Chapter Six


Alas... Unfortunately.

Anna pushed me and now I am somehow in the lap of him. Cue to be embarrassed. I was not exactly sitting in his lap but straddling him. The burning sensation reaches to my cheeks and ears. I never straddle on someone, not even on my previous dates and definitely not on a stranger. So, I avoid his eyes.

As I am going to put my feet down to stand, his hands grips my waist keeping me there. I gasp and look into his eyes. His eyes were grey with a mixture of silver flecks in them. They were like the silver in the clouds that could attract anyone. His eyes were perfectly made, like a gift from the god. I swim into those grey orbs and can feel the intensity of them surging through me. I feel myself staring and tried to look away. Point to be noted, I tried. But his eyes were mesmerizing and the intensity of them were burning a hole in me. I always had a special liking for eyes. I can't help myself but to admire someone's eyes, because they tell every emotions.

I gasp. I am brought back from my stance. Then, I realised, I'm not the only one to hold the stare.

As soon as I gasp, he breaks the staring contest. His eyes flick between my eyes and lips as if he is imagining so much in his mind. Everything around us seems to fade as if the camera of a photoshoot is solely focused on us, from my point of view. And of course, we forget, I mean, I forget !y one and only best friend, Anna, who is still half drunk.

I am officially in heaven. Suddenly.

The warm lips of his on mine is a feeling that can only be described as ecstasy. His lips are plump and gentle, yet full. He is dominating me through his lips, demanding to suck my lips, but i put up a good fight. He bites my bottom lip and urges me silently to give him access but I just kiss him on that gentle lips of his while he demands more. He is not pushing me to open myself but then his hands trail down to my ass. He squeezes my butt in a tantalizing way and I gasp.

He instantly pushes his tongue inside me and deepens the kiss. His tongue savours each corner of my mouth as if he has a sweet tooth and is addicted to sweets. It seems that addiction is me. His one hand is still on my ass while the other goes to my hair, so that their is no gap between us. My hands grip his dark brown hair and tuck it. He Brian's while I moan was we savour each other's mouth. His mouth does not reek of alcohol or any drink. But his mouth tastes of mint and honey. I would've never known the taste this good if I didn't kiss him. I kiss him, teasing him and tucking on the strands of his hair to grant me access again. Soon, we are fighting for a tasting battle. The battle in which who will get to savour the other first.

Heath backs out a little, breathing deeply and I now realise I am terribly out of oxygen too.

But the heat becomes more unimaginable as he starts attacking my neck and jaw. He kisses me there and trails down to my collarbone. He nibbles, teasing me, making me moan. I tuck in his hair to give him better accessibly. Again, for the second time, Heath backs out and stares at me with his intense eyes.

As if sensing my confusion at suddenly breaking this kiss, he speaks.

"This is getting out of hand. If you want, I can give them to you in somewhere private. You know, the orgasms." He smirks. mind has gone officially haywire. Who has a husky, deep, sexy voice? Definitely him. I am internally Fangirling on his voice, that I forget he was teasing me about orgasms and that he pushed me.

I shrugged, coming back to my senses. How can I give myeslf like that?! To a stranger?! I never lose control, so, why am I losing now?! OMG...

"Hey, if you are done checking me, what about the next task in hand?" His deep, sexy voice spoke again.

I blink multiple times and realise I am still in his lap. My cheeks heat to an extreme level and I quickly get down from his lap. Then only, I realise, I kissed a complete stranger in a bar, straddled him in a room full of people and those people have been quite an audience to click our some photos. Note the sarcasm.

I again get seated beside Anna, and her whinings and giggles are getting annoying each second passing.

I look at Heath and catch him staring at me already. My cheeks are definitely hot flames now and the heat is bothering me. Isn't it winter now? Ugh!!! Why the heat?

I blinked twice and nod at him, silently urging him to help me carry Anna back to my car. He gets the message and comes to our area of seats.

I stand to put Anna's hand on my shoulder and Heath copies my actions. We half drag her to my Mercedes.

I get seated herself to the back of my car and turn to Heath.

"Hi, I am Callista Embrey. I am sorry, we didn't have any proper introduction. Amd I am really thankful for what you did now. Or else, I would have passed out." I chuckle nervously and he smirks. Let me point out something. I am not cool. I am bothered and nervous and didn't just say this words in a calm way to him.

He smirks," I am Heath 'O-Maker' James, as you have heard I guess. Ya, you are right, we didn't have a proper introduction because we were too busy, weren't we?", I blushed and looked at anywhere but him. He continues, "Oh! You are thankful, huh? I believe because of that wonderful kiss?" Oh. My. God. He didn't just say that. I so want to remove that smirk from his face.

"You! You are a egoistical jerk with too much arrogance. Did I increase your ego? If yes, I did'nt just boost your ego. Sure you're hot and whatever but you don't mess with-", my anger is cut off by certain someone's hot kiss.

He pushes me to my car and his oh-so-muscular-flexible-drool-worthy arms are beside my head each.

He leans down, his breath fanning my lips. He gazes down at my blue eyes with intensity and flick between my lips for once. He leans further and nibbles my earlobe. My breath hitches and I blush. He continues his assault on my earlobe. Then he wispers huskily:

You are welcome, beautiful. You are sexy when you are angry.

He again stares at my eyes and licks his bottom lips. I bite my lips in nervousness and the anger has gone down the drain!

What is more noticeable to me now, is the fact that liquid is pooling in my panties. I am already wet and the cold winter air is making it into nothing better.

I suddenly gasp. His fingers touch my core. He feels my wetness and smirks at me. He gulps and suddenly pushes his lower to mine.

Oh! He is already hard and my mind temporarily blanks. He looks at me, well, stares at me and waits for my nest move.

I climb into my Mercedes into the driver seat. I beckon him to make himself comfortable in the passenger seat. He.grins and seats himself.

I check on Anna to find her sleeping a soundless sleep. I chuckle and turn around to start the car.

But, I think, someone had different plans. Definitely.