

"We did have fun." Jungkook said as he nervously chuckled


"Yah, Jungkook." I warned as I glared at him "Don't say bullshit." I blinked with a confused expression all over my face and I was also very flustered and uncomfortable

"Jungkook likes to make the mood weird." Hoseok shot glares at him and took little glances at me, seeing that I was uncomfortable, looking down on my knees and fidgeting with my fingers.

"Oh my god, sorry guys." He playfully roleld his eyes "You are overreacting."

"Yeah, but at least don't make Y/n feel uneasy, it's not cool." Taehyung simply explained

"It's okay guys." I lowly said as I took my phone and played with it, slightly blushing.

"I am sorry Ruby~" Jungkook teasingly said as he quickly pecked my cheek.

"Fuck you." I mumbled lowly but with a little smile on my face

"What did you say?" He looked at me with a confused expression

"I said fuck you." I said loud enough for him to hear "I don't like you anymore."

"Tsssss." He playfully glared at me and went back on his phone "I like you. One sided love is okay for me." He teasingly said making me secretly blush.

Of course I was not going to show them I was blushing or they'll make fun of me me with it for the rest of my senseless life and I am not ready for that. For the rest of the drive, I didn't talk much, the boys were busy talking about the come back and I was playing games on my phone.

"Ruby, why aren't you talking?" Namjoon asked as he soothly caressed my back "Are you feeling okay?"

I looked up at him with big eyes and a pout on my mouth "I am just focused on my game, that's all." I smiled "Thank you for asking." I kissed his cheek, making him smile as his pretty dimples slowly appeared on his cheeks

"You're so cute little baby." He patted my hair and smiled at me. I could feel pairs of eyes on us and when I looked, Jungkook was glaring at me and Yoongi was also doing the same.

I looked at them both, swinging my eyes to Jungkook and then Yoongi. I nervously chuckled and focused back on my game. "Jinie."

"What do you want?" He stared at me with his arms crossed

"I-I want food." I stuttered as I looked at him, he had a strong and intimidating gaze on me. "Don't look at me with that gaze." I said as I talked with a playful pout on my mouth.

"He didn't get to eat this morning, that's why he is a little mad right now." Taehyung gently explained to me as I nodded

"Bruh." I sighed as I looked outside to the horizon. It was a little bit rainy today, so the weather was a little bit weirdo but I still liked it. "I'll treat you guys when we arrive there." I said with excitement , impatient to order food.


"Woah, it's giant!" I said excitedly "We have all this place for us, omg." I clapped my hands as I looked everywhere.

"Well, it's good because we are quite a lot with the background dancers." Namjoon said as he put his bag in the corner of the room

"I'm so excited." I smiled "We need to stretch though." I said as I got rid of my jacket and put my phone on the table.

I began slowly stretching my legs by going down on the floor with hands, then lifting one of my legs up while holding myself on the floor with my hands. I also stretched for the split, I went down on a split and took a deep breath, trying to release the tension and slight pain in my leg.

"How come you're so flexible?" Asked Jungkook, while putting his dancer shoes on, flashing a little smirk at me.

"By stretching with Jimin." I responded still focusing on stretching my muscles. "Do not ask me that, 'cause you're also a little flexible and it's already good." I answered while changing the side of my split and putting my right leg in front of me.

"Woah, both sides?" Asked Jimin "Since when?"

"Hmm, I've started stretching the right side about 4 months ago, at home when I had time." I said as I bent down with my hands to touch my foot and stretch a bit more.

"Naaah, that b*tch is flexing." Hoseok said playfully as he laughed at the guys watching me stretching

"Can you stop staring, it's awkward?" I asked with a little laugh "It's not like Jimin can't do it too. You guys saw him plenty of times."

"Yeah but it's not the same." Jungkook added "I mean I rarely saw you do the split." He smiled

"Ugh, you guys." I rolled my eyes as a small smile made its way on my lips

While we were making jokes and talking, Sung Deuk-ssi came in and gathered us together to begin.

"Ah, guys I'm so excited. So the back ground dancers are here, they are just getting ready." He clapped his hands together and looked around "We have a lot of space to dance so you guys don't refrain, dance like you're on stage and show me what you got." He smiled "Let's begin with Black Swan."

I excitedly smiled and walked over to my spot.

The music started. The vibe, the feeling of the music travelled through my body and my body moved on his own, remembering each and every moves.

"Do your thing, do your thing with me now"

- What's my thing, what's my thing, tell me now~" sang Jungkook with his smooth and fluid voice

At the end, we were all standing still on our spot, breathing heavily and waiting till the song ends.

"Okay good job guys, Ruby and Jungkook, don't go hard while dancing please, you're gonna end up dying and we don't want that. Same for you Jimin, you should chill a little." He said

"Next. ON" he simply said, but gave us time to drink water and calm down a little.

"Ok, let's go guys."

The music started and Jimin went on.

"I can't understand what people are sayin'"

He sang and danced while the background dancers followed behind him.

I smiled as I saw him dancing and singing. This cute little hottie.

As the music followed everyone got to sing and dance then came my turn

"Can't hold me down, 'cause you know I'm a fighter~"

-Find me and I'm gonna live with ya!"

Then followed the powerful moves of the chorus and we gave everything we had while dancing as Taehyung sang.

"Rain keep pouring, sky keep falling everyday oh na na na~"

A while later came Jungkook's bridge, the moment I fear the most cause we're all out of breathe and we gotta go hard and be powerful while dancing.

"Got no fear I'm singing oh oooh~"

The background dancers were giving their best and focusing on every steps and moves.

The beat drops and came the dance break. All in synchronization, dancing and giving everything we have together to keep the choreography perfect.

We were out of breathe, we couldn't breathe properly and we're struggling standing on our feet.

"Omg guys!" Ariana squealed "I have goosebumps all over my body, you guys are so amazing wtf!" She squealed as she eyed us one by one

"When did she get here?" I asked Sung Deuk

"Say hi." Namjoon whispered to me and lightly slapped my butt

"I hope nobody saw you doing what you just did." I chuckled

"I'm glad you're here Ariana. We weren't excepting you." Namjoon widely smiled as she approached us

"It was a surprise. I'm in the other arena over there." She pointed with her finger "Your manager invited me to see you guys, since I'm also practicing." She smiled

"Oh okay I see." He smiled "Well, did you like what you saw?"

"I loved it." She winked as she put her hand on his arm

"Nope." I took her hand off Namjoon's arm. "He doesn't like to be touched."

She looked at me then avoided my gaze "Oh, I'm sorry." She awkwardly smiled

"Y/n you should stop the bullshit, really." He warned me in Korean for her not to understand

"Let's take a pic!" Proposed Jin with a big smile on his handsome face.

We all sat down on the 2nd stage. Yoongi took the phone and did a picture.

"Here you go." He lazily said as he handed us the phone.

"Imma post it on Twitter." Jungkook said as he proceed at posting the picture on Twitter.

"You look handsome today Jungkook." Complimented Ariana "Give me the secret for your smooth hair." She ran her hand through his hair

The fact that I was out of breath, because we danced and singed, then I was feeling really jealous and protective over my boys. I have issues controlling my anger and I was about to burst.

I was having trouble breathing. I tried walking away to not draw attention on me. It rarely happen and I really don't know what is going on, but I don't like this situation.

"Sej-...Sejin-ah." I called him with trouble

"Yeah- Y/n-ah, what's going on?" He walked toward me

"Can't...breathe." I tried saying while tearing up and hating myself for being in a ridiculous situation like that

"Hey, calm down. It's okay." He caressed my back "Come here." He lead me in a corner and put his hand on my arms

"I don't like this whole situation." I slowly said trying to breathe in between each words I was saying

"Okay, try to calm down." He gave me a bottle of water

"No it's okay, I'm just overreacting." I wiped my tears "I'm gonna go back."

"Come talk to me, when you want to. Okay?" He softly said as he gave me a quick hug

"Okay." I nodded and slightly smiled at him before turning around and noticing pairs of eyes looking at us

"Y/n is everything okay?" Hoseok and Taehyung walked toward me and made sure I was okay

"Yes. Please can we just continue dancing. I was just having trouble breathing, it's fine." I pressed my lips in a thin line

"Okay baby, let's go back." He softly put his hand on my back and lightly pushed me towards the others

"Okay, let's take a break."
