Part 8

Third person pov

" Alpha. That was me. The little voice that you heard was my voice. You killed my dad. But i hate him too. So i saved you from my pack. But that pack is gone. I came here and joined this pack. Im sorry tea, yeon and jen for not telling the truth. I know one day you will come to them. Thats why i didn't tell you guy the truth. Im sorry" that made everyone speechless.

"Chanyeol.... Chan... Dont apologize us. Please. Its not a fault. You did the right choice. Its ok" teahyung told him. Chanyeol smiled. "tea is right. You dont have to apologize"

~time skip~

Everyone was getting ready to gi school. But teahyung was still sleeping. " HEY. YOU LAZY OMEGA. GET UP NOW. BECAUSE OF YOU WE ALL ARE GOING TO BE LATE." Teahyung opened his eyes because of jennie's shoutings. Only 20mins was left. He got up like a rabbit popping up from there whole.

~again time skip. Im too lazy to right 😊😉~

Everyone one was in school. Today was Chanyeol's birthday." hey chan. Umm... today is your birthday right. Are exited to find your mate?" teahyung asked Chanyeol. "ye...yes. But what if he hates me?... Or what if he is someone that i know... Or what if""hey! Chan relax bro. Everything is going to be alright. Ok..." teahyung didn't let Chanyeol to finish his sentence. But teahyung saw the changes that came to Chanyeols face. And Chanyeol was looking to one direction. Teahyung looked where Chanyeol was starting." hell no. Chan.... Chan dont tell me he is your mate. Please" teahyung couldn't believe his own eyes too. Either Chanyeol couldn't. Chanyeol rubbed his eyes to clear whether he is seeing correctly or not. Even he did that nothing changed.

"oh darling. Don't rub your beautiful eyes that hard. Your eyes might be gone" he told to Chanyeol.

"Hey! baekhyun! What the fuck are doing here... And what happened to you two? Did he do something to you two...?" yoongi asked them. But still teahyung and Chanyeol was still the starting at baekhyun with a wtf face.

Finally teahyung came to his sense. "yoongi hyung. Jimini. Th... this bea... beakhyun is.." teahyung couldn't finish his sentence. He was again stopped. "this beakhyun is my mate" Chanyeol told to them. "YOUR WHAT?!. THE FUCK NO... ITS IMPOSSIBLE... NO. NOOO" jimin did not believe to them. Jimin took Chanyeol hand and tried to walk away. But beakhyun blocked. " jimin... Please dont take my mate from me. And i have something to tell you all. C...can i talk to you all. Including you t...tea...teahyung" beakhyun had difficulty to complete his sentence. No one couldn't believe what they heard. Because beakhyun behavior was changed a lot.

" what do you want to tell. You can tell now. Now everyone is here" everyone looked the deep voice that belongs to no one other than jungkook. And yes jin, namjoon, hoseok and seulgi was there too.

"Umm... Wha....what i wanted to s...say w...was i want to apologize to you all what i did to you all. Specially you teahyung. Im sorry....and Chanyeol is my mate. Please let me be with him...and chan please...please dont reject me" beakhyun looked down. He was sad when he remembered what he did to them. And he was scared of him mate.

"its ok beakhyun. I for... No we forgive you.." teahyung told to him which made beakhyun shock. Not only beakhyun. Everyone too. " be....beakhyun. Im not going to reject you. I, Chanyeol accept beakhyun as my mate" Chanyeol told to beakhyun. He started crying from the happiness. And hugged Chanyeol. "i.... I love you chan..." beakhyun was about to kiss Chanyeol. But namjoon interrupted "hey. Hey. Dont make your love life here. We are still here. And you guys are in school too" that made everyone laugh.

~time skip😬~

Teahyung, yeonjun, jennie and chanyeol went to there pack house. After getting changed went to Black haw Pack.

When everyone entered the pack house the whole pack house was full of jungkooks scent. Everyone looked at teahyung when he came inside the pack

"Umm...tea. Jungkook is in his rut. Can you go to him befor some other omega going inside his room...and please use protection" beakhyun came and told him. When teahyung heard the last part he started to blush like a red tomato. Teahyung rolled his eyes and went to his room.

This is the end of the part. I want to knw how you feel about my story. And if you like the story please let me knw. I want support to continue writing story 🙏😌

And next part will include smut💦