A Mental Focus

Sarah just finished all of the backdrops and props within three days. She did have help with it but she needed it because she can't get the play out of her head. It is taking up all of her focus since she was told about it. She was on her way to class when she started to attract worried looks from passing classmates. She finally made it to class when johnny stopped her outside. "Are you okay Sarah you look like you have something on your mind?" He made eye contact when he asked this question to her. "Yes Johnny I am okay but you should get to class." Sarah said patting him on the shoulder as she went inside.

She sat at her desk dreading not only the class itself but the fact that she can't focus on anything but that fucking play. She got halfway through the class before being excused from class. As she walked down the hall her vision began to become blurry and she stumbled from one side of the hall to the other as she inched to the office. When she got to the office she struggled to open the door but as she did her vision went black and she fell to the floor. The office erupted into a panic and they called her mother along with an ambulance.

As she awoke two hours later she blinded by a large white light. She looked around the room and saw medical devices. Her mom sat giving her a worried look. "Mom, why are we in the hospital?" Sarah's voice was dry and raspy. As she spoke she noticed a pain in her head. "Don't worry honey the doctors have already looked at you." Her mom spoke in a light comforting voice. Sarah took notice that her cell phone was sitting beside her on the metal lunch table. "Has anyone from the school called me?" Sarah made eye contact with her mom to get a point across. "No honey it has only been texts from this boy named johnny." Her mom gave her one of those looks like she has been hiding a boyfriend. "He must be texting about me being there for the school play or not." Sarah said laying back to look at the roof.

"Are you sure he isn't asking if you are okay?" Her mom asked her while giving her that same judging look. " We are friends but not that close of friends and no we are not dating." Sarah had to clear that up before it crossed her mom's lips. Sarah's mom sat down and laughed a little before going into a story about how Sarah has never been interested in being around boys her whole life. "Mom I don't like boys but I have had my eye on a girl I have liked for a while." Sarah interjected before her mom could continue. Her mom sat back a little shocked by what she was just told.

"I knew you have been romantically interested in girls since you have been able to comprehend dating." Her mom spoke with a victorious attitude. Sarah gave a small laugh and rolled over to get some sleep. As she slept a form began to come from the shadows. It was bathed in flames and adorned a crown of spikes and a cape of coal-black leather. It spoke in a deep commanding voice. "My daughter you must rise from this bed and make sure you get to that play." After the final word was spoken the flames drowned out the figure and she awoke covered in sweat. Her mom rushed to her side holding her close and they both sat in silence without uttering a word to each other.

The doctor came into the room and said Sarah needed to stay out of school for a few days. She was written out right up until the day of the play. This was good for her because she really wanted to be apart of the show. She let out a breath of relief when she learned she can still do the play. Till then she wanted to do more research into the vision she had and she was going to learn to meditate. It was a dangerous idea but Sarah wanted to make contact with that figure again.