city of my love arc: part 3

After some time Aimee left the room "Hina how well do you know her?" the goth asked, "Not very, I met her the last time I was here for a photoshoot" her friend said it so casually.

Rio was a little shocked "What! You've only known her for a month? Why are we in her house?" grabbing her friend by the shoulders and shaking her a little "Calm down there's nothing to worry about it's very unlikely that she's a serial killer or something" Hina laughed at her and messed her hair up.

Their conversation was interrupted by the person in question with another big smile plastered across her face. She informed them that a car was waiting to take them to their hotel.

As the two japanese women entered through the door of the hotel, just across the street from them Charlotte and Willow went through the door of the much smaller hotel.

Hina couldn't help but tease her friend as she removed her black lipstick "So did you think Aimee was cute?" Rio looked confused by her question "Well I mean, you do have a thing for blondes" responding quickly to her confusion. "N-n-no I don't" her cheeks clearly flushed bright red.

Frantically they tried to get ready as fast as they could while simultaneously being as cautious and deliberate as they can be, after layers of clothing such as petticoats and tights were finally on both of the girls were ready to put on their fanciest dresses yet for this convention.

"Will! How does this look on me? Was it worth the money?" Charlotte was frantic "Don't worry Lotte it definitely looks real expensive and you look damn fine in it might I add" Willow thrusted her hips towards her friend in a joking manner,She was not so worried anymore, just really amused because of her friends' antics.

hair and makeup all done the two of them went downstairs to the hotel's breakfast buffet as they had much time to spare, one wonders why they were rushing or even worried in the first place.

While getting to the train was uneventful, being on the train the two overly dressed friends were met with many stares and whispering even a few rude words.

"I had a few words in mind for those people" the fiery redhead snorted "If you just let me Charlotte" she said through gritted teeth "It's just best to let people be rude and ignore them Willow" putting her hand gently on her friends shoulder in a sort of soothing manner "Be the bigger person" another hand placed on the other shoulder and softly shaking back and forth to get her point across "NEVER!" she grabbed the blondes cheeks in response.

The line outside of the convention hall was chock a block, you have not seen so much ruffles and lace in one place in your whole life, although there was much pastel to be seen there was plenty of goths with their darkness.

Rio was with Hina, both were staring out of an open window at the crowd below "wow there are a lot more fellow lollita's this time around" her friend had to agree "It seems that the online shops have really brought more people in" the two of them were dressed head to toe in very fancy attire, Hina looked like pure royalty with her mostly cream and gold dress whereas her fellow model resembled more vampire royalty with her black and purple outfit.

Our two British besties stood amongst the crowd somewhere in the middle of the line "OMG it's Carlottalita and The Maiden of the Cog" a young and very hyperactive girl squealed, with her came a group of more squealing ladies.

"Hi everyone so nice to see you all here!" waving her two hands in the air while her yellow pigtails bounced frantically "What's up my fellow shipmates" outstretching her arms in the same direction, waving them about to greet the group. "But you're not a pirate this time" one of the little fangirls told Willow "Yes but I'm in steampunk so I can still have an airship" crouching down with her hands in a diamond shape to emphasize her point.

As the crazy antics went on in the que, the staff were preparing to open up the doors to let everybody into the convention hall. Aimee was standing atop a staircase watching the doors like a hawk "Miss Lamar, we are preparing to let everybody in, you should probably go join the models from in the conference room" she agreed and followed the staff member to the room in question.

A large hall was lined with stalls that featured a selection of many different J-fashions but mostly that of the lollita variety not to mention plenty of plush toys and much cute art being sold. Although too much pink and purple kind of took over the place, a good helping of black other darker colours were dotted around the place.

Not long after getting through the doors the 'Cog Maiden' dragged her fellow internet personality to the toilet to freshen up, re-applying their lipstick and fixing their lashes made them ready to face the crowds once again.

Suddenly, the door burst open and a very tall woman was dragging someone in with her

"Come on, don't worry I'll get it fixed and I'll stitch it back up" she reassured the crying girl, pulling a very ornate sewing kit from her equally beautiful handbag. They couldn't help but watch as she fixed the large rip in the side of the other girls skirt, even adding a few buttons along the way for decoration. Looking at the repair she cried even more "OMG thank you so much waa" she couldn't keep herself from hugging the tall lady very tightly "No problem" patting her softly on the head.

The newly happy girl ran out of the toilet to leave her tall friend behind "You did a real good job on that repair there" Charlotte couldn't help but say and Willow behind her gave a big thumbs up and a grin.

"Why thank you I do never go anywhere without my trusty sewing kit" she tucked said kit back into her decently sized bag. The three of them couldn't help but gossip and walk around the main hall together, their new friend got along with Willow especially "So my name's Zoey but most know me as Meime online" explaining as they all sat and had tea and coffee with each other.