Part 7

Taehyung waked up. He felt the pain all over his body. Taehyung slowly opened his eyes. Then he saw jungkooks wide chest. He blushed and closed his eyes for a while. And again he opened up and he scrolled his hands from up to down of jungkooks chest...his sexy abs and...he couldn't do anything more than that. His strong alphas hand holds in his hand. "what are you doing pup? Like what you see? Mm?" taehyung blushed more than before. Again jungkook started to talk. "if you continued scrolling sure you cant walk the whole day" taehyung hits him playfully. " can you tell me who is bogum to you?" when jungkook asked taehyung like that at first he was afraid. But told the truth. " he...he is my...first boyfriend" taehyung hardly told him.

Jungkook stood up the top of taehyung which made taehyung much more scared than now. " oh that was the reason why he knew that you was in heat... Do you still love him?" when jungkook asked that question made taehyung laugh a little bit. But be did not show it to him. Cox that will be like throwing woods to a fire that is already heated. " i dont. Why should i love him? " jungkook was relieved when he said that he doesn't love him. He learned closer to taehyung. The gap between them was getting small and smaller. When two lips connected eachother. It was a slow lovely kiss. "lets go" jungkook told his mate.

After having a birth they went to out and first thing they heard was yeonjun's shout. "HEY! TAEHYUNG! WHAT DID YOU DO LAST NIGHT?! WASN'T YOU ON YOUR HEAT...?!" Yeonjun shouted at taehyung and that made jungkook laugh a little. " umm... Yah i was...on my heat. But jungkook helped me with it was fine" taehyung shyly told the truth to his brother.

Taehyung pov

When me and others were talking i saw a man outside of the pack. It was the front door of the pack. He look like just like my dad.

Taehyung "What the hell is happening?! That man look like just like my dad... But im sure he died that night... Its im possible that my dad is alive... Or.... HE IS NOT DEAD?! "

V "yah right! He just look like Seo Jun young! But tae are you that stupid! How can he be alive?!"

Jungkook pov

When we were talking i saw taehyung looking the front door of the pack house. He seems like thinking about something really serious. So i decided to ask him." hey tae... Is everything ok? " when i asked him he told he nothing and said" nothing.... But i need to go with jennie and yeonjun to discuss about something... We will come tomorrow after school... Ok? "

After school? Okey there is something serious happening right now... Ugh i wish i could marked him last night. So  i would know what he is thinking about.... But its ok. He is definitely going to tell me whats happening. Relax jeon jungkook i talked to myself and said him to do what ever he wish to do.

Third person pov

Taehyung went near jennie with yeonjun. "guys lets go. We need to talk about something realllllly serious. Tell  others that we will come here tomorrow after school. Because i dont think its a good idea to stay here" "what do you mean by that? We are wi---" "no questions just come with me. You are not the only mate. Im here withbmy mate too. And i know that we are safe here too. But... I dont want our mates to be involved with this discussion right now. Because its about our pack. Not our mates pack. Ok?... Lets go. "taehyung didn't let yeonjun to finish his talk. yeonjun and jennie agreed to it and the three of them went to there pack house.

When they came into there pack house taehyung couldn't believe his own eyes. Teahyung father Seo Jun young was right in front of him. " how?... When?... Why?..." teahyung didn't know what to ask first. Because he thought his dad... No their dad was dead.

Seo jun smiled. " oh my god. Yeonjun.... I heard that you is a good alpha to our pack" seo jun came near 3 of them. Teahyung was still in shock. "our pack? What do you mean by our pack?" Yeonjun asked curiously. And that made seo jun laugh. " tea...tea. Your not dreaming. Im hear with you. You didn't tell them who im? Can you now tell them who im." seo jun looked at teahyung. And finally he came to his sense." yeon... And jen. This is your father. No our father." Yeonjun apologized him. "oh no. Im sor...sorry alph... No im sorry father." Yeonjun was scared. "oh kid don't apologize. Its ok. And im ok too..." seo jun smiled. " dad... How did you this happened. I mean how did you came here alive? That night i saw you killing Black Fur Pack alpha. And... then you was attacked by them. I thought you was dead.... Why didn't you te... tell me that you wasn... wasn't dead. WHY?!" teahyung was crying. He shouted to his dad.

" teahyung. Stop crying. And listen to me"


4 years ago

Seo jun was fighting with the alpha of Black Fur Pack. Finally he got the victory. But Black Fur Pack members came to seo jun and attacked him. The last word he heard was teahyung scream. And they went back to fight. After 30 mins seo jun saw Black Fur Pack alpha kid and some other members coming. So seo jun pulled the body next him put above him. "hey guys i dont think he is here. Lets go" seo jun heard a small voice. But he doesn't see or know who's voice was that. The only thing that he knew was that it is a familiar voice.

When everyone was gone seo jun went to a river and cleaned him self. And seo saw someone who was looking at him. " oh hi alpha. Im Kim Seok jin. I will help you. Can you come with me?" jin politely asked seo jun. "yes. And thank you. Can i ask you a question. No its a request. Can i stay in your pack. Im the alpha of Moon Stone pack"

Flashback end

"and i stayed their. Im sure teahyung, yeonjun and jennie know know him. But dont blame him. I told him not to tell you that i was there....and i have a question. Why are you always with alpha jungkook?" seo jun asked. " he... he is my mate" teahyung blushed. "WHAT?! HE IS YOUR WHAT?!" Seo jun shouted at teahyung. "he is my mate" teahyung repeated what he told to his dad. "oh god are you serious... And Yeonjun... haven't you found a luna for this pack?" seo jun asked him which made everyone laugh. "n... no. I found my mate. He is soobin" Yeonjun told him. " what?! Soobin as in jeon jungkook little brother soobin?" seo jun asked him. "yes father" Yeonjun said. "and dont tell me your mate is there sister lisa." seo jun told to jennie which made teahyung laugh. " no way. Are you guys serious. Moongoddess did the best. My kids are getting old" seo jun cried. But it was a fake.

" Alpha. That was me. The little voice that you heard was my voice. You killed my dad. But i hate him too. So i saved you from my pack. But that pack is gone. I came here and joined this pack. Im sorry tea, yeon and jen for not telling the truth. I know one day you will come to them. Thats why i didn't tell you guy the truth. Im sorry" that made everyone speechless.

guys im really sorry for late update. And this is the end of the part. I want to knw how you feel about my story. And if you like the story please let me knw. I want support to continue writing story 🙏😌