Tides Of Fire

Sarah and her mom arrived home from the hospital shortly before midnight. Sarah went straight up to her home without a word to her mom. She had to much on her mind to talk to anyone right now. Who was that figure and why did he appear to her of all people? It was all her mind could produce.

When she got up to her room she pulled out her laptop and began research. She started with typing in the details of the figure she saw. What she found was it was a depiction of the devil from a small religion founded in North America during the 1920s. "Why would he appear to me then?" She asked herself not bothering to be quiet. What she didn't know was her mom was standing outside.

A soft knock came from her door. Her mom spoke softly from the other side "Sarah may I enter?" By now Sarah can't refuse her because she probably heard her talking to herself. "Yes mom you can." Sarah spoke in a raised tone but it wasn't harsh. Her mom walked in with a worried look on her face. "Sarah I need to tell you about your birth." Her mom staggered over her words like a secret had to be dragged out with them.

With a sigh her mom started into a story that began with her high school drama class. Her mom started drama class as a freshman but nothing unusual happened till her junior year. That was the year she met the love of her life but he held a secret that would drag them both into darkness. "Hello my name is Olivia!" She yelled as she met the tall slender stranger. "Why hello Olivia my name is Moloch." He spoke with a gripping tone.

Olivia blushed as she choked on her words. Moloch looked at her and held her chin between his fingers. "Yes I would love to take you on a date." He let out a small chuckle as she hid her face. "Thank you." Her voice became a high pitched squeak. She excused her self and went to the restroom.

She couldn't believe he said yes. Moloch wouldn't turn out to be who she thought he was. She cheered in the restroom and didn't care who could hear. She was going on a date with the coolest guy in school. The only detail she missed was no one could figure out who he was. He was no where to be found after she exited the bathroom. All that was left was a note addressed to her.

Later that day he showed up at her house to pick her up for their date. "Hello Olivia, sorry I had to leave early my mom was sick." Moloch lifted his arm for her to take. Arm in arm they walked down to the best restaurant in town. He wined and dined her for two hours before suggesting a place to go after words. "I would like to take you to meet my very best friends." Moloch suggested with a very insistent tone. "Sure I would love to meet them!" She jumped at the idea excited.

They left the restaurant and a black Cadillac was parked and ready for them. He opened the passenger door for her with a bow. "After you madam." He spoke in a cheesy voice. "Why thank you sir." She gave him a curtesy and spoke in a mocking British voice. She slid into the car her dress just gliding over the leather interior. Olivia could only think of how few guys actually acted this way with women. The engine started and soon they sped off into the night.