"No, she won't this time"

"Well I have to decorate our house a little so I don't think I will be coming. Rias-chan, Asia-chan after they depart for London, come with me for shopping. We have to buy a few commodities"

"Yes Okaa-sama"

"By the way Ise, I think you should quit smoking." Said mum with a cold look in her eyes

"You are in for trouble Ise," said dad.

Don't get ahead of yourself old man.

"Same goes for you anata"

Mom said to dad in the same tone.

After dinner, we had to endure an earful from mum.

"Hey Ise let's go on an after-dinner walk"

"Okay. But let me tell Rias and Asia about it"

He nodded.

"I will wait for you outside then"

After I went outside, I saw dad in blue jeans and a grey sweatshirt.

"Let's go"

I didn't know where dad was taking me but I followed him.

"I have to say dad, but for your age, you and mum look pretty young"

He just smiled at that.

We walked and went on a hill.


Suddenly the whole space seemed to be under some kind of barrier.

"Now Ise you can take out your sword and activate the clock of yours. This space is fully under my control so you can go wild"

"If you say so. Come forth [Yamato]"

And suddenly a sword immerged in front of me. I unsheathed it and tried to activate the [Cloak of Darkness]. Suddenly one of the five holes in the blade had a black mist rendering around it. And a mark appeared on my forehead. It's a sort of a tattoo, black on at that it was like a crescent moon shape but had little irregularities. The aura felt extremely familiar and very soothing. It was very tempting I felt like laying in that aura submerging myself into it, surrendering to it.

"Don't let it control you. You have to control it. If it is hard for you use your Sharingan. If it is still too much draw its power little by little."

After a few minutes, I was able to get used to it.

"Okay, dad I can trigger a portion of it."

"Boy, the portion you are calling is just the awakening of that mark. Currently, you aren't even using 5% of its power. Let's check your limit. Try using that power and cover up your body with it."

I covered up my arm and I seemed to be able to control it. Then I covered up my other arm with it. It was still comfortable. Now just as I was about to cover my body with it dad stopped me.

"That's enough for now. Learn to control this much at the moment. Try to integrate it with your other techniques as well but, first try attacking me."


I leaped forward and punched him. He seemed to dodge it very easily. I followed it with a kick. He avoided it as well. I summoned [Yamato] and slashed at him. He pinched [Yamato]'s tip with his two fingers and flicked it which send me flying. We continued to spar for a few rounds. He also let me use my [Balance Breaker] and gave me pointers on it. Lastly, he told me about the sword skill which he imparted to me the other day.

"I guess that's enough for today"

I was sweating all over the place

"How are you gonna *huh*(breathing heavily) explain this time to home. We have been here for hours"

"True but it's only been a few minutes outside the barrier, So don't worry about it"

He looked at me and said.

"[Cure Heal]"

And suddenly all of my injuries bruises and clothes were cured as if nothing happened.

"This is the first time you have used your abilities so much, so now after we go home take a bath and have a good rest. If you don't then you will be having plenty of mental fatigue. Now I only healed your physical condition not mental. It will be good to experience such things. These things will help you to decide how much you should push yourself. Let's go."

As he removed the barrier I felt a tremendous headache. Tiredness hit me. As we made our way towards home dad stopped near the foot of a mountain and handed me a cigarette.

"It doesn't hurt to smoke a little with your old man. Just don't tell your mum about it."

After that, we went home. In front of the gate before we knocked on the door dad said,

"Remember Ise. Don't push yourself too hard. There is still time. You have many aces up your sleeve okay. Now, go have a bath and sleep into your girl's embrace."

"H-Hey, that's—"

Before I continued he ignored me and went into the house.

"We are back"

"Welcome back"

After coming back Mum asked,

"You guys sure took your time. Where were you?"

"Oh! We went to the hillside we had a father-son talk and were lost in gazing at the stars so we lost track of time"

"Okay now don't give me the detailed report. Geez"

"Okay mum, dad I am a little tired now so I am going to sleep."

"Good night Ise"

"Sweet dreams honey"

"Good night mum dad"

After I went to my room a sweet aroma filled my nose. Rias was in my room in her bathrobe drying her hair with a hairdryer.

"You sure took your time huh"

"Yep! It has been a long time since I was able to spend much time with dad alone."

I took off my shirt and said,

"I am gonna take a bath now"

"Do you want me to come and help up wash your back?"

"I would love to but not today I am pretty tired"

I went to the bathroom and stood under the shower. I didn't even have any energy to wash but suddenly two soft hands came from behind and helped me wash my back.

"Rias! You will get wet again."

"It's fine. I can tell that you are very tired. Let me help you."

After the bath, I got changed into my trousers and slept in Rias's embrace.

The next day I woke up it was a little late. Rias was nowhere to be found when I looked up at the clock it was already 7:00 am.

Oh crap! How did I manage to sleep so much? Fuck! I need to hurry.

Soon I changed into my school uniform and dashed to school.