city of my love arc: part 4

They were already discussing the online lollita community, Charlotte and Willow just got done explaining their online personas "Ah yes now that you mention it, I do remember you two from a daisy doo video" her eyes lit up with the realization that she had seen these two before.

The two Brits side eyed each other "Well I've some bad news for you, she's quit!" Willow was the one to break the news as Charlotte couldn't bring herself to do it. Zoey looked visibly upset but was quickly comforted by her new friends telling her of all the pretty frocks that they got from the retired internet personality "I think some might even fit you Zo" the bouncy blonde informed.

The trio were already making plans for their new American friend to come visit the other two in the UK. As this was all going on Aimee was sitting behind the stage where all the lollita fashion models were doing a panel to an audience of mostly bonnet wearers. Hina was just finishing up answering questions from the crowd when it was Rio's shot to talk, she mostly discussed the many creepy and spooky patterns that she has gotten to wear over the years.

"That's all from Elizabethy, does anybody have any questions?" immediately all of the ladies in black frantically gathered to ask their many burning questions "Aliceness how long have you and Elizabathy known each other?" another model asked Hina "coming up five years now" with that response she went back to watching Rio muddle her way through the question people asked her.

As they all left the conference hall, the wealthy French girl linked her arms with the Asian girl she had become acquainted with "I know of a wonderful place we should go for dinner after the con, my treat" Rio couldn't help but cringe at her sickly sweet tone of voice, thankfully she did not see her facial expression.

"I absolutely love that idea" the other girl responded much more positively and with that the goth's fate was sealed. Meanwhile, Zoey was preparing herself to leave with the two mildly 'famous' lollita girls "So how far is your hotel from here" satisfied by the answer they gave she texted her sister letting her know she would be spending the night with others.

A fully decked out restaurant with pristine white walls and the fanciest of chandeliers, although they weren't poor none of them were quite used to this level of wealth except for Aimee of course. They sat down on very well cushioned dining chairs and the tables were as highly decorated as the walls around them, with at least five different very fancy forks, a couple of knives and a few spoons.

"Oh wow these plates look so regal" of course Hina was mesmerized by this place, Rio couldn't help but think but she's always been a bit more cynical with people than her dear friend "Oh you must really try the desserts from this place they are fantastic" when they had all finished their meal, they got to try out these desserts for themself. Rio couldn't help but love her white chocolate and lime cheesecake, looking over Hina was already nearly finished with her strawberry tart with cream and of course the French girl had French macaroons in many pretty pastel colours.

Eventually getting in after the train was delayed for about half an hour they de-petticoated as soon as they got in "So this is our humble abode Zoey" willow mockingly fanned out her arms to show off the whole room. Charlotte rolled her eyes, took her pigtails out and laid them down on her night stand. All of them couldn't wait to get their makeup off and watch some internet videos, the conversation went from what they were watching to about Zoey's personal life.

It mostly focused on her skills as a seamstress but the subject of her sister came up and her eyes seemed to sparkle with pride when discussing her sibling "Yeah my big sister's so awe inspiring, she's a photographer" the other two girls were drawn in by Zoey's clear enthusiasm "that's why I've been here for a week already because of her job" with that Willow couldn't help but launch into questions about her sister's photoshoot she was doing and Charlotte quickly followed suit with the interrogation.

Sleep overcame them all and they continued their discussions the morning "Oh so what are the names of the models" The American looked a bit apprehensive about answering this question but they both promised her that they wouldn't discuss it outside of this room "Okay there's Aliceness, she mostly does hime style and Elizabethy is pretty much all gothic" when Charlotte heard the word gothic she perked up a little bit followed by Willow's teasing.

None of them really had time to search up the two lollita fashion girls as they wanted to make the breakfast buffet but it was still really cool to them that Zoey's family member was involved with fashion photography and not to mention their favourite kind. Unbeknown to them across the street the two girls in question were having their own breakfast but they had room service and were preparing themselves for the day ahead which had them on shoot all day in the studio (around the city as well).

As soon as Zoey found out about the shoot today she was able to convince her sister to let her friends come along. Charlotte promised to help out as they had studied photography in college, Willow wasn't so quick to offer assistance "But Lotte it's our holiday" she whinged but reluctantly agreed. The excitement was palpable although they would have to work hard helping out with lighting and such, the prospex of seeing and meeting Japanese models who exclusively wear their favourite fashion was too much Charlotte almost cried.

The photographer was already hard at work before her beloved little sister came through the door "Emily! It's me Zo, I've brought reinforcements" she yelled with a slight sing song tone. Emily wasted no time in briefing the girls on what she wanted them to do, it was mostly lighting related but they also offered a great deal of help with different backdrops

"So what time are the models getting here sis?" she couldn't help but ask as she set down everyone's cup of tea. Emily gave her phone a cursory glance "They should be here soon but the traffic here can always be a bit of a mess" so they sat and gabbed but the mature woman felt out of place with these youngsters but enjoyed their company anyway.

Everyone's attention was diverted to Hina and Rio entering the studio, Charlotte's mouth was agasp; it was her! Their eyes met each other and for a good solid minute they just stared.