Enter The King

The voice sent a shiver down Sarah's spine. She never knew her father so this was frightening to her. The voice that was in her dream is now in her physical world. She turned her head to see a man with the most handsome face she has ever seen. He was fit and well kept. He stood up and when he stood he had to have been about six foot five. "Sorry I have been gone so long." He said with more truth in his eyes than Sarah had ever seen. "I know Moloch you had a civil war to put to rest." Olivia said while throwing herself into his arms. To Sarah, he was still a stranger that didn't need special attention.

Sarah slowly left the room and went downstairs to the kitchen. "Who is this guy to walk in here and try to take part like nothing ever happened." Sarah said to herself as she began to dig in the cabinets. As Moloch entered the kitchen the temperature dropped to the point where Sarah could see her breath. "I know it is Mr.Moloch." Sarah said in a soft voice. "Sarah I know you don't trust me but I am here to stay." He said while putting a hand on her shoulder. At that moment Sarah's eyes turned black and she spun around pushing him back. "You really are my daughter." He said will a big smile on his face. He pulled her into a hug. "I love you so much Sarah." He said with tears coming down his face. His tears felt like the summer rain in Florida.

His embrace felt like a true father's love but still felt distant to her. He hasn't been here but I guess I should be glad he is here now. All we need to do is get to know each other. He took a step back and gave her a look up and down. "Tell me about yourself, do you have a boyfriend?" Moloch asked her smiling. "No dad I have my eyes on a girl." Sarah said blush forming on her cheeks. "Oh well tell me about her then." Moloch said pulling out a seat for Sarah and himself. Sarah went into a story about her crush that went on for about an hour. As she went through her story cans and candy wrappers piled up on the table. Sarah managed to hold her father's attention for what seemed like days but it was only a few hours.

"Well, I am so glad you could provide me with all the information about yourself." Moloch said. Sarah nodded before head up to her room and coming back down with a sketchbook. "Can you explain to me how I can't stop seeing these images since I was introduced to a play at school?" Sarah asked handing him the book. He looked it over and scanned all of her notes and her drawings. "Well that play was meant to be in our hands and contact with it has awoken your powers." Moloch said handing her book back to her. She nodded and took the book back up to her room. As she came back down her mom and her father had been standing right at the bottom of the stairs. "Let's go out to eat as a family." Olivia stated as they began walking toward the door.

As they made their way to the resturant they made a stop at a house that was clearly old. They pulled into the drive and got out. They made their way around the house to find a group of hooded people that bowed down as the family came out from around the house. They chanted and only stopped when her father Moloch raised his hand. "All hail the queen to be." The group chanted together twice in a row. Sarah's father guided her to a small Raised platform. They both stepped up and he cleared his throat. "This will be the one to take my place before my passing!" He announced to the group as they started to cheer and clap. She found people that loved her but it may not be because of her being her instead who she was supposed to be.

She stepped down and began to walk back to the car. She entered the vehicle and began to cry. She didn't know what the tears had been for only that they wouldn't be stopped. She didn't notice the figure standing in the rearview mirror not until it shoved the car. Without resistance the car rolled down the drive and into traffic. As Sarah jumped into the front to try to stop it two cars made contact with the sides causing it to pinwheel and flip.