City of my love Arc: Part 2

Finally the time had arrived to take off "Ahh do you think we have enough bags yet Lotte?" Willow asked as she eyed up the two separate piles of luggage. One pile decorated pink with pandas and the other green with foxes "Haha I worry we don't have enough" the blonde responded nervously.

After the two had arrived successfully to the airport in separate taxis, with still many hours to go until they got on the plane they messed about in the various shops after putting their luggage through the check in gate.

"Hey don't I look like Elton John!" the loud mouthed girl bellowed across the shop while she wore novelty pink, sparkly booby glasses. "That is funny because he is in fact gay" Charlotte giggled and nodded as she approached her friend. Against better judgement Willow bought the glasses and wore them as they ate their burgers and fries.

Eventually, they landed in Paris, France after a longer than usual flight due to bad weather Charlotte found one of her bags to be missing. Almost on the verge of tears Charlotte tries her best to hide it from her friend but before they could leave the airport Willow, like a sniffer dog could sense there was something wrong.

"You had four bags. Now there's three" she growled. The fiery redhead slammed her hands down onto the help desk "My friend's bag has gone missing" the friend in question watched in horror as she stood alone with the two luggage carts. "Well ma'am luggage does get lost quite often." She gave a well practiced smile which angered the ginger more "How could you lose it? It's covered in pandas!!!"

Finally leaving the airport the two girls grabbed a taxi heading towards their hotel room. Sitting in an awkward silence the whole journey until they finally got into their pajamas "Thanks Will for trying" giving a soft smile as she spoke.

"I still think we could have gotten it today" still frustrated she wrapped her arms around Charlotte in a supportive cuddle "It's okay we filled out the form so we should hopefully hear back from them" she returned the cuddle squeezing tighter.

After a while they settled into their beds and put on some TV they couldn't understand so just ended up chatting to each other "So Lotte what was in that bag anyway? It wasn't that fancy dress you just got was it?"

seeing the panic in Willow's eyes she quickly responded, "well it was just some petticoats and a couple of pairs of socks but, you remember that doll I bought for that girl" When she realized what her blonde friend was going on about she gave her a cheeky grin "oohhh I see, you're hoping you'll meet her again" giving Charlotte a wink.

Many people stared at Charlotte and Willow as they walked down the streets of Paris dressed in their usual lolita styles. Charlotte in her pastel coloured lace skirt and top with a bow to match, Willow contrasting in multiple shades of brown with the clockwork decoration plus a top hat to top it all off.

"So how'd you sleep last night Lotti?" she asked her clearly sleepy friend as they sat down outside a cafe "fine! It wasn't like I was worried about my bags or anything Will" responding in an overly sarcastic tone.

As their tea and assortment of pastries was brought to them the waitress could not help but focus on their garments "Um excuse me but why are you dressed like that?" She couldn't help but ask as she set down the numerous plates.

"Well we are wearing lolita" Willow couldn't help but interject. "It's just an alternative fashion, the woman who had served just looked more confused and with an 'Oh' she just walked away continuing to do her job. So the two friends just spent their whole day sightseeing but unknown to them both that girl whom the blonde has been enamoured with was not far from where they have had tea.

The dark haired girl stood in a room with many lights and cameras wearing a black dress a lot fancier than the one from before "Rio stop daydreaming and get over here" a woman in a very regal outfit commanded "Okay, coming Hina" the two posed in many positions and wore many clothes but Rio's were always mostly black.

"That's enough photos for today ladies" a man with very shiny hair and equally shiny blouse told the girls "Well it's about time, come Rio we must go meet my new friend" linking arms with her gothic friend and guiding her to a very nice car outside.

Once inside the vehicle a neutral blonde with gray eyes gave them a very wide smile "Bonjour, you'll be coming to my house for dinner, I've got chef's making it as we speak" she announced as she held her head high "Rio this is Aimee, Aimee this is Rio" Hina introduced them both to each other.

With that they went to Aimee's house and the whole time they were in her home Rio couldn't help but feel a sense of uneasiness around this new person.

They were all sitting in Aimee's bedroom, she had her own small sofa and coffee table which had a beautiful tea set with a matching cake stand next to it "oh you simply must see my lovely collection of vintage polly pockets" Hina's eyes lit up at those words but her fellow model didn't really know what these polly things were. On this white wood shelf there were a lot of tiny little pastel coloured boxes that kind of looked like compact mirrors without any glass "Cool" was all Rio could muster.