Rise Of The Burning Queen

Sarah was in coma for one week when the temperature of the medical room began to rise. Sarah's body took on the form of her demon but it was different this time. The fire within her eyes became blue. When her eyes opened full her body shot out of the bed and flew through the window. Out of nowhere body's of demons began to fall as a blue wisp went through the air. Demon Sarah could be seen on top of a building when a loud ear piercing scream came from her. It was a scream of anger and pain. The ground began to shake as more demons began to rise from the ground. The only difference is these demons has glowing blue eyes.

Claira had a glow of hope in her eyes as her wife commanded an army. "We can win this Olivia!" Claira yelled happily. Olivia nodded weakly and could barely stay standing. "You need to go rest Olivia." Claira spoke worried about Olivia's health which seems to have gone down since the building was taken to save civilian survivors. The holy war has taken a toll on the earth itself. Many trees have burned and lakes have dried up. Blood covers the streets and fires burn buildings. Sarah hopped onto the back of the biggest demon and pointed at the ones that had been storming the city streets. She hopped off as they began to charge. As they ran it was like an earth quake. Theirs roars echoed like thunder.

The clash of their bodies sent a shock wave through the neighborhood shattering windows in house that still had some. The battle was a fierce one each side trying to put move the other. Claws drawing blood the color of tar as flesh was ripped. "Sarah are you feeling better?" Claira asked as Sarah re entered the building. Sarah locked eyes with her before giving Claira the biggest kiss since they got married. "I am better then okay." Sarah said with a big smile on her face. "Mom I have got some bad news." Sarah spoke with her head hanging down. "Your father was killed in the fight to bring a demon army up here." Olivia said lifting Sarah's head by the chin. "How did you know?" Sarah asked her mom. All she got as an answer was her mom smiling before she closed her eyes. Sarah tried to wake her back up but her mom was already gone. Sarah just brought forth tears the more she tried to wake her mom. Her cries of pain echoed through the empty halls of the building. Survivors coming out to comfort her began to cry with her.

She dried her eyes and stepped up onto a box. She cleared her throat to gather everyone. "I am Sarah Parish and I am the burning queen. I am the new ruler of hell!" She yelled to the top of her lungs. "And I will free the earth from the traitors of our realm!" She ended the announcement with a war cry. Soon a demon fell crushing the building next to their own. A dragon landed outside of the building. "Claira my love, take these people to a new building and get the angels to help you." She gave Claira a departing kiss before getting on the dragons back. With a snap of her fingers a flaming sword appeared out of thin air. "Charge!" Sarah yelled as sweat fell from her brow. To Claira it was all happening in slow motion and made her heart beat out of her chest. "I am so in love." Claira smiled as angels came to her side. "Let's get these people to safety shall we?" Claira turned around to Michael speaking to her. Claira nodded as people got out into golden chariots. Small demons charged the building only to find a legion of angels there to cut them apart.

Sarah was stone faced as flames flew at her. With a slash of her sword demons could be cut in two. Another dragon came from the smoke carrying a figure covered with a black cloak and a skull covering its real face. It pointed at her as a large demon hand attempted to close around her. She blasted the fingers away with a fireball and charged it with her sword. It fell before her after three attacks. By the time she turned around the figure and it's dragon was gone.