Hell's Princess

After about a ten minute drive they came to a house with a fire in the back yard. Olivia and Moloch got out of the car and he led her around back to a group of hooded figures chanting in Latin. Moloch lifted his arms and joined in while he still led her to the group. "Moloch what are we doing here?" Olivia asked shortly before someone bashed her in the back of the head and she blacked out. When she woke up she was in a dungeon tied to a rock slab table.

A gag kept her from screaming out for anyone. The only thing Olivia knew was her head was in pain and she needed to get out. Footsteps echoed through the stone chambers and from the shadows came Moloch who had a big grin on his face. She tried to talk to him but she forgot she was gaged. He opened the door to the cell she occupied and shut it behind him. "Oh, my dear Olivia I wish it didn't need to be this way but I need to have someone to carry my successor." He said this as he approached her. His form changed the closer he got. His skin burned and fell off leaving a red scaly body behind. His hair came off horns growing back in its place. His clothes ripped as his muscles became more defined and grew in mass. His hands and feet became clawed. The last thing to change was his eyes but when they did for some reason it shocked her the most. As the human's eyes melted away behind them lay the soulless yellow eyes of a monster.

"Who are you really if you are not my boyfriend?" Olivia said this trying to understand why she still loved him. Maybe it was because she was desperate or maybe she might actually have some hope that he actually loves her also. "I am him but I am also this monster you see now." He declared in a triumphant manner. His eyes had a fire in them and as he leaned closer to her he radiated heat from his body. "Olivia I can see the conflict in your eyes about me but you do have a choice here either stay by my side and allow me to do this or I can do it anyway and kill you in nine months." He spoke grabbing the waistband of her shorts. This caused her to tingle a little but she was still in fear. In her mind she was still thinking but why it was an easy choice. Moloch untied the gag and made eye contact before speaking "Make your choice Olivia."

"Do you love me?" She asked him her eyes welling up with tears. He looked at her confused by her question "Yes I do but I have to fulfill this part of my story with or without you." She smiled and let the tears run down her face "Then untie my hands dummy." He leaned over her and untied her hands and her feet. She embarrassed him with all her might as fire began to rise around them. She doesn't remember how long they had been at it but that it was the best love she ever could have imagined having.

A few weeks later she came to him and told him she was pregnant. "Moloch I am with child." She smiled at him. He gave her a hug and smiled. "You know I am not a demon but I am a fallen angel. My real name is also lucifer or you might know me as the devil." He said thinking she might change her mind and run away. "I figured that out when we made this baby." She nudged his shoulder and gave a small frown. " I assume you have been with many women and you probably have to go back to hell?" She asked him trying to be slightly hushed about it. "Yes I will have to return to hell every so often but I will check on you when I am there but lay with you when I am here and no you are the first I have been with." He said putting his arm around her.

That is where Sarah's mom ended her story. "The Halloween of the next year you had been born." Her mom used a napkin to get rid of tears in her eyes. "So you have kept this from me for so long why?" Sarah asked with her own tears going down her face. "Because he told me I had to wait till he gave the sign." Olivia took a deep breath trying to not cry anymore. With this new information, the fact that her mom has always looked the same for as long as she could remember makes sense. "I am upset you kept it from me this long but thank you for telling me mom." Sarah said hugging her mom close to her. Soon another person hugged both of them but this one was warm to the touch kind of like a fire lived within their person. A whisper came to her in a soft caring voice. "Hello, my dear Sarah."