The Five Gates

Growing up Sarah never new why people looked at her so strangely. What she will figure out is it all started with her mom. Her nickname in school had become Rosemary's Baby. She always thought this was because of her gothic look and the fact that she always wore red lipstick. Maybe because of her bat tattoo that she got her second year of high school.

It was hard for her since she lived in a bible town. Her and her mom never took a second glance at a church. She had never been in one either now that she thought about it. What set her out at first glance was her all black skirts and her layered fishnets. They always had been in the same order red on bottom black bat pattern on top. The thing that really made her stand out was her naturally red eyes. Even doctors adored the fact she was the only person in the world with them.

She always called herself Queen of Scream. This was do to her constant Halloween style and he very detailed art in the horror genre. Naturally she was in drama and such classes to show off this skill. One play struck a memory she had forgotten and this is where we start her story.

"Hey Sarah!" Johnny yelled from the drama teachers office. As she ran over he waved a script in the air. "We have a play for this month we need to start working on!" He yelled knowing how close she was. "Oh! What is it?" Sarah asked with extreme excitement. He laid the thick script onto the desk. In big letters it read " The Five Gates" it said that the play was written in 1982 but it the author was unknown. It has been preformed twice since then.

"I wonder why this play has been preformed so few times?" Sarah had a spark of curiosity in her eye for the play. "The director wants to know if you want to be in this one." Johnny gave her a side look. "I can't act worth anything plus I have my art." She began to shy away from the comment. She always preferred to watch the plays anyway.

Johnny gave a sigh and handed Sarah the details for the backdrops along with the props. "We have two weeks." Johnny made his exit with the statement. In the back of Sarah's mind all she could think was the excitement of having the new project. As she left she had gotten I to a skipping rythme on her way to the drama room.

She really badly wanted to read the script even though she wasn't acting in the play. She couldn't put her finger on it but she was drawn to this play unlike any of the other plays she had worked on. It was like it called her. It spoke to her soul even if she hadn't read it or seen it preformed before. As she set up shop to make props and back drops she pulled out her laptop to do research. After hours of searching she came to a defeated halt as it came up black no matter the site or web browser she used. "Damn it." She cursed softly to her self.

"Guess this play is really rare and no one knows about it." She had rationalized with herself before she could have gone insane. Even after that she asked herself "If this play is that rare how did we end up with the script?" The reason she asked herself was because she was in high school. You don't go to high schools to find rare plays.

You barely go to high schools for plays themselves. Shortly after that thought a hand landed on her shoulder. With a fright she spun around to face this person but no one was there. It felt like the hand of a parent trying to calm their child. Her mom was at work and she has never known her father. It was always a big secret who her dad was. Everyone in her family avoided the subject like the plague and everyone in town said it was a miraculous thing that her mom had her. She pushed all that to the back of her mind and started on the play props.