Chapter 4

Lucus did not notice much as he continued jogging down the alley away from the loud shouts of terrible vengeance that were being issued behind him.

He did not own a PD or even an old fashion phone, so the absence of power was something he was slow to see. It was only when Air Cars started raining down into the distant streets that he knew something was wrong. The loud crashes and occasional booms from explosions were nothing like the ones he experienced in the movies he loved to watch.

He ran out from the alley into the Junction which had seen better days. The meeting of three AirTrain stations and an Air bus terminal was covered in graffiti and was generally considered to be one of the most dangerous parts of the city. For those who lived in the area though it was just home. Lucus Sprinted the rest of the way towards his uncle's apartment. The neighbor old man Sam was passed out drunk again on the steps and Lucus raced around him paying no attention.

If he had taken the time, he might have noticed that Old man Sam's eyes were open and that he was no longer breathing. A thick black liquid slowly dripping from his mouth.

Bursting into apartment building he was shocked by the sudden darkness in the corridor which had up until this moment never been anything but bright with the cold light of the tube lights overhead. The elevator did not respond and Lucus realized the power was out completely for the whole building. He stopped to listen hoping to hear the basement generators working the old diesel engines were so loud and out of shape that you could hear the distant sound of them from the lobby during a normal power out.

There was nothing though but at that moment the entrance door behind him opened and he looked back to see the silhouette of Old man Sam stumbling through the thick metal door. He was unmistakable with the spindly legs and so perfectly round middle which always made Lucus smile when he saw him walking around. There was nothing funny about the feeling Lucus had right now though. A cold Chill was creeping along his spine at the predatory way the old man was moving. Something was wrong with it. The door closed behind him and the corridor was once again plunged into darkness.

Lucus's heart was racing and his breaths were loud to his ears as he tried to listen for the movement of Old man Sam.

"Sam, It's Lucus are you there... Can you open the door the lights are out... seems like the power had shut off and the generators haven't kicked in yet?" Lucus asked the darkness his voice uncertain and filled with fear as he did his best to try to stay calm.

"Roooaarrrr" The huge vicious animal sound followed by the rapid sound of steps approaching was all the answer he got before he was launched flying by the racing form of Old man Sam sprinting down the corridor. He spun like a top in the darkness before slamming against a wall. Somehow, he managed to keep from crying out at the pain of his head slamming into the wall then the floor.

The Impact sounds were enough for Old man Sam though as he started towards Lucus once more. Hearing him coming Lucus desperately pushed himself away from the wall and somehow found his feet before running away as fast as his legs would carry him towards the faint light from around the rim of the entrance door.

Slamming himself into the door shoving it open with all his adrenaline-fueled strength Lucus held tight to the door hoping to turn and slam it closed on the Horrid old man behind him. He was too slow though as the monster that used to be Old man Sam slammed through the door after him before stumbling and falling in a tumble down the front stairs.