

"This motherfucking cheat-" He hold his breath for a short moment before continuing "I'm sick of playing!" He combed his hair to then ruffle them

"You are just a bad player." I scoffed "And a bad loser." I shrugged

"It's not like you are better," he turned his head to look at me "My little Y/n." He giggled

"Yah. Stop that," I punched his shoulder "I'm not little."

"I am just bugging you. Why do you always punch me." He fake pouted "If you continue I'm gonna show you." His lips curved upwards

"Cut the shit. You ain't gonna do anything." I scoffed

"Want me to show you?" His gaze changed to a serious one

"OMO. What's with the gaze ?!" I shouted as my cheeks warmed up "I'm gonna tell Jin what you did."

"I haven't done anything yet my lil Ruby." He slowly approached me crawling on the bed. "You are really tempting right now."

I gulped "Yah. Don't say such things." I avoided his gaze "go away."

He lies down close to me on the bed, still looking at my side profil. "You have been acting really rude today." He whispered "you are such an annoying little pretty and sexy brat sometimes." He lowly chuckled as he put his arm on my waist

"Jeon Jungkook, If you don't stop this-" he cut me off with his deep voice

"What? Are you gonna tell the Hyungs?" He sat astride me

"What the- Jungkook get off me." I warned "Or else I'm gonna hit your crotch." I almost shouted

"Can you shut up?" He was slowly getting annoyed by my behavior I could say. "So annoying."

"Make me." I challenged

"You don't want to know what I'll do to make you shut your pretty little mouth." He scoffed as he looked me straight in the eyes

I won't lie. I really wanted to know what was gonna happen, but at the same time I was really scared of Jungkook, hehe...

"I want to know." I challenged him "You just talking but you won't-"

I widened my eyes as he abruptly approached his face extremely close to mine. Our lips almost touching. Our breath mixing together and searching each other's eyes. My breath was really heavy. I was really shocked and couldn't utter a word out of my mouth.

His eyes were looking at my lips with a lot of emotions that I couldn't read, to then look back at me.

"Go to your room, Y/n."

"Jeon Jungkook-" I didn't even had time to finish my sentence that he just got off me and walked out of his room "This fucking idiot"

— Next day —

Don't ask me if I slept well, because no I didn't. I couldn't stop thinking about what he said and did to me yesterday night. I was and I'm still confused, the way he quit the room without a word and this sudden change of mood.

"Y/n you have to wake up" I heard a knock on my door "Sejin Hyung is gonna come to pick us up. Get ready."

I didn't answer, but walked directly to my bathroom to get ready. Don't ask what I wore cause I took a oversized Hoodie with a black leggings and some Air Jordan 12.


I walked down the stairs to go meet the others in the the living room. I wasn't really in the mood today and I didn't felt like doing whims the whole day.

I spotted the manly and tall figure of Joonie. A small smile appeared on my face. "Joonie-ah."

He turned around as a small smile made his way on his lips "Oh Y/n, you're here. You okay?" He said as he pulls me in for a warm hug

"Hmm. I'm just a little bit tired." I hugged back as passed his fingers through my hair "keep going." I closed my eyes as he just chuckled

I felt a warm hand gripping my wrist and pull me away from Namjoon. I was just beginning to enjoy! This ain't fair!


"Yah, don't flirt like that in front of the boys." Jungkook said looking at Namjoon "It's weird to see this."

"We are not flirting and you do the same with her." Namjoon simply shrugged "and don't Yah me, I will Yah your head."

"Sorry Hyung." Jungkook sais as he then released his grip on me. "Whatever."

I just looked at him and contemplate wether I should ask him about yesterday or not, but then decided to do it.

"Jungkook-ah," I paused "What was that yesterday?" I said lowly for the other to not listen to our conversation "I was hella confused and you just left-"

"Forget about it. It was nothing okay?" He looked at me "It was just to play with you, nothing serious." He smiled

"Let me Tell you, I ain't your-"

"Sejin Hyung is here guys!" We heard Jin scream from the other side of the hallway.

He is just lucky Sejin Oppa arrived, cause Imma whip his whole ass.
