Chapter 3

Celest watched in horrid fascination as the people who had all seemed like decent reasonable people when she was led around for her tour, tore through each other in panic to escape from a situation which was not even that urgent. Sure, they needed to leave but doing it at normal pace would have been fine.

The ringing in her ears was starting to fade out a bit and she could hear them screaming in panic. She watched as one of the bigger guys smashed his way through a middle-aged woman punching her so hard, she did not get up. He reached the elevator and started to pull desperately at the doors of the shaft forcing them open. She knew something was more than just wrong a moment later when the man leapt down the open elevator shaft followed by all of the other conscious people left. Like lemmings the hurled themselves to their deaths down the pitch-black shaft.

Celest made for the stairs then doing her best to ignore everything that had just happened. She quickly found the closed fire door next to the elevator lobby and rushed down the dark stairwell using just her hands on the rails to guide herself down. It never even crossed her mind that there was a heap of possibly living people left on the floor unconscious who would now never wake again.


Across the city as the Flux wave was about to hit a young teenaged boy was racing for his life from three of his school's worst bullies. He was grinning from ear to ear though and there was no trace of fear in his eyes as he ran easily.

"I'm going to kill you this time Maggot" yelled the leader of the trio as he lowered his head and pumped his arms in an effort to catch the laughing form ahead.

"Only if you can catch me you pansy assed granny fucker." Yelled the boy being chased laughing as he turned the corner to the dead-end alley he knew well.

Running towards the secret escape he had planned out well ahead of the humiliating trick he had played where he had set the lead bully up to believe that the girl he liked, was going to meet him behind the gym to make out. Instead, the only thing waiting was Lucus and a specially designed stink bomb which he had managed to splatter all over the giant douche Gerald Horner, as he rounded the corner.

Gerry had immediately taken off after the running Lucus, which was all part of the plan. Running to the area where he knew Gerry's crush was making out with another boy Lucus had had the pleasure of watching Gerry stumble to a halt in front of the girl before the smell hit all of them and the girl who he had been pining after for all the time Lucus knew him had fallen to the ground vomiting her guts out at the smell all while Gerry was decked by the older high school student who she was making out with. It went perfectly and the revenge he had planned out for the last two months for the time Gerry had pantsed Lucus in front of Becca had finally been complete.

Now three days later Gerry was still doing his best to catch up with him. Lucus slipped beneath the board he had loosened previously then getting up quickly he waited for Gerry to try to follow him through the gap and when his head was all the way through, he dumped the disgusting mix of dog shit cat piss and dead rotting mice over his face before he could realize that the hole was too small for him to fit through.

As he ran off once more laughing at the sounds of disgust and vomiting behind him the first Flux wave struck.